Thrive Worship on Wednesday, Picnic in the Park, Open Gym on Sunday, Chili Cookoff next month!

Church for the 20-something life

Our weekly worship service takes place each Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the chapel with worship led by o ur praise team followed by a Christ-centered discussion.

The coffee bar and nursery open at 6 p.m. Bring your Bible and a friend as we dive into God's Word together each week.
Thrive Fall Festival

Thanks to Rachel Hephner and CJ Byler for putting together an awesome fall festival, and congratulations to the winners of our pumpkin carving contest:

First Place: Angela Lee (winning pumpkin pictured at right)
Most Creative: Kinsley and Randy Harris

Jon Lee won the "guess the number of candy corn" contest, and  Sean Hephner won the leaf-finding contest.
Picnic in the Park

Our church is going to the park! Grab a blanket or lawn chair this Sunday after church and enjoy a fall afternoon with family and friends at Riverside Park. We'll supply the hamburgers, hotdogs and pulled pork sandwiches, and you bring the sides and drinks for you and your family.

See more information on our Facebook event page.

This event is part of our outreach to Wichita and our goal to reach the lost in Wichita for Christ. We are in need of volunteers to help make this Picnic in the Park event the best possible. 

Food Prep Team
We need a team of 8-10 people to help Jamie Korf with food prep. This includes staging the food on tables as it arrives and making sure it is arranged for the lines and preparing the meat and assembling the sandwiches and wrapping them. This team will need to arrive at the park by noon, which means you'll need to leave before the church service ends to be there on time.

Tent Team
We need a team of 6-8 people to man the tents and help collect names from any and all who attend. This is a simple job but very important as we all know that the goal of our outreach event is to collect names and contact info from as many people so we can follow up and engage new people to our church!

Clean Up Team
Toward the end of the event we will need a crew to help pick up all the trash and help Pastor Paul reload all the items we bring back in to the trailer. We can use as many as possible to do this task and the more who help the faster it will go!

Contact Pastor Paul if you're interested in being a part of one of the teams.

Open Gym

All are welcome to play basketball each Sunday evening at 7 p.m. in the gym. Bring the proper gear (t-shirt, athletic shorts and gym shoes), invite a friend and come get some exercise.

8 Days Movie Night

As part of our continuing Faith Promise emphasis, the Orpheum Theatre in downtown Wichita is offering a special presentation of 8 Days, a movie about human sex trafficking. Help raise awareness of this terrible practice and gain a better understanding of ways in which we all can help end human trafficking.

The theatre will offer two showings, a matinee at 2 p.m. and an evening showtime at 7 p.m. Tickets are available for sale in the church foyer after the Sunday morning worship service and online through the Orpheum Theatre website.

Upcoming events to put on the calendar

Wednesday, Nov. 11 -  All-church feast in the gym (no Thrive Worship)
Friday, Nov. 13 - Bowling Night fundraiser for children's ministry ($20 per person)
Saturday, Nov. 14 - Chili Cook-Off Night at Jon & Angela Lee's house
Wednesday, Nov. 25 - No Thrive Worship (Thanksgiving break)
Thrive Sundays

9:30 a.m. - Our young adults Sunday School class meets each Sunday morning in the downstairs fellowship hall. Join us each week as we explore God's Word together.

10:45 a.m. - We will hear from special guest speaker Dr. Bill Burch in our morning worship service, which will also be streamed live online.

1 p.m. - Picnic in the Park! Meet at Riverside Park after church for a picnic. Grab a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy a fall afternoon with family and friends. We'll supply the hamburgers, hot dogs and pulled pork sandwiches, and you bring the sides and drinks for you and your family.

7 p.m. - Pick up basketball in the gym.

Because there's a few things that are kind of interesting on the Internet.

A man in Virginia was caught living in a church... for three years.

This guy makes McDonalds cups look so much cooler than they really are.

He is in SO much trouble when she wakes up.

Thrive Young Adult Ministries | Wichita First Church of the Nazarene
| (316) 708-8450 | |