Scriptures for Sunday:
Ephesians 2:1-10; Psalm 34:1-6; Matthew 20:1-16
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8:00 am Reflective Service - Holy Communion
The bulletin for this service can be found here: March 12 - 8:00 am bulletin
Coffee is available in the Kinloch Room after the 11:00 am service.
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9:00 am Contemporary Service - Holy Communion
The bulletin for this service can be found here: March 12 - 9:00 am bulletin
Coffee is available in the Kinloch Room after the 9:00 am service.
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An Update from the Rector and the Day of Healing Prayer: | |
PRAYER MINISTERS are available for personal prayer this Sunday during Communion and after the service at both the 9:00am and the 11:00 am services. The prayer ministers will be in the prayer pew in the north aisle (left corner of the church, near the altar) and south aisle (right corner of the church). | |
Giving: "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving"
Join us as faithful and generous stewards in your giving tithes of 10% as the normal
Biblical standard of Christian giving. Your giving allows for more lives to be
reached with the Good News of what God has done in Jesus and is truly a reflection of
your loving heart. Even if all we have is a little, the Lord desires us to be joyfully
generous, so that He will have for His church an abundance for every good work.
Hear your call to tithe and let your love shine!
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We need more volunteers!
If you would be interested in serving as a greeter, an usher, a reader, or an acolyte, click here to sign up.
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We have Assisted Listening Capability!
We recently installed Listen Everywhere Cloud Service. It is easy. Just borrow one of our listening devices with earphones or download the app on your own cellphone to use your personal earphones/earbuds (Bluetooth and Telecoil Compatible with Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants). To get started, just tell any usher that you would like to use our Listening Capability and they will begin getting you connected - We want you to hear The Word!
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Bill Hyer - lecture bassed in The Kinloch Room (1st floor, Belser Bldg)
Click here for the his Sunday School handout.
Click here for the Zoom Link (Meeting ID: 820 3090 2541 and Passcode: 123456)
Adults with Laura Gruber & Hal Frampton – parent-focused in Room 207 (2nd floor, Belser Bldg)
Tim Surratt - discussion based in The Choir Room (3rd floor, Belser Bldg)
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Children's Sunday School @ 10:00 am
K-1st grade – Gospel Corner (first floor Belser Building)
2nd-3rd grade – Room 203
4th-5th grade – Room 204
6th-12th grade – Room 201
Volunteer for Children's Sunday School!
Contact dee@stmichaelschurch.net if you have any additional questions! Or sign up here: NEW Sunday School Sign Up
Available for ages 6 weeks to 4 years from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm.
Children's Church
Before the sermon at the 11:00 am service this week, children aged K - 5th grade will follow the cross to the Kinloch Room. They will return at the passing of the peace.
Not getting our weekly family newsletter? Click here to subscribe!
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Youth Sunday School - 10:00 am in Room 201
Ages 6th - 12th grades with Taylor Daniel.
Youth Group - 7:00 pm in Room 201
Contact The Rev. Taylor Daniel for the details by emailing taylor@stmichaelschurch.net or texting "Youth" to 843-258-4445
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Day of Healing Prayer
March 18, 2023
"The Lord's healing from shame"
Learn more about our speaker, The Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams, The Rev. Sean Norris, the schedule for the day, and how to register by clicking here.
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2023 Community Lenten Series
March 1 – March 29
This year the Community Lenten Series will be on Exploring the Symbols of Lent: Ashes ~ Stones ~ Nails ~ Cross ~ Donkey. Each Wednesday service begins at 12:00 noon, and will be immediately followed by a light lunch in the parish hall of the host church.
Participating clergy and churches are:
Community Lenten Series Schedule
March 15 - Nails - Holy Trinity Reformed Episcopal Church with The Rev. Marshall Blalock
March 22 - Cross - St. John's Lutheran Church with The Rev. Anthony Thompson
March 29 - Donkey - First Baptist Church with The Rev. Al Zadig, Jr.
Click here for more information about everything happening during Lent and Holy Week!
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Students Spring Retreat
March 31-April 2
Garden City Chapel, Murrell's Inlet.
Deadline to sign-up: March 17
Enter Holy Week with students from all over South Carolina! All middle and high
schoolers are invited to the 2023 ADOSC Students, come enjoy a weekend away with your friends for incredible activities, engaging Bible teaching, and transformative worship.
Bring friends and don’t miss this space away to be known and loved and to grow
together in Christ!
Click here to register!
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Diocesan Men’s Hike
Join the men of the Diocese for the Men's Hike on May 18th – 21st.
Click here to register.
Register by March 31st!
This hike will be a King’s Hike format with camp being a short distance from the parking lot and day hikes in the area with daypacks. Suggested donation is $50 per person.
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Easter Flowers
Make your Easter Flower Offerings by Monday, March 27. Donations can be given in memory of, or in thanksgiving for, a loved one(s). Please print legibly so we do not misspell a name. You can drop your donation and list of loved ones in the offering plate, at the office, or mail it to 71 Broad St, 29401. All checks should be made out to St. Michael’s Church, with Easter Flowers on the memo line. If you give online, please send the list of names separately to the office. Do not put names in the memo line on the online donation form. Click here for the form.
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Holy Week at St. Michael's Church:
Palm Sunday - Holy Communion at 8:00am in The Church, Holy Communion and Donkey Procession at 9:00am & 11:00am in The Church
Maundy Thursday - Stripping of the Altar at 5:30pm in The Church
Good Friday - Stations of the Cross at 12:00pm at Whitepoint Gardens, Good Friday Liturgies at 3:00pm & 7:00pm in The Church
Easter Sunday - Sunrise Service at 6:30am at The Battery, Holy Communion at 8:00am, 9:00am, & 11:00am in The Church, Easter Egg Hunt at 10:00am in The Churchyard
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Now Hiring Nursery Workers
Do you know someone who loves the Lord and has a passion for caring for children? We would love to have them join our team of nursery workers who care for children between the ages of 6 week and four years old.
Please contact Dee Goehring for more info or to apply by emailing dee@stmichaelschurch.net
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Vestry Nominations
Click here to download a nomination form.
The nomination process for ministry on the St. Michaels’s vestry has now begun! It is also an invitation to you, as parishioners, to be the spirit led drivers of that process and it is our prayer that in responding you will not simply regard this as an opportunity but also an obligation, all for the spiritual health of our beloved St. Michael’s!
Here are some base-line essentials we would like you to be aware of. We are replacing three outstanding vestry members: Reeves Howard, Susannah Hubbell, and Eileen Williams. According to St. Michael’s
bylaws, members of the church are eligible to be elected to the vestry if they are at least eighteen years old and regularly give a portion of their income to St. Michael’s in a sincere effort to tithe. Other considerations you may find helpful to consider are:
- Spiritual gifts
- Leadership gifts
- Involvement in St. Michael’s task forces or other missional ministries
- Specific gifts and skill sets that will help advance the mission of St. Michael’s
Nomination cards will be available in the narthex at all services. The nominating committee, which will receive the names you provide, comprises the senior and junior wardens and the three out-going vestry members.
Completed nomination cards may be placed in the collection basket at church or mailed to:
Vestry Nominating Committee
St. Michael’s Anglican Church
71 Broad Street
Charleston, SC 29401
Again, please regard this not simply as a passive request but as an exhortation and an opportunity to shape the leadership of your vestry.
Click here to download a nomination form.
The deadline for submitting nominations is March 31st.
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Sunday Parking Options
1. Street parking is free on Sunday.
2. Park at 85 Queen Street Garage (the one by the County Courthouse). Show your bulletin to an employee in the first floor office by 1 pm to get free parking.
3. Park at 91 Queen Street Garage. Use this
barcode for 3 hours free parking on Sundays.
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St. Michael's During the Week
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Midday Prayer
St. Michael's Church is continuing to have Midday Prayer at 12:00 pm, Monday through Friday on ZOOM. Join in from your computer at: Midday Prayer Direct Link
and then click on "Open Zoom Meetings."
You can even join through your smartphone. Just download the Zoom Cloud Meetings app and select, Join Meeting, then enter the Meeting ID: 873 9590 3215.
Password: 111111
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The Monday Men's Lunch Bible Study
This study is facilitated by Joe Nicholson, meets at St. Michael's in The Connection (next to the reception area) from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. They are currently studying the books of Daniel & Revelation. Referencing the book Until the End of Time, by Jack Hayford. Hugh Wilson will lead, and also has copies of the book.
Bring your own lunch, if desired.
For more info, contact Joe Nicholson, joe@nicholsonwmg.com
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7:30 am K-2, A Pipeline for Leadership
Al Zadig is leading this pilot course on how to raise up the next generation for leadership in the church. Tuesdays, Sep 6 – June 27 at 7:30 am in The Chapel
9:30 am Women's Bible Study
A women's group that meets in Room 204 in the Belser Building, facilitated by Mary Ables, doing a study of The Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan. For more info: mables7373@gmail.com
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Super Wednesday
7:30 am - Men's Group
The Chapel
5:00 - 6:00 pm - Women's Study with Kim Incampo
Room 204
6:00 pm - Super Wednesday Supper
The Kinloch Room
6:30 pm - Matthew Study
The Kinloch Room
6:30 pm - Prayer Class
The Chapel
6:30 pm - Choir Practice
The Choir Room
6:30 pm - Confirmation Class
Room 201
Noah's Nursery
Nursery is available for children aged 6 week to 4 years, from 5:00 - 8:30 pm
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Mission in March
March 14: "Cocktails for a Cause" the The Formation Project Annual Fundraiser
Mar 25: Walk for Water with Water Mission - great for the whole family!
March 25: Oyster Roast & Silent Auction an FCA fundraiser
March 26 & 27: Family FoodShare
March 31: Lowcountry Pregnancy Center Banquet
Click here to learn more!
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You made a difference!
Our total for St. Michael's shoeboxes packed for Operation Christmas Child was 351 boxes. What a blessing!
We're starting something new--a monthly focus on items to pack shoe boxes for next year. We will have a packing party in November where we will use all the items collected throughout the year!
This month's items are Personal Care Iteams such as toothbrushes, wash clothes, combs, and hairbushes. You can drop off your donation in the basket on the welcome table in the loggia
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How can I help? How can I make a difference? | |
Do you know someone who needs...
An uplifting note
A meal
An encouraging phone call
Financial assistance?
If so, please let David Richardson and
the Congregational Care task force know.
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Please don't forget to send in your mission interest and offering cards!
Want to volunteer?
Want to financially support our mission partners?
Thank you!
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On-Call Receptionist
Saint Michael’s vision is to transform hearts through Jesus Christ. Consistent with our vision is our priority to successfully communicate with church members and visitors.
The church receptionist serves in direct support of the Director of Communications for this purpose to include:
- the answering, screening and forwarding phone calls
- greeting church members and visitors entering the church office building
- sorting and distributing correspondence to the church staff.
This is an “on-call” part time position with possible work hours Monday through Thursday from 8:30am to 4:30pm and Fridays from 8:30 to 12:30.
Please send your resume to publications@stmichaelschurch.net or contact Trish McGuinn, Director of Communications at trish@stmichaelschurch.net or 843-723-0603 for more information.
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We don't want to lose track of you!
If you move, get a new phone number or email address,
PLEASE send your new contact information to the office.
We don't want you to miss out on anything!
Phone: 843-723-0603
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Please continue your tithes and offerings.
We have four ways to give:
- Mail a check to the church at 71 Broad Street, Charleston, SC 29401
Go on our website and give electronically (click on Giving tab)
- Text stm to 73256 (this would be the phone number)
- Drop it in the collection basket in church
It's that simple!
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Website Tips!
We have a new website that is much easier to use. We will be putting a tip each week to help you find everything you need to know!
This week: Do you want to read the sermon from previous Sundays? Click on Sermons at the top of the page. You will see our current series title, with the sermons given in that series listed below in reverse order. Click Downloads to the right of the sermon you want, and download a written copy of the sermon. You can also click one of the boxes next to Filter by, to filter by series, date, scripture, or preacher!
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The St. Michael's Church Simple Legacy Planned Giving Initiative | |
The St. Michael’s Church Simple Legacy Planned Giving Initiative provides your church with long term stability. Your ministry in fulfilling the faith: Make legacy giving your ministry to seed the future for those who will follow. Every member of St. Michael's Church is encouraged to give by bequest your gift as an acknowledgment of giving being a significant part of spiritual life and in hope that their gift will impact the giving of future generations. For more information, call the church office at 843-723-0603. | | | | |