February 3, 2025 | Issue #5

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For 2025 please consider a donation to help support delivery of the Monday Morning Update to your email every week by 5:30am. Our distribution of this update is over 10,000 and growing. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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February 2025 Featured Agency Highlight

4Cs of Alameda County

Public and private community-based organizations known as Alternative Payment Programs (APPs) support the needs of working moms and dads with access to child care and other supports earmarked to lift families up from poverty. During the pandemic, these programs have distributed emergency essential worker child care vouchers, family child care and center stipends & PPE, diapers, food and clothing. Throughout California, these APPs may also support parental choice to CalWORKs Stages 2 & 3, preschool and center-based programs, general child care, After School Education and Safety (ASES), Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Family Child Care Home Education Networks (FCCHENs), transportation, behavioral & mental health services, respite, regional centers, health and safety, 21st Century, resource libraries, and Trustline.

4Cs of Alameda County is a non-profit family resource agency dedicated to strengthening children, families and child care providers in Alameda County since 1972. We provide access to affordable, quality child care by connecting families and providers to a wide network of community partners, child focused resources and financial assistance programs.

4Cs offers an extensive database of state licensed child care providers, payment assistance programs, child health and nutrition education and a staff of specialists who speak multiple languages. Our child care information and referral services are free to all parents, regardless of income. We also support local child care providers with free and low cost training, business counseling, professional development, and funding in order to improve the quality of child care services within Alameda County.

The result is stronger children, families, and child care providers who enrich the communities around them.

Click here to read the full 4Cs of Alameda County factsheet!

Get to know them and the full scope of their work by reading their Impact Report highlighting how they are supporting the needs of family child care providers and families in Alameda County.

Karen Marlatt, CEO of Valley Oak Children's Services, voted Businesswoman of the Year by the Chico Camber!

It is with immense pride that we share the exciting news that Karen Marlatt has been nominated for the Jeanne Posey Businesswoman of the Year Award by the Chico Chamber. The Jeanne Posey Businesswoman of the Year award was named after Jeanne Posey because of her extraordinary dedication to the community and her tireless volunteerism. She was a Chamber Ambassador, board member and the first recipient of the Athena Award for Woman of the Year. Jeanne exemplified leadership, generosity, and commitment to service. We honor Jeanne Posey by shining light on those who walk in her footsteps, continuing to serve and sacrifice for our community.

This year’s recipient of the Jeanne Posey Businesswoman of the Year award is a leader whose work has profoundly shaped our community. With nearly two decades of dedication to Valley Oak Children’s Services, she has built an organization that strengthens families, empowers individuals, and transforms lives. Her leadership philosophy is simple yet impactful; guide others to find their own path to greatness, focusing not on power but on the ripple effects of empowering families to break the cycle of poverty. Under her guidance, this organization has become a cornerstone of support for families in our region. By making childcare affordable for parents pursuing work or education, advocating for critical services at the local, state, and federal levels, and operating as a Strength-Based organization, her team helps families focus on what’s strong, not what’s wrong. Her commitment to advocacy greatly reflects our community values and has led to meaningful changes that uplift families and children.

Karen Marlatt also serves on the Thriving Families CA (TFC) board and has been instrumental in bringing fresh ideas and new innovations to the child care field.

Partner Highlights

Children Now 2025 California County Scorecard

Last Monday, Children Now released the 2025 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being. 

"The 2025 California County Scorecard of Children’s Well-Being, published bi-annually, is an interactive tool that lets you quickly see and compare how kids from every one of California’s 58 counties are faring across health, education, child welfare, and early childhood. Analyzing county-level data across 40 key indicators, year over year and by race and ethnicity, the Scorecard shines a light on where kids are thriving and struggling at the local level. Data sets include percent of children in working families for whom a licensed child care slot was available, 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in preschool or TK, and many other critical metrics of child and family well-being.

Stakeholders can use this data to advocate for supports for kids and families at the local and state levels, as well as learn about what other communities are doing for their children. Any thoughts or questions can be directed to researchmail@childrennow.org." - Children Now

View the Scorecard Here

Los Angeles Wildfires Resources & Updates

PIN 25-02-CCP - Governor's Proclamation of a State of Emergency and Implementation of Waivers



Notifies child care licensees and providers of the Governor’s Proclamation of a State of Emergency and Executive Orders authorizing the Director of the Department to waive licensing requirements in order to directly respond to the needs of child care facilities and providers impacted by the January 2025, fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. This PIN also implements waivers for certain licensing statutes and regulations.

Head to Thriving Families CA's Los Angeles Wildfires Resources & Updates website page for a list of the most recent state updates and resources.

California State Budget, Legislature & The Capitol

California Budget Updates

On January 10th, Governor Newsom released his 2025-26 Proposed Budget.

To support our field keeping up with budget related information, TFC will host updates and information on our Budget Page. any questions.

Upcoming Budget Hearings:

Click here to go to TFC's Budget Page.

TFC's Featured Bill of the Week

AB 49 (Muratsuchi) Schoolsites and day care centers: entry requirements: immigration enforcement.

Author: Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi

California Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi represents the 66th Assembly District, located in the Los Angeles South Bay and Harbor Area. A champion for public education, Muratsuchi serves as Chair of the Assembly Education Committee and previously served as Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Funding. He is fighting to transform public schools to promote student success and the well-being of every child, regardless of who they are and where they live. He is the lead author of Proposition 2, a $10 billion statewide school bond. Muratsuchi also authored the California Freedom to Read Act to fight book bans at public libraries.

Click Here to Read the Factsheet

Important Dates, Deadlines,

Hearings, and Bills

Dates & Deadlines:

  • February 21, 2025 - Last day for bills to be introduced.

Upcoming Informational Hearings

Recently Introduced Bills to Watch:

The following bills of interest have been introduced. You can follow these bills and more on TFC's State Legislation page on our website. Please note that TFC does not formally support nor oppose any bill listed unless explicitly stated.

Legislative Resources:

  • See the full 2025-26 Legislative Calendar here.
  • Visit TFC's Legislation Page to find a comprehensive list of bills of interest.
  • Visit TFC's Budget Page for full budget bill details, as well as budget hearing video archive links.
  • Click here to view all the bills that the Assembly and Senate introduced this legislative year.
  • Click here to view legislative committee information, rules, and position letter deadlines.

ICYMI: A Very Successful "Lifting Up Families" Advocacy Day!

On January 22, 2025, more than 50 organizations including statewide and community-based organizations came together to host an Advocacy Day focused on lifting up the needs of families across California. Over 135 people attended virtually and in-person to support increasing access to child care, food, housing, mental health, healthcare, and so much more. You can watch the full recording of our speaker program here.

We want to express our gratitude to the parents, family child care providers and advocate partners who showed up to make this Advocacy Day so impactful and successful. Together, we met with over 70 legislative offices to show our support for creating a strong California where families and children can grow and THRIVE!

To see this year's customized legislator packets and other advocacy materials, click here!

More Photo Highlights from Advocacy Day

Representatives from Changing Tides Family Services, Valley Oak Children's Services, Del Norte Child Care Council, and 4Cs of Sonoma County met with the office of Senate Pro Tempore Mike McGuire.

Representatives from Child Development Resources held 3 virtual meetings with Senator Steve Bennett (top), the office of Senator Monique Limon (left), and Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin (right).

Child Action Inc. put together their own collage of their meetings with Assemblymember Lori Wilson (left) alongside statewide advocates from the California Child Care Resource & Referral Network and the CACFP Roundtable, Assemblymember Stephanie Nguyen (bottom right), and snapped a picture in front of the Capitol!

Thank you to all of our amazing attendees who snapped a picture during advocacy day!

Featured legislators: Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (top left), Assemblymember Mia Bonta (top row, second from left), Assemblymember Chris Rogers (center photo).

Featured staff: Office of Assemblymember Damon Connolly (top row, 3rd from left), office of Senator Christopher Cabaldon (middle row, left), office of Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan (bottom row, left), office of Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (bottom row, middle).

Thank You to Our Event Sponsors!

TFC Audit Training this Thursday!

Thriving Families CA, in partnership with DSS Office of Audit Services, will be delivering a virtual training for our field focused on auditing. During the first part of the training, DSS will be presenting an overview of current federal and state fiscal requirements for child development programs, as well as resources related to audit requirements and audit report reviews.

There will also be time set aside for a Q&A session. 

During part 2, there will be a training from an independent auditor on how agencies should be preparing and complying with the different requirements.

We hope you can join us!

Learn More & Register Here

Did You Know?

Child Care Q&A's

NOTE: If you have a question you would like answered or researched, please email.

Question: Will child care provider Cost of Care monthly payments continue?

Answer: Yes. Enacted in the 2024-25 Budget and referenced to continue in the 2025-26 Proposed Budget, this monthly amount will continue.

Federal Update

Presentation on Opportunities for Child Care and the Tax Code

Last week, the First Five Years Fund (FFYF), Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA), the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the Independent Restaurant Coalition, and Moms First hosted an in-depth conversation for advocates about how the upcoming tax debate will need all of our voices to ensure we protect existing tax credits that support families and use this opportunity to expand credits that help more families afford child care.

Watch the webinar recording and view other resources here.

View the slides of the presentation here.

Click here to read the most recent weekly federal update from the National Women's Law Center.

Federal Government Update

It’s been a week of mass confusion and well-founded alarm for many of us. 


On Monday, a White House memo cut off federal funding for Head Start, health care, child welfare, meals for seniors, and much more before a court blocked the freeze temporarily, and the White House withdrew its memo after quick and intense public outcry. This followed several executive orders (EOs) last week that EOs remain in effect. 


The Washington Post has a helpful rundown of which restrictions on federal programs remain in effect and which do not. In a nutshell: programs implicated by last week’s EOs remain in limbo, uncertainty around the EOs’ limitations continues to cause disruptions, and the administration continues to roll out new, vague directives.


What this means and why it matters:

  • For nowmost children, families, and early educators still have access to vital services that they need, including food, child care, rental assistance, education, etc.
  • Collective advocacy is effective, and powerful. The mass outcry over the real harm to people – including children, families, and early educators – led to the rescinding of the order.
  • Under the US Constitution, federal law, and previous court decisions, the White House does not have the authority to withhold appropriated funds indefinitely. Only Congress may make federal appropriations.

What’s next:

  • The crisis is only temporarily averted. The White House warned that it will continue to seek ways to cut funding for federal programs that have already been approved by Congress, taking away vital support that people need. 
  • Congress is preparing a budget to cut trillions of dollars, including child care, food assistance, and other programs serving children, families, and early educators. With less revenue available due to tax breaks and other Administration priorities, Head Start, the Social Services Block (SSDBG), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and many others remain at risk.


Please continue to raise your voices about the critical importance of maintaining access to federal funding for children, families, and educators AND increasing those funds through annual appropriations.

Read the Full NWLC Update Here

Most Viewed Bills of the Week:

1.S.5 [119th] Laken Riley Act

2.H.Res.7 [119th] Recognizing the importance of access to comprehensive, high-quality, life-affirming medical care for women of all ages.

3.H.R.7521 [118th] Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

4.H.R.7511 [118th] Laken Riley Act

5.H.R.25 [119th] To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.

6.S.6 [119th] Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

7.H.R.29 [119th] Laken Riley Act

8.H.R.78 [119th] To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit certain abortion procedures, and for other purposes.

9.H.R.238 [119th] To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to clarify that artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can qualify as a practitioner eligible to prescribe drugs if authorized by the State involved and approved, cleared, or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration, and for other purposes.

10.H.R.28 [119th] Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025

CDSS & CDE Upcoming Events

The Child Care and Development Division held a Contractor Meeting on Thursday, January 16th, 2025 from 10 am to 11 am.  Below are the presentation slides from the meeting. 

January 2025 Contractor Meeting Presentation PowerPoint Slides

January 2025 Contractor Meeting Presentation Hyperlinks

The next meeting will be on February 20, 2025, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Please use this zoom link to register for the meeting.

SAVE THE DATE: Equity-Centered Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Advisory Panel

The California Department of Social Services is pleased to announce the fourth convening of the Equity-Centered QRIS Advisory Panel. The fourth Panel meeting will be February 25, 2025, from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. All meetings are open to the public so that community members can participate and share advice and ideas. The meetings will include interpretation and translation in Spanish, Chinese and American Sign Language, and additional interpretation support will be added to later meetings if needed.

Please save the following details for the next meeting:

SAVE THE DATE: Rate and Quality Advisory Panel

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is pleased to announce the next Rate and Quality Advisory Panel meeting is scheduled on March 6, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. All meetings are open to the public so that community members can participate and share advice and ideas. The meetings will include interpretation and translation in Spanish, Chinese and American Sign Language (ASL) and additional interpretation support will be added to later meetings if needed.

Please save the following details for the next meeting:

CDSS & CDE Information & Updates

**Reminder** CDSS - Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) CDD-801A & CDD-801B Lock Schedule

This email serves to inform all CDSS – CDMIS contractors of the upcoming lock schedule for the CDD-801A and CDD-801B.

CDD-801A report periods are locked ninety (90) days after the report due date. This provides agencies additional time to review and update information submitted. Once a report period is locked for the CDD-801A, users trying to access data will receive the following message: “The cut-off date for entering CDD-801A data for the selected month/year has passed. CDD-801A data may no longer be entered for the selected report month/year.”


Once a report period is locked for the CDD-801B, users trying to access this data will receive the following message: “CDD-801B Input/Edit is not allowed because the selected month has been locked for ACF Reporting. (MN40)”.

Learn More Here.

Count Play Explore Advisory Committee Applications Open!

The California Department of social Services is sharing some exciting information on behalf of Count Play Explore (CPE), an initiative led by the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools Department of Early Care and Education. CPE is currently seeking applications from individuals with expertise and experience in early learning, child development and health, Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM), and/or family and community engagement to serve on the CPE Advisory Committee (CPEAC).

Learn More Here.

Social Media Spotlight

Follow TFC on social media!

We would love for you to tag us in your posts and use the hashtag #TFC2025

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On Our Reading List

Big Ten Early Learning Alliance Shines a Light on Early Childhood Data Solutions | Early Learning Nation

A new coalition of early childhood research experts are collaborating to disseminate solutions to the field — starting with a focus on data.

Illinois is not alone in grappling with data on programs and services for families with young children. The newly formed Big Ten Early Learning Alliance (Big Ten ELA) was designed to address issues that span research and policy, like the challenges facing the IECAM team. Led by Ohio State University professor Laura Justice (who also heads the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy) and Rutgers University professor W. Steven Barnett (who founded and co-directs the National Institute for Early Education Research), the alliance is open to researchers from Big Ten universities, which comprises 18 higher education institutions across 14 states. Members collaborate on research that addresses important early childhood issues and work together to champion and disseminate solutions to the field. The states involved collectively have nearly 5.8 million residents aged 5 and under, according to State of Early Childhood Education in Big Ten States, a recent brief published by Big Ten ELA — and the alliance is dedicated to improving their early learning experiences and lifetime outcomes.

Why is data critical to service delivery, and why did the Big Ten ELA’s first webinar zero in on data solutions? “Part of the rationale for many investments in early childhood programs,” Justice and Barnett explain in their report, “is to capitalize on the potential return on investment of preschool participation, such that for every dollar put into the system, dividends are returned in the future.” If the data can’t be trusted, policymakers might balk at the price tag.

Read More

Information & Updates

Happening This Week, February 3 - 7, 2025:

Tuesday, February 4th:

Wednesday, February 5th:

  • TFC Public Policy Meeting @ 2:00pm.

Thursday, February 6th:

Thriving Families California is committed to supporting our field with a coordinated calendar. Click here to see current calendar of events. If you have an event to add, email us and it will be added.

End Child Poverty CA's IMAGINE Legislative Briefing 02/11

Thriving Family CA is a coalition member of End Child Poverty California (ECPCA). On February 11th, ECPCA will host a briefing for allies, legislators, and legislative staff to outline the coalition's IMAGINE priorities for 2025.

Event Details:

  • Date & Time: Tuesday, February 11th from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Invitees: Community members, Assemblymembers & Senators, legislative staff, advocates and ECPCA coalition members
  • Location: Clifford L. Allenby Building, 1215 O St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Register for the Event Here

The Weekly Good

An uplifting way to start the week, for those of us who need a break from the chaos that is our lives.

During this time where we are all stressed, it would be great to celebrate the positive. Each week we will celebrate everyday heroes, inspiring movements and great things happening in our field. 

Quick Links

- Join TFC Today!

-Legislative Information

-Job Announcements

-TFC Website

-Support TFC

February 2025 Monday Morning Update Sponsor

TFC Member Only Benefits

Not a member?

Find out how to join today!

TFC Weekly Member Connections via Zoom:

Our commitment to you is to have scheduled at least once per week a call wherein we can all connect. As questions arise, forward them to TFC so that we can address them on these calls. Look for a weekly email to register. Recording and Q&A will also be posted on the Member's Only page. 

Job Descriptions and Salary Information

TFC has collected more than 85 job descriptions from member agencies that you can view and use when you create your agency's next job posting!

Visit the Member's Only website to view today!

Best Practices

TFC has been working on Best Practices and policies to support you.

Visit the Member's Only website to view today!

TFC's 2024-25 Board of Directors


Gina Fromer, Ph.D.



Michelle Graham

Children's Resource & Referral of Santa Barbara County 


LaVera Smith

Supportive Services, Inc. Fresno


Beth Chiaro

Child Care Resource Center


Rick Richardson

Child Development Associates


Teri Sedrick

North Coast Opportunities, Inc.


Phillip Warner

Children's Council of San Francisco


Jeanne Fridolfs

Napa County Office of Education


Joie Owen

Valley Oak Children's Services


Karen Marlatt

Valley Oak Children's Services 


Adonai Mack

Child Action, Inc.


Tina Barna 


Jessica Kranz

Go Kids, Inc.


Mike Michelon

Denyne Micheletti Colburn


The representation of the TFC board spreads across all agency types and sizes, and represents voices from nearly every region in California.

Click Here to see.

DSS & CDE Updates

January 22, 2025

CCB 25-01: Emergency Child Care Bridge Program for Foster Children

December 20, 2024

Management Bulletin 24-12:

Guidance on the required family childcare provider data elements to be reported.

December 16, 2024

Management Bulletin 24-11:

Guidance on Cost of Care Plus Rate Allocations and Transitional Payments for the California State Preschool Program

December 13, 2024

Management Bulletin 24-10:

Guidance on Suspension and Expulsion in California State Preschool Program Family Childcare Home Education Networks

December 2, 2024

CCB 24-23: Suspension and Expulsion Policies in Family Child Care Home Education Networks

October 31, 2024

CCB 24-25: Process to Assign Relinquished Funds to Child Care and Development Contractors

October 22, 2024

CCB 24-24: Alternative Payment Program Administrative Supportive Allocation

Job Openings

Is Your Organization Hiring?

Post your job announcement here for thousands to see!

There is no charge for TFC members.

Non-members will be charged a fee of $75.

Please email us your posting!

Center Director

Early Development Services, Santa Barbara County

Family Engagement Supervisor

Children's Council San Francisco

-Director of Programs

4Cs Sonoma County 

-Health Specialist

-Sub Teacher-Child Dev

-Associate Teacher-Child Dev

-LPC Coordinator

-Home Base Educator

Colusa County Office of Education

-Program Services Assistant III

-Local Child Care Planning Coordinator

-Teachers - Child Development

Colusa County Office of Education 

-Finance Director

-Center Director at Roosevelt

Davis Street

-Child Care Case Manager & Support Specialist

-Child Care Case Manager

Glenn County Office of Education

Family Advocate

YMCA of San Diego County

Pathways LA- Multiple Job Openings

Nutritional Aid, Child Care Provider Training Coordinator, Child Care Case Worker,

Preschool Associate Teacher, Child Care Professional Dev. Coach and Payment Processor

Of Interest

America’s child care crisis is holding back moms without college degrees

California is rolling out free preschool. That hasn't solved challenges around child care

Preschool? Transitional kindergarten? Is there a difference? Parents are stressing out

Seven Facts About the Economics of Child Care

CHIPS Act Child Care Requirements Already Showing Promise

California lawmakers vote to reduce deficit by $17 billion, but harder choices lie ahead

4 Shocking Stats About Child Care Costs in America

Field Happenings and Resources

Recognizing how our agencies continue to engage and communicate with families and providers.

CocoKids January 2025 Newsletter

Del Norte Child Care Council December Newsletter

4Cs of Alameda Current Newsletter

Upcoming Valley Oak Children's Service Events

4Cs Sonoma Upcoming Events

Connections for Children Upcoming Events

Hively Upcoming Events

Become a Monday 

Morning Update Partner! 

Our Monday Morning Update supports our Early Learning & Child Care field with timely information about what is going on in California and nationally; as well as dates to be aware and upcoming events. 

Our weekly Monday morning distribution is to nearly 10,000 federal and state local agencies, resource and referrals, contractors, legislators and their staffs', centers, parents, providers, state departments and advocates. 

To help support the continuation of this resource and or advertise in the Monday Morning Update, click HERE.

To advertise in the update, click here.

The Thriving Families CA Foundation is a non-profit organization (501(c)3), Taxpayer Identification Number is 03-0521444. Your generous donation is tax deductible.

Visit our website!
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