Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services

Hello Tracey,

Here are this week's articles on topics STARRS tracks -- the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military and the vax issue pertaining to service members.

Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website.

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160 Retired Generals and Admirals Request Congress Remove Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Funding from DoD

As Flag officers who have fought for our Nation, the officers are sounding the alarm that DEI poses a serious danger to our military’s warrior ethos and is degrading warfighting readiness.

Letter led/written by STARRS Vice Chairman Maj. Gen. Joe Arbuckle, USA ret, Flag Officers For America

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Presentation to the USAF Academy Association of Graduates

STARRS Chairman LtGen Rod Bishop and President Col. Ron Scott warning about the dangers of Marxist-rooted Critical Race Theory/DEI ideology infecting the Academy.

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Driving CRT/DEI from the Military

Interview with STARRS VP for Education Col. Sam Thiessen, USA ret, USMA '73

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Next Joint Chiefs Chair Wants White Male Officers to be a Minority

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Pentagon IG Concludes Naval Academy Superintendent Made False Statements in Effort to End Career of Midshipman

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Military leaders must learn the right lessons from the Covid-19 vaccine mandate debacle

By Col. Paul Vicars, USAF

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Airmen Get New System for Tracking Religious Accommodations After Pandemic Fiasco

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An Appeal to Those Who Went Along: A Call for Courage Among U.S. Military Leaders

By Brad Miller, former Army officer

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The U.S. Military is in Trouble

By Col. Mackubin Owens, USMC ret

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Nellis AFB to hold drag show for all ages at base officers club

Thought SecDef said this wasn't happening?

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Chip Roy slams Air Force LGBTQ+ Pride Month celebration, says GOP should take drastic action against military

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Emasculation of the US military is the price it has paid for going ‘woke’

Note photo: airmen marching in a "Juneteenth" Celebration parade with Marxist BLM flag in front

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Navy Veteran Lawmakers Demand Answers from Navy Secretary on Drag Queen Influencer

"The continued embrace of woke ideologies in our Armed Services is unsustainable."

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Freedom Matters

By CDR Dale Lawson, USN ret

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Deploy AI to solve the military’s recruiting crisis

What could go wrong?

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2023 West Point Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Conference

We offer some suggested speakers

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3,000 Military Veterans Reject Pentagon’s ‘Left-Wing Social Agenda,’ Support Tuberville’s Fight

Calvary is coming

Heritage Foundation Launches Petition Supporting Sen. Tuberville Defunding New Military Abortion Benefits

STARRS Military Meritocracy Campaign

Woke Policies Have Consequences

“If we can't get rid of this DEI BS, none of us of color are ever going to know if we really earned the position we are promoted into.”

“I live in a town that is almost 25% veterans, myself included. I rarely run into or hear about any veterans recommending the military (even at the VFW) and there are tons of dependent and veteran's kids here.”

“All my younger brothers planned to join and carry on the family legacy, but now they're not. I'm only in because I joined before things went really downhill. Bunch of my childhood friends (conservatives) who served left during Covid. It's real.”

“As a USNA grad and former submarine officer, I do not want to see my children, or extended family members, joining the armed forces under this type of leadership.”

“As one who spent 26 years on active duty and retired, then worked for the DoD at two separate commands until late last year (14 years), the military is woke! The wokeness the military exemplifies impact on its readiness. Had to sit thru extremism training and then they tried to get me to take an oath. I said the only oath I would take it the oath of enlistment!”

“It's true. The woke agenda was a leading factor in my decision to retire after 22 years. I was seeing a new generation of Soldiers that I would not want in a foxhole with me.”

From: Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

STARRS works to reveal and eliminate the Marxist CRT/DEI agenda infiltrating and dividing the US military and its service academies.


We also work on behalf of servicemembers and cadets adversely affected by the DOD vaccine mandate. We played a significant role in ending the mandate. 

Please consider making a tax deductible donation to help support our mission. Thank you!

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“We are all blessed to have STARRS members fighting this battle exposing all of this tyranny. You are all true hero’s and we are all so thankful for your hard work and dedication to saving our military and country!"

E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

STARRS educates our fellow Americans on the dangers of Marxist racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military in order to eliminate these divisive influences and maintain a unified and cohesive fighting force. 

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