
January 2025 Newsletter


In This Issue

EXTRA January Club Meeting: Candidates for Mayor

Now Underway: Candidate Endorsements

In Memory of Laura Friedman 1953-2024

Mass Deportations?!

Proposed Resolution to Support the Fight Against Attempts to Deport New New Yorkers

EXTRA January Club Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2025

The Youth Hostel, 891 Amsterdam Ave. at

W. 103rd St., Ballroom

 *** 7:30 pm ***

2025 Primary Election

Candidates for

NYC Mayor


Michael Blake former NYS Assembly Member

view profile

Brad Lander NYC Comptroller

view profile

Zohran Mamdani NYS Assembly Member

Zellnor Myrie NYS Senator

view profile

Jessica Ramos NYS Senator

view profile

Scott Stringer former NYC Comptroller

view profile

Whitney Tilson former hedge fund manager


Eric Adams NYC Mayor


7:00 pm: Doors open

7:15 pm: Sign in

7:30 pm: Call to Order

Speakers: Candidates for NYC Mayor

Questions and Answers

Vote on Proposed Resolution

District Leader Report

State Committee Report


Masks will be available for free at the Hostel

2025 Primary Election

Now Underway: Candidate


What You Need to Know

Starting last December and continuing in the early months of 2025, Three Parks is holding endorsement meetings for candidates running for local offices in the June Democratic primary election. Also included will be candidates for local Democratic Party posts. Candidates for each office will be invited to the meetings to speak and to take questions. Then at follow-up meetings in February, eligible club members will vote their choice by secret ballot.

Offices Up for Election in 2025

NYC Mayor

NYC Comptroller

NYC Public Advocate

Manhattan District Attorney

Manhattan Borough President

City Council Member, District 6

City Council Member, District 7

Civil Court Judge (if there is a vacancy)

Judicial Delegates

The complete tentative schedule of candidate presentations and endorsement votes for these offices is shown below. Candidates have spoken or will speak at the following club meetings:

  • December 11 speaker: candidate for Manhattan District Attorney
  • January 8 speakers: candidates for City Council Districts 6 & 7, Public Advocate
  • January 22 (extra meeting) speakers: candidates for NYC Mayor
  • February 12: speakers: candidates for NYC Comptroller, Manhattan Borough President; nominations: Judicial Delegates; endorsement vote: NYC Mayor, Manhattan District Attorney, Public Advocate, City Council Districts 6 and 7.
  • February 19 (extra meeting) speakers: candidates for District Leader, Judicial Delegates and Alternates; endorsement vote: NYC Comptroller, Manhattan Borough President, District Leaders, Judicial Delegates and Alternates

Watch your email and the Three Parks website for further information as this schedule develops.

Following the endorsements and starting on February 25, we hope you will join us out on the sidewalks to do the vital work of petitioning to get our endorsed candidates on the June primary ballot.

Make Sure You Are Eligible to Vote!

In order to vote to endorse candidates, you must be a member of Three Parks Independent Democrats. In addition, you must have met the dues payment and meeting attendance requirements listed on the Rules page of the Endorsement Center on the Three Parks website here.

           In Memory of Laura Friedman 1953-2024

Laura was a force of nature on the West Side as she energized and organized us for most of her life. For those who never knew her, let me offer a brief introduction to a wonderful woman who was a former District Leader of the Broadway Democrats, a founder of the Morningside Heights Comm. Coalition, and for many years the senior staff member in New York for Congressman Jerry Nadler.

Politically and personally we shared goals and projects, and often worked together on so many political campaigns. I was proud to call her my friend.

Condolences to her husband Paul Shneyer and her family.

She is missed. 

-- Judy Wood

Mass Deportations?!

By Daniele Gerard


Of all the nefarious plans of the incoming administration, mass deportations are among the cruelest. Whether or not they actually succeed, they are already striking terror into millions of our fellow human beings in communities around the United States.


Using the military, paying private prison companies, relying on all too willing Republican governors and even members of our own party, the returning president will target legal and illegal immigrants and their families. Up to four million mixed-status families — where some members are undocumented and some are U.S. citizens — could be separated. (Tom Homan, the incoming "border czar," carried out the family separation policy of the first Trump administration, whereby thousands of children were ripped from their parents.) Here in New York City, given his distaste for our sanctuary laws and his hopes for a pardon, the mayor is likely to help ICE raid schools, hospitals, and houses of worship.


The planned mass deportation represents not only one of the great morally and ethically bankrupt policies ever engaged in by the government, but also promises to be one of the stupidest financial debacles dreamed up by the incoming fascists. It will cost a fortune to implement even part of it. In addition, immigrants play a vital role at every level of our economy, from highly skilled professionals on H-1B visas, to those who are indispensable to the agricultural, home health and child care, construction, hospitality, and other sectors. They all expand our tax base, not the least to support Social Security and other essential programs.


Most important, immigrants, legal or illegal, are not the “other” — they are our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents brought forward to today. Unless you are a descendant of Native Americans or your forebears were brought here in chains, you are descended from immigrants who came here to escape their countries of birth for any one of a number of reasons. Essentially, almost all of us share an immigrant heritage, and we all need to work together to fight the colossal injustice about to unfold.


Please read the resolution that follows in this newsletter and vote to pass it at the upcoming club meeting. This will enable Three Parks to work as hard as we can to prevent deportations, family separations, and the demonization of our fellow human beings.


For further information:







Proposed Resolution to Support the Fight Against Attempts to Deport New New Yorkers

The following resolution will be read at the January 22 club meeting and presented to the club membership for a vote. For background information, please see the preceding article titled “Mass Deportations?!” 

WHEREAS the new administration has promised to begin mass deportations on Day One;


WHEREAS there are approximately 500,000 new New Yorkers under threat, as well as others who have lived here for years;


WHEREAS nearly all Americans are descended from immigrants;


WHEREAS we need all immigrants to be authorized to work as quickly as possible to pay taxes and support vital social programs;


WHEREAS the New York economy is dependent on immigrants who work in technology, medicine, agriculture, home health and child care, hospitality, and construction; and


WHEREAS New York’s sanctuary laws are at risk from both the Trump and Adams administrations.


THEREFORE, be it resolved that Three Parks Independent Democrats supports all efforts to fight federal, state, and local attempts to deport new New Yorkers and long-time documented and undocumented members of our communities.

(left) City Council Member Gale A. Brewer, candidate for re-election in the 6th Council District, addresses the January 8 club meeting. Other speakers at the meeting were two candidates for the 7th Council District: incumbent Shaun Abreu and community organizer Edafe Okporo, and two candidates for NYC Public Advocate: Jumaane Williams (incumbent) and Marty Dolan.

To listen to an audio recording of the meeting, click here.

Don't Miss Out! Renew Your Three Parks Membership Now

Click here or mail in the membership form at the

end of this newsletter.

 Upcoming Meetings

Tuesday, Jan. 21, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7:30 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 12, 6:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7:30 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 7:30 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily representative of Three Parks.
Lorraine Zamora
Chuck Wall

District Leaders

Theresa Canter

Daniel Marks Cohen

State Committee

Douglas Kellner

Lynn Thomas

Read more about our grassroots activities.

Website: threeparksdems.org

Read the December newsletter here.

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Please pay your dues with a check, money order or via PayPal by following this link to the Three Parks website. Please make out all checks to Three Parks Independent Democrats.

Mail to:  Three Parks Independent Democrats

                Cathedral Station, P.O. Box 1316

                 New York, NY 10025

                Attention: Treasurer