Monthly Newsletter

November 2023

In This Issue

President's Report

Theresa Canter Is Elected New Female District Leader

A Note from Theresa

Three Parks and Friends Pay Tribute to Cynthia L. Doty

Three Parks Day of Action Saturday November 4

Kick Off the 2024 Campaign Season with Three Parks

TPID Resolution in Support of Retired NYC Workers

In Memory of Ralph Andrew


The Youth Hostel, 891 Amsterdam Ave. at

W. 103rd St., Ballroom

Wednesday, November 8, 2023, at 8:00 pm

We Are All Immigrants: The Challenge and Opportunity in NYC Today

Ruth Messinger

Social Justice Consultant

Former Manhattan Borough President

Candice Braun

Advocate, Asylum Seekers and the Unhoused


8:00 pm: Call to Order

Speaker: Ruth Messinger

Questions and Answers

Speaker: Candice Braun

Questions and Answers

District Leader Report

State Committee Report

Vote on Resolution in support of retired City Workers


Masks will be available for free at the Hostel

Don't Miss Out! Renew Your Three Parks Membership Now for 2024

Click here or mail in the membership form at the

end of this newsletter.

President's Report

By Lorraine Zamora

Great news! At the County Committee Divisional Meeting on Oct. 11, Theresa Canter was elected, effective immediately, to succeed Cynthia Doty as our District Leader (female). Three Parks is mighty proud of Theresa, who currently serves as the Board’s Membership Director, and we look forward to working with her in her new capacity. Thanks to Dan Cohen, District Leader (male) for his efforts to elect Theresa as his co-DL. Theresa will continue as Membership Director through December, at which time a successor will be named.


At our Oct. 11 Club meeting, our featured speaker, NYS Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, attracted a standing-room-only crowd. At our November 8 Club meeting, we will be welcoming Ruth Messinger, Social Justice Consultant and former Manhattan Borough President. Ms. Messinger will lead a program focusing on caring for the numerous immigrants currently arriving in our City.


On Sunday, Oct. 22, Three Parks participated in the Broadway Street Fair with a Get-Out-the-Vote Table at W. 102nd Street. Over 300 flyers were distributed, along with voter registration forms and Three Parks brochures explaining how interested neighbors can join our Club. ...


Read More.

Theresa Canter Is Elected New

Female District Leader

Theresa Canter, longtime Three Parks member, past Club President, and current Membership Director, has been elected Female District Leader for the 69th AD Part A, replacing the late Cynthia Doty.

The vote, which was unanimous, took place at the County Committee Divisional Meeting that preceded the Club Meeting on October 11.

We thank Theresa and wish her success in her new position!

New Female District Leader Theresa Canter

A Note From Theresa ...

I’m so honored to have been elected District Leader of Three Parks Independent Dems! Many thanks to all the Divisional County Committee members who showed up in support, and much appreciation to all the Club members who also expressed support. It felt like a warm embrace. Never did I expect to be District Leader, and the reasons for this opportunity also fill me with sorrow. Not only was Cynthia Doty a long-time friend, neighbor, political ally and mentor, we were companions in many adventures and cohorts at the Board of Elections. I will certainly miss her friendship.

Cynthia will be a hard act to follow, but her memory will continue to guide and inspire me as I move forward as District Leader and follow her lead in matters of social justice, continue the fight for affordable housing, give voice to progressive causes, and support candidates with ability and integrity. Just as importantly, I will do my part to ensure that we have fair, impartial and accessible elections for all voters.

Many of you know me as I have been a member of Three Parks for 30 years, but for those who do not, I will briefly summarize my background. I have been privileged to serve on the Board since 1995 through the present, and as an officer of the Club for 26 years. ...  

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Three Parks and Friends Pay Tribute to Cynthia L. Doty

More than 300 Three Parks members, elected officials, members of neighborhood groups, friends from the West Side Democratic community, and family members gathered on Sunday, Oct. 1, at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church to honor our late District Leader Cynthia Doty, who passed away suddenly last July.


Click here to see the following from the Memorial:

  • Slide presentation of Cynthia's life by Barbara N. Lee
  • Video of the entire Memorial in three parts
  • The Memorial Program including the list of speakers

Three Parks Day of Action

Saturday, Nov. 4

Get Out the Vote for Long Island Democrats

WORRIED ABOUT 2024?  Start taking action now by helping Three Parks get out the vote for Democrats in NYS CD 4, a crucial Long Island “swing” district!

We are joining members of Turn Nassau Blue and local Democrats in knocking on Democratic doors to get out the vote for Scott Davis, a candidate for the Nassau County Legislature. The election is November 7.

This area is in Congressional District 4, now held by Republican Congressman Anthony D’Esposito. We want to strengthen Democrats in preparation for 2024.

Meet at 9:00 AM on Sat., November 4 at the W. 96th Street and Broadway subway station.

We will go to Penn Station LIRR to catch the 9:45 AM train to Rockville Centre, arriving 10:15.

We plan to return to the city from Rockville Centre no later than 4:00 pm (possibly earlier.)

Cheers, and thanks for your support. RSVP Here and PLEASE, PLEASE let us know if your plans change!

Kick Off the 2024 Campaign Season with Three Parks


The crucial 2024 elections are rapidly approaching, and Three Parks is gearing up for a full range of campaign activities. Watch your email and future issues of this newsletter to learn how you can get involved!


There is, of course, a Presidential race next year, with a Primary scheduled for April 2. Then in June there will be a Primary for US Congress, NY State Senate, and NY State Assembly, as well as for local Civil Court judges, District Leaders, Democratic State Committee members, and Judicial Delegates. Three Parks will be actively involved:


  • First up in January and February will be candidate endorsement votes at our monthly Club meetings. Make sure you are there to hear the candidates speak and to vote your choices!
  • Then, starting at the end of February, we hope you will join us out on the sidewalks to do the vital work of petitioning to get our endorsed candidates on the ballot for the June Primary.
  • Plans are also in the works for numerous other campaign activities, including postcard writing, phoning, texting, and canvassing. ...

Read More.

From the October 11 Club Meeting ...

Three Parks President Lorraine Zamora introduces

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand at the October 11 Club meeting

at the Youth Hostel.

Three Parks Independent Democrats

Resolution in Support of Retired NYC Workers

The Board of Three Parks Independent Democrats has voted to place the following resolution on the Agenda for the November 8 Club meeting.


That Three Parks Independent Democrats supports, and urges all City Council members to co-sponsor, bring to the floor and vote for Intro 1099, a bill that will guarantee retired City workers the health care they were promised as a condition of employment, a choice between traditional Medicare with City-funded supplemental Medigap insurance or Medicare Advantage.

That Three Parks Independent Democrats opposes the ongoing attempts by the Adams Administration and the Municipal Labor Council to transfer over 250,000 retired city workers out of traditional Medicare and into a private for-profit Medicare Advantage program. 


How it works:

Traditional Medicare is a fee-for-service plan. Doctors, hospitals and other health care providers send your bill directly to Medicare for payment. Medicare pays 80% of the bill, and the rest is paid either by you or by your Medigap Insurance. That Medigap insurance is the benefit long provided to retired NY City workers, which the Mayor wants to take away.

Medicare Advantage is paid for by Medicare but administered by private for-profit companies. The Advantage companies receive from Medicare a lump sum monthly payment for every enrollee, out of which they pay your medical bills as well as their administrative costs and profit. Needless to say, the less they spend on services, the more they keep for profit.

Background: New York and cities and states across the country are moving retirees into Medicare Advantage insurance as a cost-saving measure. ...

Read More.

In Memory of Ralph Andrew

By Judy Wood

It grieves me to report the death of one of the founders of Three Parks Independent Democrats. Ralph passed away on Oct. 14 at the age of 80 in North Carolina.

During his many years in New York, Ralph was an ardent Democrat, and politics was his lifeblood--the consummate political animal. Sadly, I hadn't seen him in many years, as he left NYC for warmer climes, but I remember his outspokenness, his commitments to our candidates and his very close relationship with Congressman Charlie Rangel and the late Ted Weiss.

He was a guiding voice for many of us, and with his passing, only Millivoy Samurovich remains from the original group.

To read a memorial of Ralph Andrew, click here.

Three Parks at the Broadway Street Fair

Three Parks members reach out to neighborhood residents at the Oct. 22 Broadway Street Fair, offering information about the Club, upcoming campaigns and elections, issues, voter registration, and more.


General Election -- Nov. 7, 2023

  • Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls are open from 6 AM to 9 PM
  • Early Voting period is Oct. 28 through Nov. 5
  • To find your poll site and view a sample ballot, go to Vote.nyc

 Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 13, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 10, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Jan. 24, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily representative of Three Parks.
Lorraine Zamora
Chuck Wall

District Leader

Theresa Canter

Daniel Marks Cohen

State Committee
Daniel Marks Cohen
Lynn Thomas
Read more about our grassroots activities.
Follow us on Facebook/Meta here
Follow us on Twitter here

Website: threeparksdems.org

Read the October Newsletter here

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Please pay your dues with a check, money order or via PayPal by following this link to the Three Parks website. Please make out all checks to Three Parks Independent Democrats.

Mail to:  Three Parks Independent Democrats

                Cathedral Station, P.O. Box 1316

                 New York, NY 10025

                Attention: Treasurer