This January, we are examining what it means to Thrive. Markers of thriving people and communities can help us orient our congregational life. They include clarity, witness, abundance, kinship, and joy. 

When you hear the word abundance, what comes to mind? Overflowing baskets of food? A bank account with a little extra cushion? Maybe a life filled with laughter, love, and joy? As Methodists, we know that abundance isn’t just about material wealth—it’s about the fullness of life that God calls us to experience and share with others. 

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, had a lot to say about abundance. He believed God’s gifts are meant to be received with gratitude, used responsibly, and shared generously. Wesley’s teachings are famously summarized as follows: “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.” That’s a powerful reminder that abundance is not measured by what we have but by how we steward it. 

In a world often fixated on scarcity—there’s never enough time, money, or resources—it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing we must cling tightly to what we have. But Scripture offers a different narrative. Jesus says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Abundance, in God’s economy, is less about accumulation and more about trust. It’s trusting that God will provide what we need, and it’s living with open hands, ready to receive and ready to give. 

Think about the story of the loaves and fishes (Matthew 14:13-21). The disciples saw scarcity—just a few fish and loaves—but Jesus saw abundance. When the people offered what little they had, Jesus blessed it and multiplied it. Not only was there enough for everyone but there were leftovers! That’s the power of abundance when we trust in God’s provision. 

So, what does living in abundance look like for us today? It could mean: 

  • Finding joy in the small blessings of daily life. 
  • Sharing our time, talents, and treasures with others. 
  • Trusting God to provide even when we feel stretched thin. 
  • Celebrating the ways our church is making a difference in the community. 

Abundance isn’t just something we receive; it’s something we participate in. When we embrace an abundant mindset, we begin to see how much God has already given us and how much we have to give. It’s not about having more but about being more—more generous, more grateful, and more open to God’s work in our lives. 

For more perspectives on Thrive, visit the Texas Annual Conference’s website and YouTube channel. The videos are available here. 

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