Human Ties
Connecting across physical distance

Epidemics & the Humanities

Special program note: Please join us this Friday at 4 pm when Dr. Michael William Wyatt (Dartmouth) will discuss one of the most remarkable first-hand accounts of the Black Death in his talk: “From Black Death to New World: Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron ”. This will be a live presentation via Zoom and it’s free! Register here. RSVP
Historian Dr. Keisha Blain (University of Pittsburg) describes the international significance of the career and legacy of Congressman John Lewis in an article for Time Magazine . Blain notes that “by linking national concerns to global ones, Lewis compelled others to see that the problems of racism and white supremacy were not contained within U.S. borders.”
Last chance to watch a video of the program “ Race, Disease, and Death in 1793 and 2019: A Shocking Parallel” . In this talk, Dr. Kabria Baumgartner asks what have we learned about racism, disease, and the civic health of our republic in the last 226 years or so?
Listen to this recent episode of the Portable Humanist podcast from our friends at Vermont Humanities . Ryan Kriger, author of  How to Make Friends as an Adult , describes the approach he used to develop a group of friends after moving to Montpelier from New York City.
ANTHONY POORE, Executive Director

This is H.E.R., (Gabriella Wilson) a Grammy award winning singer/songwriter performing two songs at this year’s Roots Family Picnic . She begins with the song “I can’t breathe” and concludes with “Fate”. Ms. Wilson rose to fame in 2009 on Radio Disney’s Next Big Thing and shortly thereafter, signed a deal with RCA Records at 14 years of age.  WATCH
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