Weekly News & Updates

Thursday, June 22, 2023

3 Tammuz 5783

A Message from Rabbi Lindemann

Rabbi Lindemann has been graciously sharing his experiences at Have Faith Haiti, a mission and orphanage in Port-au-Prince. This week he takes us along as the community celebrates the high school graduation of a number of their students. To follow along on his journey, and see updates, visit: tbsonline.org/havefaithhaiti

It’s Father’s Day Sunday, and I am spending it at the Have Faith Haiti Orphanage. It also happens to be my father’s Yahrzeit. That coincidence of calendar and location is surely cause for reflection.

How fortunate I was to grow up with a father, and a mother, to care for me, support me, guide me through school and into becoming an adult. My father worked nights in the Dixie Cup factory for 30 years to provide for his family. Sometimes he worked a second job, as well. And still, he made time to teach me to catch and throw a ball, he quizzed me on spelling and state capitals, and he took me and my brother and sister to the JCC every Sunday, when we were kids. I remember what it felt like when he held my hand as took walks together and the times he took me to the amusement park. Perhaps, because I am here at the Orphanage, I find myself particularly thankful.

I don’t know if there is a Father’s Day in Haiti. And if there were, what could it possibly mean to the kids here at the orphanage? 

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A Message from Ron Safier, Executive Director

This Sunday evening marks the eighth Yahrzeit of my mom’s passing. Feels like it was just last summer. Amazing how fast time is flying (Tempus Fugit is the Latin term for time flies in case you were wondering). Of course, I will light a Yahrzeit candle, and recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. And if I can carve out the time, I will make the 15-hour drive to Long Island (slight exaggeration) to visit my mom’s gravesite. And I will remind my 3 sisters and my 8 nephews and nieces in case they forgot. But, this year I am going to remind them in a different way, by sending them a link to my mom’s bio/photos in the TBS interactive Yahrzeit display board. My family, and your family, can view photos and bios of deceased loved ones here if you have a plaque in the memorial alcove and you have sent us photos/bios of your deceased loved ones. 

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Mazal Tov!

Mazal tov to Rabbi Peltz who just had another teshuvah (responsum) passed by the Conservative Movement’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards! The question the teshuvah asks is “When Should a Person Come Off the Communal Prayer List?” Rabbi Peltz co-authored a response to this question with Rabbi Daniel Greyber. The teshuvah makes the following conclusions: 1) a person must give consent to be included in communal lists; 2) it is appropriate to include those with chronic or mental illness with communal mi shebeirakh prayers; 3) one may recite a mi shebeirakh for one who is terminally ill, but it may be advisable, based on the situation, to instead pray for the welfare of that person and family; and 4) a community should determine a fixed time to reset their communal list. 

Todah Rabbah Rabbi Peltz, for your good work, thoughtful insights, and commitment to our community.

This Weekend

Mazal tov to:

Carolyn Jacobs on the naming of her granddaughter Evelyn Leah this Shabbat

Robert and Nancy Perilstein on the birth of their grandson, Zuri Zev


  • Men's Club: End of Year Margaritas & Tacos, 6pm Details Here
  • Minyan, 8pm - Zoom


  • Minyan, 7am - In-person and Zoom
  • Wine and Cheese Shabbat 5:45pm Details Here
  • Kabbalat Shabbat6:15pm - In-person/Livestream
  • Candle Lighting, 8:14pm


  • 9:30am - Shabbat Services - In-Person/Livestream
  • 8:25pm - Minha, Ma'ariv & Havdallah - In-Person/Livestream


  • Minyan, 8:00 am - In-person/Zoom
  • Minyan, 8:00 pm - Zoom

More Upcoming Events

Learn More

Informational Meeting: TBS Israel Experience with Rabbi Lindemann

Informational meeting will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, June 27 at 7:30pm.

Trip dates: March 9 - 22, 2024

Includes round-trip flights, hotel accommodations, guided sightseeing, and much more.

For more information, contact Rabbi Lindemann, 856-751-6663, reblindy@aol.com or Laura Padersky, LauraP@tbsonline.org

Special Shabbat Guest - Dr. Yizhar Hess, Executive Director 

The Masorti (Conservative) Movement in Israel on Saturday, July 1 at 9:30am

TBS Book Club On Wednesday, July 5 at 1:00pm Details here

Mah Jongg Lessons Fridays, July 12, 19, August 2, 9 at 7pm Details Here

Hazak -Senior Safety Meeting with John Moyer Deputy Director, Intelligence JFED Security, LLC on Thursday, July 13 at 1pm Details here

Aging With Grace Class with Gilah Lewis Sietz on Thursday, July 13 at 4pm Details here

Family Fishing Trip with Men's Club on Sunday, July 16 at 1pm Details here

Summer Scoops on Thursday, July 20 at 6:00pm Details here

New Member Meet Ups on Thursday, August 3 at 5:30pm and Tuesday, August 8 at 6:30pm Details here

Learning with Zug Summer Session "Power and Money" on Thursdays, August 3, 10, 17 24 at 10am Details here

Visit the full TBS Calendar


TBS Social Advocacy Group is currently accepting donations on behalf of HIAS

HIAS has welcomed 49 refugees (from Afghanistan, Burma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, and other countries) in the month of April, and they are rapidly going through household items.  All donations are greatly appreciated.

  • Stovetop tea kettles (not electric)
  • Bath towels (new or gently used)
  • Paper towels
  • Toilet paper
  • Twin or full-sized comforters (new or gently used)

Donation drop-off in Synagogue Lobby

Questions? tbssocialadvocacy@gmail.com
