One Health Academy Meeting
Thursday Night, 
January 14th, 2016 at 6:30 PM

Capital Yacht Club 
660 Water St. SW, Washington DC, 20024 

 Click Here to View a Map 
Upcoming Events

January 14 - Sam Sander

February 11 - John Griffin

March 10 - Rachel Cumberbatch

April 14 - Laura Kahn

Please join One Health Academy on Thursday , January 14th, 2016  at 6:30 PM at the NEW Capital Yacht Club (660 Water St SW) in Washington, DC  where our guest speaker will be Dr. Sam Sander.  Please RSVP , by e-mailing

Dr. Sander will discuss It Takes a Village, Lessons in Zoo Medicine.

Upcoming One Health events are also listed on our website here.
Some of the most recent talks are online as recordings thanks to One Health Commission for their support on this! 
Samantha Sander joined the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore as an associate veterinarian this past summer. At the Maryland Zoo, Sam is one of three veterinarians that manage the over 1500 birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians, representing over 200 species. In August of 2015, Sam completed her three year zoological medicine residency at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park and is board eligible for the American College of Zoological Medicine. Leading up to her residency, Dr. Sander completed a one year rotating small animal internship in Connecticut and a one year zoo, exotics, and wildlife internship at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana.
Sam graduated with her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 2010 and her Bachelors in honors biology and chemistry in 2006 both at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Beyond her extensive training, Sam has been published in four different journals and has taught several hundred veterinary students. She loves the challenge of managing so many different cases, contributing to the education of staff and the public, and making a larger impact in wildlife conservation.

There is a 50 person limit to our meeting so we suggest you register early. The cost of the evening is $20.00 per person and includes dinner, discussion with colleagues and networking. Students (with identification) may attend for $10.00.

Please RSVP by emailing with your name and the name of any guests attending. Payment will be taken at the door by cash or check. All RSVPs should be in by the Monday before the meeting, January 11th. If you end up not being able to make it after your RSVP, please let us know at
as we factor in the cost for food based on RSVP count.

The nearest Metro station is Waterfront-SEU.
The entrance to the club is facing the water where the old Channel Inn used to be.
Parking can be found on the street or farther east down the street near Cantina Marina.
If you have any questions about this event you can contact us at
Looking forward to seeing you!
To find out more about our speakers and our events go to our website at
One Health Academy