June 18, 2021
Fathers, whether biological, adopted, or those who have served as father figures, at their best make us feel protected and loved. For the young son, Dad stands for all he wants to be in life “when he grows up”. For the young daughter, Dad is her knight in shining armor with the responsibility to protect her, yet tender enough to shower her with his unconditional love when she needs to know he’s there. For all of you who have offered fatherly love, we celebrate your ministry to the children who have been entrusted to your care. You have provided a beautiful image of the strength and love of God.
Dear siblings in Christ,

This letter comes on the precipice of many a various celebration. Juneteenth, the celebration of the last slaves hearing of their freedom via federal troops arriving in Galveston, Texas, at the end of the Civil War, is Saturday. Father’s Day is Sunday, and we will not have any forum, so please celebrate as you can. It is also graduation season broadly (make sure to congratulate Miles on his!). And it’s Pride month! June’s a busy, beautiful, and bright month!

Camp Stevens Sunday is also this Sunday, and we will have a collection point in the church building, or you can give via their website here. Episcopal camps are part of the reason I am your vicar today, because my call began at camp in Wisconsin when our bishop joined us; I was eleven. Camp Stevens was also a place that Maura went growing up, as it is both for our diocese as well as Los Angeles.

And now, with new guidelines from the state of California and the Diocese of San Diego in place, I’m pleased to tell you all that the vaccinated can sing on Sunday’s and remain after for socializing. Please see the guidelines passed by BC below, they are drawn from the new diocesan guidelines.

Please note that on Sunday June 27th, our own Bob Meloon will be preaching. I love preaching, it’s one of my favorite responsibilities and privileges as a priest. I also love hearing others preach; it refreshes me as I’m sure it does you. I am grateful for Bob’s willingness to add another voice to the pulpit, even if for only one Sunday, perhaps there will be more!

I am also very excited to say a dear friend and priestly colleague of mine, Fr. James Shire, will join us on June 27th to speak to us about Syriac Christianity for our 10.30 Zoom Forum following the service. He will give a very different perspective on the pre and post Nicaean church than we usually have here at Holy Cross. James is currently writing his PhD about Syriac Christianity and has a wealth of information and context that will be fascinating to understand a bit more about. Variety is the spice of life!

Blessings upon everyone,
Updated Covid Guidelines
Starting THIS Sunday, June 20th

With California having lifted COVID restrictions, and San Diego County having reached official herd immunity (75% of the population is now vaccinated), on the advice of the diocesan Public Health Task Force Bishop Susan has now lifted many COVID restrictions, as always with the caveat that we may see restrictions tightening once more if the situation gets worse. Therefore, we have updated the Holy Cross Covid Guidelines,effective this Sunday, June 20th. You may read the full guidelines here.

Here is what to expect:

  • Masks are no longer required for persons who have been vaccinated. However, unvaccinated people, including children under age 12, are expected to wear masks.
  • For the time being, entrance to the church will be via the back door, off of the alley to best accommodate any individual with mobility restrictions. We will also use front door access.
  • Ushers will be available to greet all in attendance and assist as necessary.
  • Seating is open, there is no requirement for vaccinated persons to maintain a social distance. However, any person who has not been vaccinated is requested to maintain a six-foot social distance from others.
  • A separate space in the nave for families with children under age 12 and for other people who need or prefer to maintain masking and social distancing will be designated. An usher will direct those individuals to this space.
  • When the service is concluded individuals may depart and socialize as they wish. We ask those who are not vaccinated to continue to wear masks and maintain a social distance from others.
Celebrate and Support Campership Sunday
This Sunday, June 20th
All churches are asked to support this important diocesan resource through their Campership Fund this weekend. This is especially important this year, following the year-long closure of Camp Stevens due to the pandemic. Camp Stevens offers a tiered pricing structure that allows families to pay more or less according to their circumstances and some 30% of the campers need financial assistance to attend.

A week at Camp Stevens is a chance for campers to connect with new friends and old, experience God's creation, and build back confidence, belonging, and the spirit of adventure while supported by a safe and loving community.

Please consider supporting this important diocesan resource: You may do so here (be sure to select General Campership in the "This Gift is For" drop down box and write Holy Cross's name on the form!), on Sunday at church, or by mailing a check to Holy Cross (2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, CA 92009) please note on the memo line "Camp Stevens Campership".
The Rev. Theodore Oertel Atwood Jr.
Funeral Information

Fr. Ted's funeral will be held THIS Monday, June 21, at 10am at St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 6556 Park Ridge Blvd, San Diego, CA 92120. (map)

All are invited to attend. Please know there is limited seating inside the church, overflow seating will be provided outdoors and at this time facemasks will still be required.

Please continue to hold the family of Fr. Ted, his sister Anne Petrey, daughters Catherin Atwood Voels, Margaret Atwood Gerard, and grandchildren, in your payers.

May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.
Congratulations Kelvin!
Kelvin recently passed his drivers test and, with his hard earned money, bought a car!!

Kelvin had much thanks and praise for Larry Sebastian who gave much of his time, patience, and guidance in driving lessons and helping him reach this milestone.

Much thanks to Larry for his support and help and congratulations Kelvin!
Worship at Holy Cross
If you are joining us in person we use a screen to project the service bulletin (this is new and will take some getting used to for some). If you prefer your own worship booklet please download the booklet using the button below on your phone or tablet, or print a copy at home, and bring it with you. We are doing this for health precautions and to be better stewards of God's creation (reduce paper waste) - thanks for your understanding.
Miss last Sunday's service? Watch it below.
Video on Demand (VOD): All past service video's are available on our YouTube channel here.
Rooted in ancient monastic tradition, this is a perfect way to end the day.
Watch for our mid-week check-in newsletter with the service links.
Save The Date card isolated on white background
Bishop's Annual Visit
Sunday, November 14th

Bishop Susan will be making her annual visitation to Holy Cross on Sunday November 14th. She will be presiding and preaching that Sunday, meeting with our BC, and other activities that we have yet to be plan with her. Stay tuned for more information and be sure to save the date!
Christian Formation
Sunday Adult Forum
Sunday's 10:30 AM
on Zoom

THIS Sunday, June 20th
No meeting - so participants & leaders may celebrate Fathers Day

Next Sunday, June 27th
Special session you won't want to miss!!

Barekhmor: Christianity in the Middle East, Then and Now
Led by James Shire, University of Toronto
ܙܠܘ ܗܟܝܠ ܬܠܡܕܘ ܟܠܗܘܢ ܥܡܡܐ ܘܐܥܡܕܘ ܐܢܘܢ ܒܫܡ ܐܒܐ ܘܒܪܐ ܘܪܘܚܐ ܕܩܘܕܫܐ
“Go at once to teach all of the nations, and baptize them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” (Matt 28:19)

We're excited to host guest speaker, the Rev. Dr. James Shire from the University of Toronto to speak about Syriac Christianity, a largely unknown but important Christian tradition. Syriac is an Aramaic dialect spoken during Jesus' day. Scholars say Syriac's importance to Christianity equals that of Latina nd Greek, and its impacts are felt throughout global Christianity to this day. We hope you will join us next Sunday, June 27th.
Fr. James Shire is completing his PhD at the University of Toronto in Canada, writing about Syriac Christianity. Rev. Richard and James are friends from their time in seminary together at Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California, both graduated with MDivs. Fr. James' family resides in Hawaii, and he is a graduate of Pepperdine University in Malibu. He is also quite well traveled throughout east/southeast Asia
Up Coming Sundays
  • July 4:.................Independence Day - No Session
  • July 11................Hebrew Scripture – Torah                                                  
  • July 18................Hebrew Scripture – Ketuvim                                             
  • July 25................Hebrew Scripture – Nevi’im  
Ministries and Outreach
All Saints Cemetery Clean-up

This is a great way to be outdoors helping to do basic yard work and some beautification projects at historic All Saints Cemetery (Episcopal) in Oceanside. Katie Ho coordinates this ministry. The next gardening date is: Tuesday 7/20, 9:30 - 11:am. Contact Katie via call or text at 619.990.2298 or via email at [email protected] for more information or to let her know you're joining in.
NEW MAILING ADDRESS: 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009
Please be sure to update your recurring pledge payments to our new mailing address.
Pledges are welcome at any time and you may do so by clicking the button below and completing the online pledge form or click here for a PDF to email to Mike at [email protected] or mail to the church office at 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, Ca. 92009. If you haven't already pledged this year please prayerfully consider supporting this blessed community of faith with a pledge.
Bishop's Committee

Bishop's Committee ("BC") meetings are the third Thursday of the month from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. The next regularly scheduled BC meeting is Thursday, June 15th via Zoom. If there is something for which you wish to bring to the BC's attention, you may reach out to our Wardens, Karen Sanchez and Katie Ho, or any BC member. Their contact information is in the church roster or you may reach them at the church office: [email protected].

The approved May Minutes are here and the special executive session on June 2nd here; Treasures Report here, P&L here, & Balance Sheet here.
Pastoral Care
Whenever you have a concern or problem you would like to discuss confidentially, when a loved one is ill or has died, or whenever a visit with someone from Holy Cross may be of help to you, please contact Rev. Richard at 715.492.0297. Our clergy and members of our lay Pastoral Care team are commissioned to bring God’s grace and offer a time of listening, companionship, and prayer with those who are unable to attend worship or otherwise are in need of receiving such care. Short-term counseling, crisis intervention, and referral to other social service providers are also available.
Please hold all on our prayer list in your prayers:
If you would like to be added to the Prayers for Comfort, or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first) or add a family member to the Prayers for the Departed, please contact the church office at: email [email protected] or 760.930.1270. Please mention 'Prayer List' in the Subject line and include whether the prayer request is for "Comfort" or for the "Departed".

Individuals will remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks. Please contact the office if you wish to have someone added for another 4 weeks.
Prayer for Discernment:
Brian Petersen, Postulant for Holy Orders, as he continues to discern God's call for ordained ministry and as he attends seminary.

Prayers for Comfort:
Bob, Randy, Art, Tom, Arlene, Ann, Paul, Jen, Ruth, Dawn, Donald, Michael, Brian, Barb, Mia, Betty, Ray and Karen, family of Fr Ted, Bruce, Grayson and Abrienne, the Boggs family, all who have been affected by the COVID-19 virus, and those who have no one to pray for them.

Prayers for the Departed
We commend to God all who have died, especially Fr. Ted, Kim, Kyle, Kevin, those who have lost their lives to the COVID-19 virus, and those who have given their lives for freedom’s cause.

Prayers for those celebrating Birthdays

Prayers for those celebrating Anniversaries
Allen & Cathie, John & Sue, Lois & Mike

Prayers for those Traveling
Katie, Maggie, Corbie, & Wren; Karen
Notes of Care
Thinking of you. Humming bird watercolor card illustration
If you would like to be added, or suggest someone to be added (please get their permission first) to Notes of Care please contact the church office at: [email protected] or 760.930.1270

Note: If you have lost a member of your family and would like us to include you and your family in "Notes of Care" please provide the name and relationship of your loved one, the date they entered into glory, and the address of where you would like notes of care sent.
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers those who are unable to be with us in worship and reach out to them to let them know they are missed.

Tom Andreas
1930 W San Marcos Blvd Spc 234
San Marcos, CA. 92078

Arlene Cull
4714 Athos Way
Oceanside, Ca 92056

Allen & Cathie Zych
4014 Layang Layang Circle #J
Carlsbad, CA. 92008

The Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God by the Congregation and in celebration of the fathers, grandfathers, uncles and father figures who have blessed our lives.
In the Diocese and Beyond
On December 3 - 4, 2021, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego will welcome Presiding Bishop Michael Curry to Southern California for a celebration of good news. With interactive outreach projects, workshops, live discussion panels, youth offerings, and an evening of celebration at the beautiful Town and Country Resort, this is the perfect time to get away and enjoy some good news.
Who's your "One?" Inviting friends, family, and neighbors to the Good News Festival is an important part of making this event a true celebration of good news. Join us in committing to invite your "One," one person you know who needs to hear the good news of Jesus. You can find materials to help invite "your one" to the Good News Festival on the website. The flyers are available for download, but printed materials will also be provided to churches for broad distribution.
Humor Corner
Staff and Leadership
Our Clergy
Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Susan Brown Snook ***
Vicar: The Rev. Richard Hogue - [email protected] **
Assisting Priest: The Rev. Walter Edelman
** office hours: Sunday - Thursday 9 am - 5pm. Fridays and Saturdays are his Sabbath days. Rev. Richard will always be available for pastoral emergencies regardless of the day, but asks that you understand he will not be responding to general emails, text messages or phone calls on his Sabbath days as he is trying to get the rest that God requires of all of us.

Bookkeeper: Muriel Wahl
AV Tech Guru: Jack Cater
AV Tech Asst: Miles Fesler

Leadership - Bishop's Committee ("BC")
Sr. Warden: Karen Sanchez - [email protected]
Jr. Warden: Katie Ho
Members at large: Mike Collier, Marci Stafford
Treasurer: Larry Sebastian
Clerk: Robyn Hill

Contact information:

Church office: 760.930.1270
Church email: [email protected]
Mailing address: 2647 Gateway Rd Suite 105 #290, Carlsbad, CA. 92009
To contact any of our clergy, staff, or BC members that do not have an email address listed above please use the church email address, your message will be forwarded to the individual. If you wish to contact them in confidence please indicate that in your message and we will ask the individual to contact you.

As a reminder, due to COVID-19, staff is working remotely. The office email and voice mail is monitored regularly. In the event of a pastoral emergency please contact Rev. Richard directly.

*** To contact the Bishop's office or another member of the diocesan staff ("EDSD"):
EDSD phone: 619-291-5947
EDSD staff directory: https://edsd.org/staff/

This communication provides you with information about Holy Cross and our Ministries. For comments or possible contributions, please email the editor at
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