Connecting people with ideas (no matter what)
Human Ties
Connecting across physical distance
Best wishes for a safe and healthy 2021.
Special program note:

Please join us this Friday, January 8 at 5 pm for our next Humanities to Go Online presentation, “The Civic Reckoning That Was 2020 (and What it Means for Teaching and Learning Civics).” Get ready for this interactive online program on the civic principles at the center of 2020’s meltdown. Dianna Gahlsdorf Terrell, Ph.D. (Saint Anselm College) will lead this talk on core democratic principles, how they are — and can be — taught in New Hampshire’s classrooms, and what civic knowledge must be most durable to withstand our democracy’s more challenging times.
Read featured poems by George Moses Horton, Gwendolyn Brooks, Nikki Giovanni, and Jericho Brown, and get ready to discuss the theme of “Love, Love, Love” on January 21 at 5 pm for the final program in the Black Heritage Trail’s seriesThe Black Matter is Life: Poetry for Engagement and Overcoming.”
The Merrimack: River at Risk looks at one of the country's most threatened watersheds and the history of the New England towns and cities that have relied on it. Watch this special one-hour documentary produced by the Forest Society from NH PBS.
Listen to musician and folklorist Jeff Warner perform in a virtual Humanities to Go presentation hosted by the Howe Library in Hanover this Sunday at 7 pm. He will explore traditional New England songs in his program “Banjos, Ballads, and Bones.” This is a special opportunity to experience a wonderful performance from the comfort of your own home!

Congratulations to our most recent Community Project Grant recipients! This winter and spring, the Enfield Shaker Museum will host a months-long series, “The Weather is Good, Bad, or Indifferent” that asks how people have understood “the weather” from the eighteenth century to the present; The Black Heritage Trail of NH will launch its next season of Tea Talks, now virtual, that will examine how Black people have navigated predominantly white spaces and institutions; and Pati Hernández, in collaboration with Dartmouth College, will lead “Telling My Story and the Humanities,” a four-week interdisciplinary workshop in which participants learn how to listen to others and craft their own personal narratives. In August, the John Hay Estate at the Fells will host a day-long workshop, “Archeology and the Fells” exploring the history and practice of archeology.
Whatever 2021 brings, we will be ready!

New Hampshire Humanities will continue to offer opportunities for meaningful human connection, no matter what.
We welcome all individuals, united by curiosity, who will listen respectfully, share insights honestly, are open to learning, and humble enough to consider alternative points of view.
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