In This Issue
President's Report
Now Underway: Candidate Endorsements
In Memory of Carol Edmead
Why Is a Wall St. Hot Dog Better Than a Stock Certificate?
Scenes from the Three Parks Holiday Party
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January Club Meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2025
The Youth Hostel, 891 Amsterdam Ave. at
W. 103rd St., Ballroom
*** 7:30 pm ***
2025 Primary Election
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Candidates for
City Council
Districts 6 & 7
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Presentations by:
Shaun Abreu Council Member, District 7
Gale A. Brewer Council Member, District 6
Edafe Okporo Council candidate, District 7
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Candidates for
Public Advocate
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Presentations by:
Jumaane Williams Public Advocate
Marty Dolan
Also invited:
Angela Aquino
Calvin Sun
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7:15 pm: Sign in
7:30 pm: Call to Order
Speakers: Candidates for City Council, Districts 6 and 7
Questions and Answers
Speakers: Candidates for Public Advocate
Questions and Answers
District Leader Report
State Committee Report
Masks will be available for free at the Hostel
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Note: Extra Club Meeting This Month
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7:30 PM
The Youth Hostel, 891 Amsterdam Ave. at
W. 103rd St., Ballroom
Candidates for Mayor
Watch your email for further details
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President's Report
By Lorraine Zamora
Happy New Year to all! Though 2024 did not end the way we had hoped it would, now it’s time for Three Parks Democrats to work together to keep fighting for our democracy in 2025.
Most immediately, we are meeting with Democratic candidates running for local offices to determine whom the club will endorse for the June primary. At our December 8 meeting, we heard from Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who is running for re-election. At our January 8 meeting we will hear from candidates for City Council Districts 6 and 7 and for Public Advocate; on January 22, candidates for Mayor; on February 12, candidates for NYC Comptroller and Manhattan Borough President; and on February 19, candidates for District Leader, Judicial Delegates and Alternates. Then starting in late February and running through March, club members will be gathering petition signatures to get our endorsed candidates on the June primary ballot.
At the same time, the Three Parks Board has appointed a committee to recommend how best to prepare for the Trump administration and be ready to respond to whatever comes our way. Very soon, there will be plenty for Democrats to do to counter the new administration’s priorities and initiatives. We look forward to working with all of you to promote our Democratic candidates and protect our Democratic values.
It won’t be easy, but we will prevail. As I keep saying, Three Parks is what keeps me sane from the insanity around us and sustains my belief in a better outcome down the road.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it's the only thing that ever has."—Margaret Mead.
Happy Holidays and many, many thanks for all you do.
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2025 Primary Election
Now Underway: Candidate
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What You Need to Know
Starting last December and continuing in the early months of 2025, Three Parks is holding endorsement meetings for candidates running for local offices in the June Democratic primary election. Also included will be candidates for local Democratic Party posts. Candidates for each office will be invited to the meetings to speak and to take questions. Then at follow-up meetings in February, eligible club members will vote their choice by secret ballot.
Offices Up for Election in 2025
NYC Mayor
NYC Comptroller
NYC Public Advocate
Manhattan District Attorney
Manhattan Borough President
City Council Member, District 6
City Council Member, District 7
Civil Court Judge (if there is a vacancy)
Judicial Delegates
The complete tentative schedule of candidate presentations and endorsement votes for these offices is shown below. Candidates have spoken or will speak at the following club meetings:
December 11 speaker: candidate for Manhattan District Attorney
January 8 speakers: candidates for City Council Districts 6 & 7, Public Advocate
January 22 (extra meeting) speakers: candidates for NYC Mayor
February 12: speakers: candidates for NYC Comptroller, Manhattan Borough President; endorsement vote: NYC Mayor, Manhattan District Attorney, Public Advocate, City Council Districts 6 and 7.
February 19 (extra meeting) speakers: candidates for District Leader, Judicial Delegates and Alternates; endorsement vote: NYC Comptroller, Manhattan Borough President, District Leaders, Judicial Delegates and Alternates
Watch your email and the Three Parks website for further information as this schedule develops.
Following the endorsements and starting on February 25, we hope you will join us out on the sidewalks to do the vital work of petitioning to get our endorsed candidates on the June primary ballot.
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Make Sure You Are Eligible to Vote!
In order to vote to endorse candidates, you must be a member of Three Parks Independent Democrats. In addition, you must have met the dues payment and meeting attendance requirements listed on the Rules page of the Endorsement Center on the Three Parks website here.
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In Memory of Carol Edmead
Three Parks Independent Democrats offers our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the Hon. Carol Edmead, who was Three Parks president from 1995 to 1997 and Manhattan’s Democratic Board of Elections Commissioner.
In 1998 Three Parks supported Edmead in her successful election campaign for judge of the New York City Civil Court. She was later an acting judge of the Kings County Surrogate's Court in New York, and in 2003 she was elected and a justice for the New York County Supreme Court, Civil Term. She served in that position until 2016.
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Why Is a Wall Street
Hot Dog Better Than a Stock Certificate?
By Steve Max
Is This a Riddle? Yes, it is. Why do we pay a sales tax on hot dogs and just about everything else, but there is no actual tax on the sale of stock? Sure, we all gripe about sales taxes, but until the rich start paying their fair share, the sales tax helps get the trash picked up and fires put out, and keeps the subway running. Speaking of the rich, what’s this about Wall Street?
Phantom Taxes. Well, there actually is a tax on the sale of stock, but unlike the Hot Dog tax, the Stock Transfer Tax is completely rebated to the seller of the stock who is usually a trader or broker acting for the owner. Since 1981, all the taxes from stock sales, an estimated $14 billion a year, is given right back to sellers on Wall Street. Two-and-a-half cents is the tax on the sale of one share of stock valued at $5.00. Compare that to the 44 cent tax on a hot dog of the same price, which is what tourists to the Wall Street area get charged most unfairly. A 2021 estimate by Forbes is that NY had rebated $350 billion over the previous 40 years.
New York legislators Assembly Member Phil Steck and Senator James Sanders have again introduced a bill to end the rebate.1 The proposal has polled well in the State with majority support.2
Whose Dumb Idea Was This Rebate? It seems to have originated with Mayor Abe Beame. The tax revenue had been given by the State to the City to aid in the 1970s fiscal crisis. When the crisis ended, the mayor thought the tax should end with it.3 Starting in 1979, the rebate rose by degrees to reach 100% by law in 1981.
Why the Rebate? The answer, like everything else, has roots in history....
Read More.
1 Information on the bill here. Note co-sponsors.
2 Information here.
3 Actually, it was the Wall Street banks that deliberately caused the 1970s fiscal crisis as a way of getting higher interest rates on their loans to New York City, as explained in The Abuse of Power: The Permanent Government and the Fall of New York, co-authored by Jack Newfield and Paul DuBrul, published in 1977.
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(above) Before an overflow crowd at the December club meeting, Alvin Bragg, Manhattan District Attorney and candidate for re-election in 2025, reviewed his record in office, presented his ideas and expectations for another term, and took questions from club members and friends.
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To listen to an audio recording of the meeting, click here.
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Scenes from the Three Parks Holiday Party
A festive crowd of club members, friends, and elected officials filled Abigail's restaurant on Broadway on Dec. 15 for the Three Parks holiday party. Below are some scenes from this always-popular annual gathering.
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(left) District Leaders Dan Cohen and Theresa Canter greet holiday partygoers. | |
(right) Congressman Jerry Nadler chats with Democratic State Committee member Lynn Thomas.
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(above) Congressman Adriano Espaillat offers holiday greetings. | |
(above) Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine and Three Parks VP Daniele Gerard.
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(above) NYC Comptroller Brad Lander (left) and Three Parks President Lorraine Zamora.
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(above) Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (left) with club member Aaron Mendelsohn and his daughter. | |
(left) Three Parks President Lorraine Zamora (second from left) joins volunteers from the campaign storefront.
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(right) City Council member Shaun Abreu (center) chats with club members and volunteers.
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For more photos of the holiday party, click here.
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Don't Miss Out! Renew Your Three Parks Membership Now
Click here or mail in the membership form at the
end of this newsletter.
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Wednesday, Jan. 8, 7:30 PM
Three Parks Club Meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7:30 PM
Three Parks Club Meeting
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Wednesday, Feb. 12, 7:30 PM
Three Parks Club Meeting
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 7:30 PM
Three Parks Club Meeting
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The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily representative of Three Parks.
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Lorraine Zamora
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District Leaders
Theresa Canter
Daniel Marks Cohen
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State Committee
Douglas Kellner
Lynn Thomas
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Read more about our grassroots activities. | |
Print, cut out, and mail this form.
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Name __________________________ Date __________________
Address __________________________Apt. # _______________
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Please pay your dues with a check, money order or via PayPal by following this link to the Three Parks website. Please make out all checks to Three Parks Independent Democrats.
Mail to: Three Parks Independent Democrats
Cathedral Station, P.O. Box 1316
New York, NY 10025
Attention: Treasurer
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