Cathedral Bulletin | July 12, 2023


  • The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (livestream links)
  • Annual Catholic Appeal Report--just $55,337 to go!
  • Summer Concert Series continues, Wednesday, July 19
  • Ice Cream Social for Senior Parishioners, July 21
  • Parish Picnic on the Feast of St. James, July 23: volunteers needed!
  • July is BIPOC Mental Health Month
  • Register now for Choir Camp, August 7-11
  • Hunthausen Charity Golf Tournament, Monday, August 28
  • Call for Auction donations
  • Auditions open for Cathedral Choir and Women's Schola
  • Other News and Notices
  • This Sunday's bulletin
  • Last Sunday's bulletin

The 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, July 15, 2023


5:30pm MASS

Sunday, July 16, 2023


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12:00pm MASS


4:00pm Vespers with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament


5:30pm MASS 

Annual Catholic Appeal: Weekly Report

Reminder notices go out this week.

If you haven't yet done so, please make your gift online now!

Summer Concert Series continues 7/19

Ice Cream Social for Seniors 7/20

Volunteers needed for Parish Picnic!

July is BIPOC Mental Health Month

Register now for Choir Camp 2023

Hunthausen Charity Golf Tournament 8/28

Registration is open! You can participate by sponsoring the tournament, joining us for golf or dinner, or donating an item for the silent auction.

Silent Auction donations needed!

Can you help with an item for the auction? Our annual Hunthausen Dinner and Auction benefiting the Cathedral Kitchen is coming up on Monday, August 28 (see brochure above). We are in need of many items for our raffle and silent auction. Our wish list includes…

  • Restaurant gift certificates to your favorite restaurant
  • Gift cards valued at $25 to $50 of any kind—Amazon, Starbucks, Safeway, Subway, iTunes, etc.
  • Vacation rentals make great auction items!
  • Bottles of wine for our wine roulette

If you have other ideas of items to donate, we would love to hear about them! All proceeds benefit the Cathedral Kitchen.

Information, Maria Laughlin, 206-382-4284

Sing with the Cathedral Choir!

News and Notices

CAMINO SEATTLE During the days leading up to the Feast of St. James, you are invited to take a spiritual, virtual pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela! Record the number of miles walked each day and collect a stamp each weekend in the Cathedral Bookstore. The goal is to walk sixty miles in preparation for the feast of our patron on July 23. ¡Buen camino!


WOMEN OF ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL Would you like to join with other parishioners to make new friends and build community as we share scripture and our faith journeys? We will gather in the Holy Names Room at the Pastoral Outreach Center for 6 Saturdays. The second session is Saturday, July 15, 3:00-4:30pm. Refreshments will be provided. Information or to register, Anisa Ralls, 206-382-4269 or


PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL is a strategic and pastoral planning effort taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle in the coming months. Most of our parish and mission churches will become part of a “parish family” under a single pastor. Each family will be served by one, two, or more priests. This past month a “Current Reality” video was released, which explains more about the changing realities for the Church in western Washington and how Partners in the Gospel will help us respond to the times. Visit to find out more, and please pray for the redoubled gifts of the Holy Spirit for our local church.


THE PUGET SOUND CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN PILGRIMS ON THE CAMINO invite Cathedral parishioners to join them on their annual walk in honor of the Feast of St. James. On Saturday, July 22 at 3:00pm, gather at the O’Dea Parking lot for a 4-mile walk, returning to the Cathedral in time for the 5:30pm Mass. After Mass, join in a potluck dinner at the Pastoral Outreach Center. RSVP is required at


ARCHDIOCESE MENTAL HEALTH MINISTRY WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS On the first Wednesday of each month, from 7-8pm, on Zoom, free presentations are offered on different mental health topics. The next session is Wednesday, August 2, when Cole Devlin and Gabriel Hamilton will speak about The Intersection of Faith, Spirituality, and Peer Support. To register for this and future events,


BE A PART OF THE SOLANUS CASEY CENTER Named after Franciscan priest Father Solanus Casey, the Center (a joint ministry of Catholic Community Services and St. James Cathedral) is a walk-in referral center that provides services to the unemployed, working poor, people just released from detention, and those living on the streets, shelters, and transitional housing. The Center also offers modest financial assistance as funds allow. In particular, it is one of the few agencies in Seattle that will help pay for ID cards and provide assistance with necessary background paperwork. The Center is open Monday to Friday, 1pm to 4pm. To volunteer, Adriana Henry, Program Manager, 206-223-0907 or


TOILETRY DONATIONS If you are traveling and staying at a hotel, consider bringing the small toiletries back to St. James. There is a donation bin located in the Cathedral Bookstore. Our St. Vincent de Paul conference packages the toiletries and distributes them to those in need. Thank you!


JOIN THE CATHEDRAL GARDEN TEAM! The St. James Cathedral Kitchen Garden, which provides fresh produce for the weeknight meals served at Cathedral Hall, welcomes volunteers to help with planting, weeding, maintenance, pruning & harvesting. The garden is located on the corner of Madison & Terry. Information: Peter Burns, or 206-264-2082.


SEEL INVITES YOU TO A TRANSFORMATIONAL RETREAT IN EVERYDAY LIFE The Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life (SEEL) Puget Sound is a 9 month retreat format of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius that goes from September through May. SEEL will offer two options to experience the retreat in 2023-2024—a mostly in-person retreat held at St. Joseph in Seattle, and an online retreat. SEEL is accepting applications now for the program starting in late September. Join us on this transforming pilgrim journey! Information,


LOOKING FOR WAYS TO SERVE OUR COMMUNITY? Are you interested in discovering a vibrant faith community and serving your local community in meaningful ways? Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps will support you in your commitment! We are a group, ages 40+, that meets monthly in-person. We explore our commitment to values such as social and ecological justice, community, and spirituality. Information, Karen Beal, 971-353-6946 or apply at Program begins in September. Apply by August 31 to be included in the opening retreat.


TUTORING LEADS TO FRIENDSHIP “J” has been tutoring a beginner ESL student from Afghanistan online for 4 months. Communication and meeting consistently were a little challenging at first, and J has been faithfully and energetically involved in her student’s learning all along the way. She has driven down to the student’s neighborhood, accompanied her to the library ESL class, met with her family to understand her situation and learning preferences better, among other things. As a result, J and her student have been able to build a stronger relationship as tutor and student, and bonded as friends as well. They recently finished their first ESL book. To celebrate, J plans to take her student out for ice cream! St. James Immigrant Assistance is always looking for more tutors to join our wonderful team. Information Sayuko Setvik, or 206-382-4511.


FIND OUT MORE ABOUT BECOMING CATHOLIC Are you, a family member, or a friend interested in learning more about the Catholic Church? Are you curious about how a person becomes Catholic? Information, John Marquez,


VISIT THE CATHEDRAL COLUMBARIUM A columbarium is a cemetery for the reverent burial of cremated remains. The way we honor the mortal remains of our deceased family members and friends is a reflection of the faith we profess in the Nicene Creed: we believe in the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. The columbarium is open for prayer whenever the Cathedral is open.


Next Sunday's bulletin

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St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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