With July 4th fast approaching your wonderful neighbors will be getting in the holiday spirit. Your horse, however may not be ready. Here are some friendly tips to help relieve some stress.
~ If your horse is stalled turn the radio on with the volume up, this will drown out some of the noise.
~ Throw some extra hay or extra treats in a treat ball to try to keep them distracted.
~ At night, leave the lights on in the barn. This will lessen the bright light flashes from the fireworks.
~ If your horse is one to panic and is stalled, stay out of the stall. You could very easily get knocked over and injured if they spook.
~ Ear plugs can help with the noise, but if you are downwind they are still able to smell the smoke. You can try to rub a strong-smelling ointment, such as Vicks Vapor Rub on the nostrils. Make sure you experiment with everything prior to the weekend to see how your horse will react.
~ You can also consult your vet for a calming sedative.
Remember horses are fight or flight animals so some horses feel safer outside in a paddock or large field. Your horse may feel like he can move away from the scary sound or sight if he isn’t trapped in a stall. If you put your horse in a pasture, make sure they are familiar with where the fence lines are.