Thursday Thoughts for December 10, 2020
My dear faith family,
So a tough week for many of us...we have lost yet another saint of the church, Jimmy Powell. Jimmy is one of the first who welcomed me to Grace with his big smile, his quirky sense of humor and always calling me "Buddy." He and Lou Betton were faithful every week on that back pew. And he was meticulous with Grace's money as our Financial Secretary--checking and double-checking and checking yet again to make sure that the numbers were right and our information secure. Kind-hearted and caring, he made sure that the most vulnerable were ministered to and he graciously gave his own resources to special needs and projects. But Jim lived in HOPE! And in the assurance of a Savior. I give God thanks for the privilege of being in his presence and working with him.

The loss of both Donna and Jimmy has also reminded me of how precious life is and that we need to intentionally reach out to one another to offer comfort and hope each day of time on earth. As we enter the gift-giving season let us all give the gift of understanding, peace, kindness and mercy. Many of you have been generous to me over the years and I am so humbled by that. But I think of those who are in dire circumstances and encourage you to minister to those folks. The people of La Majada and surrounding areas have lost yet more jobs and the crops of Nicaragua have been decimated--there will be a shortage of beans and rice this year and even if available, the cost will be too high for most families. Perhaps you can be Living Hope to others!
Don't forget to pick up your Living in Hope buttons to wear wherever you go--spread HOPE!
This Sunday at the 10:30 AM worship we hope to participate in the dedication of the playground at Christ Is Coming Church at La Majada, Nicaragua! Don't miss it!

In Christ's love & peace, Pastor Karin
Help folks remember your name--and help you remember theirs! Get a magnetic nametag for $9 each. Please sign up in the Lobby or contact the office if you would like one.

needs just ONE MORE driver beginning in January to deliver meals in the Millsboro area. You will deliver once very 4 weeks on Thursday. For more information call Jo Ann Varrato at 302-236-5109 or email Many Thanks!

2021 GIVING ENVELOPES will be available in the Lobby beginning this Sunday, December 13.
  • Facebook Live Devotions most Tuesdays & Thursdays at 3 PM.
  • Graveside service for Jim Powell at 11 AM on Friday, December 11 at Woodlawn.
  • Marriage Covenant of Shelby Collins & Bobby Coon on Saturday, December 12 at 4 PM.
  • LevelUP Youth Group meets most Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
  • Leadership Team / Administrative Council Monday, December 14, 7 PM

Look for an upcoming survey on Small Groups via Survey Monkey. Also call the office if you would like a hard copy. Sign-up is also in the Lobby.
December 3 Vernon Baker
December 4 Mark Henze
December 4 Ginger Moore
December 6 Lori Holtzinger
December 20 Brooke Carpenter
December 27 Judy Hall
December 27 Jeff Morris
December 28 JoAnna Carpenter
December 29 Sharon Jobin
December 31 Rob Ossman

We would like to thank God for your life on your Birthday! Please let the office know when it is!
Our Annual Advent Devotional is available in the Lobby! Call the office to reserve more copies!
Add to our Warming Tree!
with gloves & mittens & scarves & socks!
Bless area children!
We are asking for 25 bags of Christmas Candy to stuff stockings for our Whisker for Wishes families. There is a bin in our Lobby for your donations.
A Gift of Music
from our Grace Notes Bell Choir!
Enjoy this virtual concert by the Capital Ringers! Grab a cup of cocoa and click on this link!
You will love it and it will bring joy to your life!
with a basket of snacks & water to brighten their day. Already they are working hard & long hours, so add a bit of joy to their work & a prayer for their safety.
AT 10 AM. Check our FACEBOOK page for Meeting ID & Password or contact our office.
REMEMBER that due to HIPAA laws that we often cannot disclose why folks are on the prayer list--please respect their privacy as you pray for them.
  • Our nation and its leaders
  • Fires in California
  • Bill Pusey & Linda
  • Betty McWilliams, COVID
  • Tennant Barron
  • Doris Nilson
  • Harriet Windsor
  • Donna Middleton
  • Darryl Dillard
  • Buck Godwin on loss of Barbara
  • Stacey, surgeryTom White, chemo
  • Marriage Covenant of Shelby Collins & Bobby Coon
  • Jim & florence Gray, positive for COVID
  • Kathy
  • Bob Jump, cardiac issues
  • Sophie, knee issues
  • Edna Burris COVID
  • Lynn & Bonnie Kay Bullock
  • Tom Kern
  • Virgil Ellswanger
  • Estelle Butler, surgery
  • Laura Boyle, heart issues
  • Bath Hauler
  • Harriet Kummerlowe
  • Mary Wilcox
  • Jack Clark
  • Grace Church family spreading Hope
  • Blanche Baker hip replacement 12/7/20
  • Concerns for the rise in COVID cases
  • Nicaragua as it recovers from Hurricanes Eta & Iota
  • Harold Ossman
  • Grace members who are health care workers
  • John Griffith
  • Wendy Walker
  • Zachary
  • Christopher, meaningful work
  • Carol Gartman
  • Mary Lou Rollison
  • Brenda Shaffer's mother Ruth Hudson [Seaford]
  • Linda Emerson, home recovering from Covid
  • Beau, 5-year old, heart transplant
  • Donna Jewel-- hip replacement
  • Playground builds at La Majada & Long Neck Elementary
  • Students, teachers & families
  • Ushers & greeters for Christmas Eve services at 4 & 7 PM
  • Altar Guild help for January, February & March
Christian Storehouse Greeting

As I reflected with sadness at the passing of Jim Powell, several things came to mind. He was such a loyal friend to those around him and he served our Lord with such dedication and humility. Often times on did not even realize he was doing all the things he was doing. He is a great example of being a good steward and certainly a fervent follower of Jesus. 2 Timothy 4:7-9 says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day---and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing”. Let us all reflect on this passage, remembering people like Jim and Donna --- good and faithful servants.

Ken Zuiderhof, Finance Chair
So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time,
if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
Grace Church is a Safe Sanctuaries church, following guidelines and policies that provide a safe place for children, youth and vulnerable adults [intellectually or physically challenged and the elderly]. For more info on Safe Sanctuaries go to our website Grace Church Safe Sanctuary Policy or to the Pen-Del Conference website

Grace Church is also a Tithing Church, supporting missions locally and around the world with a minimum of 10 percent of our annual budget.

Church Office Phone: 302-934-7969

Rev. Karin Tunnéll:
Church Office Hours Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 3 PM
Sharing our faith, sharing our church 
Thursday Thoughts is the weekly supplement to The Messenger, our monthly newsletter.
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"And regardless of what else you put on, wear love.
It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it."
Colossians 3:17