Monthly Newsletter

October 2023

In This Issue

Honoring Cynthia L. Doty

President's Report

District Leader Report

Join Us for Sidewalk Tabling at the Oct. 22

Broadway Street Fair!

Ten New York State Election Laws to Strengthen Democracy and Protect Voting Rights

Republicans Try to Look Good by Looking Backwards

Become an Election Day Poll Worker


The Youth Hostel, 891 Amsterdam Ave. at

W. 103rd St., Ballroom

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 8:00 pm

7:30 pm Divisional Meeting (approx. 15 minutes) for

TPID County Committee members. 

Regular Club Meeting will commence at 8:00 pm, following completion of the Divisional Meeting.

Report From Washington

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand


7:30 pm: Divisional Meeting for District Leader Election

(for TPID County Committee members)

8:00 pm: Call to Order

Speaker: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

Questions and Answers

District Leader Report

State Committee Report


Masks will be available for free at the Hostel

Honoring Cynthia L. Doty

Three Parks members, elected officials, members of neighborhood groups, friends from the West Side Democratic community, and family members gathered on Sunday, Oct. 1, at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church to honor our late District Leader Cynthia Doty, who passed away suddenly last July.


An overflow crowd of more than 300 people heard an outpouring of fond memories, reminiscences and tributes to Cynthia from speaker after speaker. Leading off the program were Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Jerry Nadler, who made a special point of joining with us after the last-minute resolution of the budget chaos in Washington. We are also grateful to the many others who spoke and/or attended, including State Senators and Assembly Members, City Council members, other elected officials, Board of Election officials, neighborhood group leaders, Club members, and so many others who came to show their love and respect for Cynthia. All of you helped us make this Memorial a fitting tribute to Cynthia’s contributions to our Upper West Side community and to the countless lives she touched.

Late-breaking News: At the conclusion of the Memorial program, Three Parks President Lorraine Zamora announced the establishment of the Three Parks Independent Democrats Cynthia L. Doty Community Service Award, which will be presented at the Club's future annual gala benefits to a neighborhood organization that serves and benefits the local community.

  • Click here to view the list of speakers at the Oct. 1 Memorial program.
  • Click here to view a slide presentation on the life of Cynthia Doty.

President's Report

By Lorraine Zamora

It’s just over two months since the passing of our beloved Cynthia Doty. On Sunday, Oct. 1, in honor of Cynthia, Three Parks held a memorial to remember her and commemorate her lifetime achievements. Thanks to the ‘so many of you’ who worked lovingly and tirelessly to make the memorial an event that Cynthia would have been proud of.


Special thanks to everyone who came to St. Michael’s Episcopal Church to attend her memorial–family members, federal, congressional, state and local dignitaries, community organizations, and Three Parks Board and Club members–and to all those who spoke and performed so beautifully. It was deeply moving to hear speaker after speaker describe Cynthia’s grace, wisdom and dedication to Three Parks, to the Upper West Side community, to progressive causes, and to making the world a better place! May her example continue to encourage and inspire us.


Now we must return to the business of choosing a Female District Leader. ...

Read More

District Leader Report

By Daniel Marks Cohen

If you are a TPID County Committee member, please attend the following meeting:


2023 Manhattan County Committee Organizing Meeting

Thursday, Oct. 5, 7:00 PM

Society for Ethical Culture

2 West 64th Street

Doors will open at 6:00pm.

County Committee is the grassroots of the Democratic Party. It's an easy but important way to get involved and make a difference. Members adopt rules for local party operations, fill vacancies for local party offices, and, very importantly, nominate Democratic candidates for special elections. You can learn more about County Committee here.

TPID County Committee members should also attend the following meeting:


Divisional Meeting for District Leader Election

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 7:30 PM

American Youth Hostel

Amsterdam Avenue and W. 103rd Street

As Male District Leader, I am calling a Divisional Assembly District Committee meeting for the 69th AD Part A, on Wednesday, October 11, at 7:30 PM prior to the regular Three Parks Club meeting that evening. A formal notice will be mailed shortly to all eligible County Committee members. Based on the rules, the Committee will elect a temporary Chairperson, Secretary, and then take nominations to appoint a new Female District Leader. Quorum is 20% of the County Committee for Part A. There are roughly 90 people in our Part, so about 20 would be quorum. We will also fill vacancies in the County Committee at the meeting as well.

Join Us for Sidewalk Tabling at the Oct. 22 Broadway Street Fair!

Join your fellow Three Parks Club members at our table at the Broadway Street Fair! Reach out to friends and neighbors with information about our Club, upcoming campaigns and elections, issues, voter registration, and more.

When: Sunday, October 22, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Where: Broadway between W. 96th St. and W. 106th St.

Watch your email for exact table location and schedule.

From the September 13 Club Meeting ...

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander (left) and NYS Sen. Brad Hoylman-Sigal address the September 13 Three Parks

Club meeting at the Youth Hostel.

Ten New York State Election Laws to Strengthen Democracy and Protect Voting Rights

By Lynn Thomas


On September 20, 2023, Governor Kathy Hochel signed a legislative package which aims to strengthen democracy and protect voting rights.

Following is a list of the bills in that legislative package:

Legislation (S. 6195/A. 1177) allows absentee ballots to be counted if they have been taped and show no signs of tampering.

Legislation (S. 5984-A/A. 6132-A) creates a “Golden Day” on the first day of the early voting period when New Yorkers can register to vote and cast their ballots at their polling place all on the same day.

Legislation (S. 6519-A/A. 1565-A) establishes a deadline for changing location of a polling place for an early voting period.

Legislation (S. 7394-A/A. 7632-A) establishes a system for early voting by mail. This legislation will create a process allowing all eligible, registered New York State voters the opportunity to vote early by mail in advance of an election.

Read More.

Republicans Try to Look Good by Looking Backwards

By Steve Max

While candidates at the second Republican debate called for an energy policy based on oil, fracked gas and nuclear energy, Donald Trump was in Michigan demanding an end to electric vehicles and promoting gasoline engines. After touring an electric vehicle battery plant, he said, “This plant, we just walked through this plant and the electric vehicles are gonna put [automakers] out of business. They don’t need any of this. The things that you make in Michigan, they don’t need any of it.”[1]

Earlier he had called electric vehicles a “hoax,” saying that all the jobs will go to China, and pledged to repeal all of President Biden’s efforts to build the American electric vehicle industry and reduce greenhouse auto emissions 

In Michigan, he told auto workers:

Your current negotiations don’t mean as much as you think. You’re striking for wages but you know your job’s only going to be here for two years, three years if you’re lucky.” Why is that? Because the Biden administration is promoting electric vehicles. “It makes no difference what you get’ in a deal with the car companies,” Trump said, because “all of these cars will be manufactured in foreign lands.”[2]

Said the National Review, “President Joe Biden’s bid to remake the auto industry has drawn entrenched opposition and quick mobilization from Republican lawmakers at the state and congressional levels.”[3]

Nonetheless, President Biden is determined to build an American EV industry over Republican backwardness....

Read More.

[1] https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/28/business/cars-trump-uaw-electric-vehicles/index.html

[2] https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-michigan-uaw-speech-rcna117831

[3] https://www.nationalreview.com/news/opposition-to-bidens-electric-vehicle-push-mounts/

Become an Election Day Poll Worker

The Board of Elections in the City of New York is hiring Election Day poll workers to work at poll sites across New York City for three upcoming elections:  the General Election on Nov 7, the Presidential Primary on April 2, and the Primary on June 23. Training and certification begins on September 5 and goes through October 21 for the above three elections.

  • Election Inspector: Earn $250 for each election worked plus $100 for completing the training course and passing the exam.    
  • Interpreter: Spanish, Chinese: Earn $250 for each election worked plus $100 for completing the training course and passing the exam.   


Earn up to $950 for completing the training course, passing the exam and working all three Election days.

HOURS/LOCATION: 5:00 a.m. until the polls are closed and closing tasks are completed, which will be after 9:00 p.m. The BOE will try and assign you to a poll site near your home.

HOW TO APPLY: Visit nyc.electiondayworker.com or call 866-VOTE-NYC (866-868-3692)


General Election -- Nov. 7, 2023

  • Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls are open from 6 AM to 9 PM
  • Early Voting period is Oct. 28 through Nov. 5
  • Applications to register to vote in November must be received by the Board of Elections by Oct. 28
  • If you have a valid ID from the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles, you can apply online to register to vote by clicking here.
  • Last day to apply online for an absentee ballot or for the Board of Elections to receive an absentee ballot application by mail: Oct. 23
  • To find your poll site and view a sample ballot, go to Vote.nyc

 Upcoming Meetings

Wednesday, Oct. 11, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 25, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 13, 8:00 PM

Three Parks Club Meeting

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 8o:00 PM

Three Parks Board Meeting

Don't Miss Out! 
Renew Your Three Parks Membership Now 
  • Renew online by clicking here.
  • Renew by mail by printing out and returning the membership form at the end of this newsletter.
The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily representative of Three Parks.
Lorraine Zamora
Chuck Wall

District Leader

Daniel Marks Cohen

State Committee
Daniel Marks Cohen
Lynn Thomas
Read more about our grassroots activities.
Follow us on Facebook/Meta here
Follow us on Twitter here

Website: threeparksdems.org

Read the September Newsletter here

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Individual ($25) __________

Family: two adults in the same household ($40) __________

Low Income ($15) __________     Low Income Family ($20) __________

Sponsor ($50) __________          Patron ($100) __________

Name __________________________ Date __________________

Address __________________________Apt. # _______________

City ________________________  State _______ ZIP ________

Phone (Home) ____________________   (Cell) ___________________

Email ____________________________________________________

Please pay your dues with a check, money order or via PayPal by following this link to the Three Parks website. Please make out all checks to Three Parks Independent Democrats.

Mail to:  Three Parks Independent Democrats

                Cathedral Station, P.O. Box 1316

                 New York, NY 10025

                Attention: Treasurer