Thriving Together: A Springboard for Equitable Recovery
Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash
"I have an inherent belief that the more we take care of the people in our community, the better our economy and our society will be."

Liz Baxter, North Sound Accountable Community of Health, Thriving Together
Thriving Together: A Springboard for Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America
Bobby Milstein, ReThink Health

Monte Roulier, Community Initiatives
America is a land of innovators and hard workers. Today, our lives and livelihoods are being destabilized by COVID-19 and other compounding threats. As we rush to recover, there is a danger of stopping short, missing the big picture, and fooling ourselves that getting back to normal is good enough. Thriving Together: A Springboard for Recovery and Resilience in Communities Across America shows how the immense resilience in America’s communities can propel us to organize local and nationwide action around one unifying and measurable expectation: All people and places thriving. No exceptions.

Thriving Together highlights actions that communities, organizations, businesses, governments, and philanthropies can embrace to emerge from the trauma of 2020 with greater resilience, humanity, and direction. The report contains three sections to help system stewards across the country spring into action:

In the midst of enormously disruptive events across America, is it still possible to find a way for all people and places to thrive? More than 100 contributors to Thriving Together say a resounding YES. We have summarized our views in a series of brief chapters. Each one focuses on a vital condition or selected topic, featuring “pivotal moves” that stand out as high priorities for quick action, along with links to full Deep Dive documents.

In a world fraught with divergent views on how to move our country forward, is it still possible to find common directions for renewing the big trends that shape our lives together? Here too, we say YES. Thriving Together describes pathways for renewing our Civic Life, Economic Life, and Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Life. The focus is on trend benders for the next decade, coupled with measures that matter.

With so many people yearning for the freedom to thrive, what will it take to propel a movement that will match the high stakes of this legacy moment? The final section of Thriving Together reminds us of the momentum already underway to create thriving communities, each fit to its own place and context. It calls us all to join in the hard, healthy work ahead.

Over the next several weeks, the WIN Digest will feature ideas and resources from each Change Course Chapter. We know Thriving Together is an imperfect work-in-progress, written for today, yet part of a larger story in a long, evolving movement. We share it with humility--and look forward to joining with you as we search for better ways to thrive together.

Connect and share ideas at Thriving.US.
Thriving Together Legacy Moment 2020: A Larger Story and Longer Movement

"I draw hope from knowing that in my DNA, I was built to survive. ...People of Color were built to endure in this nation...I came into this world having to learn how to adapt to an environment
that was hostile. ...I draw hope from knowing that my people are strong people."

Michael McAfee, Policylink
In 2020, our efforts to thrive have grown more difficult: at whiplash speed, we are now struggling and suffering through COVID-19 and spiraling crises. Generations before us have endured sweeping adversity and sometimes found the strength to make great strides toward well-being and justice. Once again, America’s resilience and humanity are being tested.

The work at hand is to renew our legacies for living together by stemming the tide of mounting affliction, preparing for future crises, and expanding opportunities for all people and places to thrive.

America’s movement for well-being and justice can never be codified in a single playbook. Yet, it can spring forward with great force and direction if we pursue our priorities, together, to make change happen where it counts.

Read the full introduction to Thriving Together here.
Thriving Together highlights promising actions for an equitable recovery from COVID-19--and for well-being, resilience, and justice over the decade ahead.

This webinar provides an overview of the recently released report, example actions partners are taking, and offers ways to share ideas, work, and expertise moving forward.
Visit to download sections of the report:

Legacy Moment frames the report and its context, introduces the vital conditions, and offers a set of guiding principles.

Changing Course presents 11 summaries focused on the vital conditions, followed by separate summaries that examine place, faith, investment, and measurement.

Paths to Renewal builds on the previous sections by presenting actionable ideas for national renewal.

Thriving Movement concludes the main narrative by looking at where we go from here.

Deep Dives are paper-length explanations of ideas touched on in the Changing Course summaries.
Stewardship is a core concept in Thriving Together. We cannot unlock our full potential for well-being with token gestures. It takes serious change—in ourselves, our relationships, our institutions, and the systems that we create together.

This report profiles characteristics of people who are not only impressive stewards, but also are helping to grow the entire field of system stewardship for well-being. It describes what prompts them to set new standards for what system changers can do while also inspiring many other people and organizations to join them in this work.
Michael McAfee, PolicyLink

Liz Baxter, North Sound Accountable Community of Health
The WE WIN Racial Justice Community provides space for communities, organizations, and coalitions to learn from one another. Together, we reflect and gather insight for addressing racism in workplaces and throughout life. Learn more and register here.
Well-Being in the Nation: A Living Library of Measures to Drive Multi-Sector Population Health Improvement and Address Social Determinants
The rise in awareness of how social determinants drive health outcomes, advanced by the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, the All-In, the Practical Playbook, 100 Million Healthier Lives, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Culture of Health initiative, and many others, have moved communities to invest in multisector collaboration to address social needs and the social determinants of health.

The WIN measures were selected using five cycles of a modified Delphi Process. Through this process, more than 100 groups and local communities worked together to put hundreds of measures into a living library of measures that could be used across sectors.
The Miracle of Morning

From a wave of woes our world will emerge stronger.
We’ll observe how the burdens braved by humankind
Are also the moments that make us humans kind;
Let every dawn find us courageous, brought closer;
Heeding the light before the fight is over.
When this ends, we’ll smile sweetly, finally seeing
In testing times, we became the best of beings.

Amanda Gorman, US Youth Poet Laureate, 2020
Photo by Jesse Gardner on Unsplash
Well-Being Learning Exchange

Panelists joined the All-America City Awards Event to discuss the 7 vital conditions of community well-being: Thriving Natural World, Basic Needs, Humane Housing, Meaningful Work and Wealth, Lifelong Learning, Reliable Transportation, and Belonging and Civic Muscle.

On August 19th, 2020 the National Civic League announced the winners of the 2020 All-America City Award (AAC). Each community demonstrated civic engagement practices that are inspirational, inclusive and promising in their ability to unite members of the community to collectively and collaboratively help solve our country’s most pressing and complex issues. This year’s winners focused specifically on enhancing health and well-being through civic engagement.
All-America City Award Finalists Stewardship in Action: Muncie, Indiana

Stewardship is necessary to advance equitable wellbeing across the country.

Jane Ellery, a Ball State University professor and community leader from Muncie, Indiana, joined Commons Good podcast host Stacy Wegley for a conversation about stewardship, belonging, and connection.

Check out the excerpts to learn more about Jane’s experiences—and click on the audio clip to hear directly from Jane.
Congratulations to the 2020 RWJF-NCL Health Equity Award Recipient

The National Civic League is proud to announce the winner of this year’s Health Equity Award: Dr. Tsu-Yin Wu, director of the Eastern Michigan University Center for Health Disparities Innovation and Studies (CHDIS). The Health Equity Award is presented each year by the National Civic League in conjunction with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to recognize individuals who are leveraging civic engagement to improve health outcomes for those most impacted by health disparities.
Thriving Together: Commons Collection

Throughout the development of Thriving Together, a diverse set of resources, tools, stories, perspectives, policies, and guides were identified as useful in moving towards the goal of equitable well-being. This curated set of content is catalogued here as a library.
Seven Vital Conditions for Health and Well Being

The Vital Conditions are a crucial element of the Springboard. You can explore them in detail on the Community Commons.
Stewardship Resources

Stewardship is defined as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.” When applied to our collective work to advance healthy, equitable, sustainable communities, the concept describes leaders -- both people and organizations -- who take responsibility for forming working relationships to drive transformative change in regions and communities.
National Governors Association

9/17 at 2:00 PM ET
WIN Cooperatives