Thomas Jefferson School

December 2023

To Our Thomas Jefferson School Families,

December was a very short but eventful month! We had four very fast weeks of instruction and learning. Students participated in a variety of activities that helped to build their knowledge, social skills, and sense of community. The students here at Thomas Jefferson showed their volunteerism and came together as a school community in many ways.

The Winter Concerts were a huge success! We were all so impressed with the talent, dedication, and collective performance of the students. Mrs. Love and Mr. Bova once again did a great job teaching and supporting our students and they were able to make the performances come together seamlessly. 

Pennies for Presents Fundraiser - classes participated in fundraising to provide presents for the holidays to those in need. The classes ended up donating a total of $675!

Many 8th grade students volunteered their time after school to help the 8th Grade Parent Fundraising Committee create kits for the “Light Up The Boro” fundraising event. 8th Grade volunteers also helped out at the Winter Wonderland event. 

On Friday, 12/8 students capped off Computer Science Week with a fun 80s themed assembly. The band Squeaky Clean performed and remixed songs of the 80s to highlight inventions and technology from the decade. 

We held our first Builder Bash! Students built pirate ships with their families and learned about cargo ships as well as how products get to their houses. Not only did students take home their own Lego book from this event but they helped contribute to the food pantry with their donations. Stay tuned for more Builder Bashes!

A special thank you goes out to our professionals who were recognized for this school year:

  • Our widely respected and appreciated custodian, Mr. Cesar Sepulveda, won the Morris County Education Association’s Educational Support Person of the Year award. 
  • Thomas Jefferson honored the Educator of the Year and Educational Support Person of the Year for the Governor’s Awards
  • Educator of the Year - 7th/8th Grade Science Teacher, Mrs. Laura Perniciaro
  • Educational Support Person of the Year- School Counselor, Ms. Bryanna Dennison

Upcoming Events

  • Winter Break - There will be a half day on Friday, December 22nd and school will not be in session until Tuesday, January 2nd. 

Thank you all for partnering with our school and staff to benefit each child! The TJ faculty and staff would like to wish the Rockaway Borough Community a happy holiday season and wonderful new year!

Leon Samuels


Nurses Corner

With the winter months upon us, please have your child come to school wearing the appropriate clothing to go outside for recess.

*A gentle reminder if your child has an Epi pen, Inhaler or needs any over the counter medications, I will need the appropriate forms filled out by the student's doctor and a parent. These forms may be found on the Rockaway Borough website under Thomas Jefferson. Left side of page you will see Forms & Links - click there and this will bring you to the Forms and Links page scroll down and you will find the following forms:

EpiPen Permission Form

Asthma Action Plan

Medication Permission Form

These must be filled out completely by the doctor prescribing the medication. If a student is injured and must be out of PE, I will need a note from the doctor stating the reason for the excuse and length of time out of PE. Once the doctor clears the student, I will need a clearance note from the doctor. Side note if they are out of PE they are out of recess and any sports they are involved with.

If you would like your child to have cough drops please send the student in with a parent note with their cough drops and have them brought to the Health Office where they will be stored and administered as needed.

Remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day, please make sure your child eats breakfast prior to coming to school.

Last but not least if your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school. If your child has a temperature of 100.00 or greater, or vomits or has diarrhea, they must be kept home for 24 hours. The student MUST BE FEVER FREE for 24 hours prior to sending them back to school*

I hope all our families enjoy the holidays and have a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!

Mrs. Savercool

email: [email protected] or office # 973-625-8603-ext 305.

From Miss Selikoff....................

From the Music Room.........

Winter Concert

Congratulations to all our performers on a job well done!

TJ Musical

Rehearsals will begin after the

winter break.



Year End Summary

Have you ever wondered about the impact of the funds we raise and why the support of our community is crucial? Take a look at the grants and initiatives we've approved this year at our monthly HSA meetings in only 4 months! This is all possible with your support through various fundraisers like Charleston Wrap, Raffle ticket 50/50, Membership Drive, Spirit Wear, Tricky Tray, and many more. 
Student Enrichment:
  • Mini-Grant- Kindergarten: Fine motor strength and letter formation - $277
  • Mini-Grant- Jaclyn Schwarz: Kindergarten centers - $308
  • Mini-Grant- Lisbeth Schnurman: Sensory Integration for Speech - $70
  • Mini-Grant- Nicholas Bova: JAM Theatre workshop to host 4 sessions to work with students at TJ - $510.
  • Mini-Grant- Samantha Selikoff - Beyond the Laces -Prizes during event for both schools - $750
  • Mini-Grant- Leon Samuels - Prizes for PBIS/Rambucks to encourage positive behavior at TJ - $1000
  • 8th Grade Fund: $958 from Charleston Wrap (Portion of Proceeds)
  • Back to School-Welcome Signs on School Front Yard- $180
  • Amazon Gift Card for Classroom Supplies- Each Teacher for Back to School $4000
  • Mini-Grant- Jennifer Skomial- RAMS Winners T-Shirts $1125
  • Most Memberships (%) within the grade awarded $50 Amazon gift card for classroom supplies (5th and 1st grade teachers)
  • Dark Lake Candy Donation: $85
  • Beatification of School- Fall: $172
  • Holiday Wishes Donation for presents: $500
  • Custodian Appreciation $225
  • Teacher Conferences: Recharge and Refuel- Food/Drinks/Dessert - $567
  • Educator of the Year Winners Lunches -$ 60

Let's not overlook HSA events:
  • Back to School Outdoor Movie Night (Free event!)- Thank you Prevention is Key, RBEA
  • Winter Wonderland (Free for HSA families and breakfast discounted cost)- This event is primarily to bring the community together rather than a fundraiser.
  • Tricky Tray on April 26th- Received over 60 donations from businesses thus far! In the new year we will reach out to families for additional support.
  • And more!!
Thank you for your ongoing volunteering and support from parents, officers, custodians, firefighters, teachers and staff! 
Together, we enhance the lives of our children, teachers, and community. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from our families to yours.
Rockaway Borough Home and School Association


Co Presidents: Jess Hensal, Kim Merrick

Treasurer: Larissa Weber

Recording Secretary: Sarah Langan

Corresponding Secretary: Michelle Sorce

From the RBEF.......

8th Grade Fundraisers


Monthly Programs for January

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Thomas Jefferson School - 95 East Main Street, Rockaway NJ 07866 - Phone: 973-625-8603