One Health Academy Meeting

Thursday Night, 
April 13th, 2017 at 6:30 PM

Capital Yacht Club 
660 Water St. SW, Washington DC, 20024 

 Click Here to View a Map 
Upcoming Events

April 13 - Jack Shere and Brian McCluskey

May 11 - Samantha Rubright

June 8 - Gavin Macgregor-Skinner
Please join One Health Academy on Thursday , April 13th, 2017  at 6:30 PM at the Capital Yacht Club (660 Water St SW) in Washington, DC  where our guest speaker will be Dr. Jack Shere Please RSVP , by e-mailing

Visit our RSVP page to pay for dinner electronically (credit/debit card).

Directions can be found here.

Dr. Shere will discuss One Health in APHIS

If you're not available to attend in person, One Health Commission is providing Dr. Shere's talk as a live webinar and will be recorded to watch later. To register for the webinar, please click here.

New fellowship opportunities have been added to our website at both Department of Homeland Security and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

More upcoming One Health events and previous recordings are also listed on our website here .
Dr. Jack A. Shere is the Deputy Administrator for Veterinary Services at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). Beyond the domestic program diseases work that is a large part of the Veterinary Services mission, Dr. Shere has worked on animal disease outbreaks of Salmonella enteridittis (SE), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in England, Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI), Exotic Newcastle Disease (END), and High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). During the 2002-2003 Exotic Newcastle Disease Outbreak in California, Texas, New Mexico, and Utah, he served as the Joint Area Commander and Incident Commander for the task force that eradicated this disease from the United States. 

Dr. Shere has held many roles since joining the USDA APHIS Veterinary Services in 1990, serving as a field Veterinary Medical Officer (VMO) in Nebraska and Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, he worked both as a field VMO and as the State Area Epidemiology Officer (AEO) from 1991 to 1999. In 1999, he was promoted to the position of Area Veterinarian in Charge (AVIC). Dr. Shere served as the AVIC from April 1999 to November 2002, when he was promoted to the position of the Associate Regional Director (ARD) for the Western Region of the United States. From 2005 to 2013, Dr. Shere was the Eastern Regional Director of the United States for Veterinary Services.

Dr. Shere received a BS in Biology and Chemistry in 1981, a DVM in 1987, and a MS in Education with a minor in counseling in 1988 - all from Iowa State University. He practiced Veterinary Clinical Medicine for three years in Georgia. He received a joint PhD in Poultry Science and in Microbiology, which were awarded in 2001 from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin. His PhD research and dissertation involved the epidemiology and ecology of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cattle.

There is a 50 person limit to our meeting so we suggest you register early. The cost of the evening is $20.00 per person and includes dinner, discussion with colleagues and networking. Students (with identification) may attend for $10.00.

Please RSVP by emailing with your name and the name of any guests attending. Payment will be taken electronically by PayPal or by cash or check at the door. All RSVPs should be in by the Monday before the meeting, April 10th. If you end up not being able to make it after your RSVP, please let us know at
as we factor in the cost for food based on RSVP count.

The nearest Metro station is Waterfront-SEU.
The entrance to the club is facing the water where the old Channel Inn used to be.

Free Parking is now available to the left of the building in the surface lot labeled for Capital Yacht Club members .

If you have any questions about this event you can contact us at
Looking forward to seeing you!
To find out more about our speakers and our events go to our website at
One Health Academy