Human Ties...
Staying connected across physical distance
Gwendolyn Quezaire-Presutti, one of four storytellers you'll see on Friday night's online presentation. (Photo by Deb Cram)
Presenting this week's
Friday Night "Humanities to Go Online"

These stories are too good not to share. That's why this Friday's online presentation features four brilliant storytellers and their remarkable tales from our recent Annual Dinner.
We've extracted four short stories for you to enjoy online this Friday night.
Watch on Facebook OR on our website at 6:30 pm this Friday, April 10!
April is national poetry month, and we’re celebrating with the New Hampshire Poet Laureate, Alexandria Peary . Read her blog and check out the call for New Hampshire poets to contribute to a “Poetry in the Time of COVID” anthology. Or sign up for a virtual writers’ group session!
Watch episodes of Our Hometown on NH PBS . This award-winning series is hosted by Humanities to Go presenter Rebecca Rule . Learn about New Hampshire’s communities and hear stories about the people who live there. Episodes on Conway, Colebrook, Littleton, Peterborough, Stratham, and Wolfeboro are available now.
Sign up for this free Local Listens Roundtable online event with New Hampshire Listens next Wednesday, April 15 th . In this training, you’ll learn new perspectives on social connections and community building in a time of social distancing. Click the "Listen" link below to register online to participate by phone or Zoom.
Executive Director

Allen Stone’s recent Tiny Desk Concert on NPR. I love his vocal abilities. I love his appreciation for humanity and how music creates community. I love that he is a bit dorky and totally appreciates that part of his character. Enjoy!
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In times of crisis, the humanities unite and ground us, and though our work has temporarily shifted, our mission has not. With your support we will continue to serve Granite Staters and support the state's many cultural institutions. We thank you for your gift of any amount!