news & updates
September 2022
District Conference and Charge Conferences Coming in October
Three Rivers District Conference
Sunday, October 16, 2022
3:00 pm
Gray United Methodist Church
2108 Oak Street
Gray, TN 37615

While everyone is welcome to attend, the following people are voting members of the District Conference: Local church lay leader, chair of the administrative council or administrative board and council on ministries, presidents of United Methodist Youth, United Women in Faith, and United Methodist Men, finance committee chairperson or treasurer, all members of the district leadership team, chairpersons of all district boards and committees, district treasurer, annual conference lay members and at-large lay members, diaconal ministers, deacons in full connection, and pastors serving within the district.

Nominees for At-Large Lay Member to Annual Conference Needed

At district conference we will elect At-Large Lay Members to Annual Conference to attend the 2023 Holston Annual Conference, June 4-7, 2023 at Lake Junaluska, NC. Persons interested in serving may be nominated by their pastor, other laity, or may self-nominate.

The conference office has provided us with the option to receive nominations through an online form this year. Select the blue button below to nominate yourself or someone online.
You can also download the nomination form at the grey button below, complete it on your computer or by hand, and then mail, email, or bring it to the district office.
Charge Conference Schedule
All charge conferences will be held the week of October 16 at various locations around the district. The schedule is as follows:

Sunday, October 16, 4:30 pm at Gray UMC
Monday, October 17, 6:00 pm at Wesley Memorial UMC
Tuesday, October 18, 6:00 pm at Blountville UMC
Wednesday, October 19 6:00 pm at First UMC, Elizabethton
Thursday, October 20, 6:00 pm at Mt. Tabor UMC

Pastors have been given the opportunity to select their preferred date and location. If you are a pastor and haven't made your selection, please email Betty ASAP so we can finalize the schedule. She will resend the signup link to you. Laity, please check with your pastor for the date and location of your charge conference.
Bishop's Day in Three Rivers
On Monday, September 19, Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett spent the day in the Three Rivers District. In the morning she met with 35 district clergy. There were 94 present for the afternoon session with laity. She brought to both groups a message of hope for the future of the United Methodist Church and Holston Conference.

As part of her message, Bishop Wallace-Padgett shared a video statement from the Holston Invitation Team encouraging us to move forward together. You can read the text of that statement here.

Participants at the laity session were invited to write questions on provided cards. These are being reviewed by our district superintendent, and the questions and answers will be sent out sometime in the next week.
Three Rivers Traveling Library
The Three Rivers Traveling Library team has put together a video to spread the word about the library. Copies were handed out during the day with the bishop, but it can also be viewed on YouTube. The library was also present at the Bishop's Day giving attendees the opportunity to tour it and learn more about this ministry.

The library is available to come to your church or community for children and youth events, Vacation Bible School, fall festivals, potlucks, or any other occasion. We are also happy to bring it to schools, boys and girls clubs, scouting events, neighborhood block parties and community events. Our hope is that it can be constantly moving around the district, bringing the joy of reading to as many children as possible.

To learn more, use the links below to view the video or visit the library's webpage.
Coaching Offer
Safer Sanctuaries Training
First published in 1998, the Safe Sanctuaries family of resources has provided trusted guidance for church leaders regarding policies and procedures for abuse prevention standards for children, youth, and vulnerable adults in the church. In April 2023, The Upper Room will publish Safer Sanctuaries: Nurturing Trust within Faith Communities, a new resource with updated approaches built on the strong foundation of its predecessor.

We invite you to join us, along with Discipleship Ministries, for a four-part webinar series each Thursday in October, which will feature insights and sample text from the forthcoming publication and offer lively discussion with its writers. Click here to register and read more about each session.

Holston Clergy can earn 0.3 CEU's for participating in all four webinars.
Conference Nominations Survey
Dear Friends in Christ,

At the 2022 Holston Annual Conference, we voted to be intentional in the make up of the various conference leadership groups. As a part of that intentionality, we have created a web site that allows individuals to indicate areas in which they feel God might be leading them to serve. This email is an invitation...a request...for you to visit the web page and register your choices. 

When the Nominations team meets in January 2023, we will be looking at the names that are a part of the database that is being created and pull from that database possible candidates for the various positions that will need to be filled.

If you are interested in serving, please let us know by following the link below to the web site. Also, please share this email with other United Methodist local church members who may not be on our email list.
Rev. Terry Goodman
Secretary, Holston Conference
Vice-Chair, Conference Nominations Team
Jubilation 2023
Visit our Facebook page to see local church events that are happening across our district!