Ss Nicholas, Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church
80 Laurel Avenue, Roseland, New Jersey 07068
Tel: (973) 251-2920 / Fax: (973) 251-2921 / email:
Our Mission
 To proclaim the Gospel of Christ in the Orthodox Christian Tradition while creating a vibrant, loving, compassionate and welcoming CommUNITY.
Our Vision
With the grace of God, to provide a loving community where all are one with Christ through worship, learning, outreach and fellowship.

SUNDAY: September 18, 2022

Sunday after Holy Cross

2022 Metropolis of New Jersey Annual Holy Cross Celebration

Orthros: 8:00 am - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy: 9:30 am

The Great Auditorium

21 Pilgrim Pathway

Ocean Grove, NJ  07756

Eumenius the Wonderworker, Bishop of Gortynia

Third Orthros Gospel The Gospel According to Mark 16:9-20

St. Paul's Letter to the Galatians 2:16-20

The Gospel According to Mark 8:34-38; 9:1

There will be no Sunday service in our church. 

Please join Fr. George and all the faithful from the Northern New Jersey parishes for the Annual Holy Cross Celebration in Ocean Grove.   Our church doors will be open for parishioners who want to light a candle and pray.

GREEK FEST: Our Annual Greek Festival is made possible by the combined efforts of many volunteers - just like you. Please go to our church website and sign up at: Thank you!

PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS:  Hello everyone. I would like to thank everyone who helped us bake this year for the festival. We appreciate all of your hard work! Sas euxaristoume! As you know, our annual Roseland Greek Fest will be here before you know it!! Volunteer for the Festival. Go on the church website to the Sign Up Genius and sign up!! Please don't forget to make any donation large or small to our PHILOPTOCHOS DONATION BOX in the Narthex.

The Sophia walk for victims of domestic abuse will take place on September 17th. See the link for more information.


GOYA NEWS:   NO basketball or volleyball practices the week of 9/18. All practices will resume the week after the Greek festival on Wed. 9/28 (BB) and Thurs. 9/29 (VB). Download SPOND to your phone to receive updates for Roseland GOYA BB & VB practices and games.

  • Roseland Greek Festival: We are requesting that all GOYAns sign-up to volunteer a minimum of 6 hours over the weekend of Sept 23 - 25. The GOYA will be looking to cover the areas of TO GO orders, Baklava/Waffle Sundaes, French Fries, Salad Prep and Runners. You can sign-up by using the links available on the church website.

  • GOYA Harvest Dance: Friday, Sept. 30th hosted by Holy Trinity Westfield. RSVP to the GOYA Advisors by Sunday, Sept. 18th.

  • Mr. & Ms. GOYA Pageant and Scholarship Dinner: Sunday, Oct. 9th at the Hanover Manor from 4-9pm.

  • Eleni Mandarakas will be representing Ss. Nicholas, Constantine and Helen GOYA! The proceeds from this event supports the GOYA scholarship that awards two $500 scholarships to graduating GOYA seniors per community. Come support Eleni and the GOYA scholarship!

  • Ticket reservations are due by Sunday, Sept. 18th. Ticket prices: $70 for Adults, $50 for GOYAns and youth. RSVP to the GOYA Advisors by Sunday, Sept. 18th.

  • Email if you are in grades 7 - 12 to be added to our mailing list and request information on joining Roseland GOYA.

SUNDAY SCHOOL:  Classes begin on October 2nd, 2022. Please register either online or in person.


GREEK SCHOOL: Classes meet every Monday and Wednesday from 4:15- 6:15pm. There will be no Greek school classes held on September 21st and 26th due to the Greek Fest.


SENIOR’S GROUP:  The group meets every Tuesday at 10:30am in the Small Hall.


KNIT & STITCH: The group meets every Friday from 11:00am – 2:00pm in the library.

CHOIR: The choir meets for rehearsal every Thursday evening at 7:00pm in the choir loft. 


STEWARDHIP ENVELOPES:  If you need additional Stewardship envelopes, please contact the Church Office (973)251-2920 no later than October 16th, 2022. Please provide your name and envelope number. Thank you!  

ALTAR SERVER RETREAT WORKSHOP 2022: Sunday, October 9, 2022, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Lunch will be offered in the Ministry Room. All boys and men ages 9 and up, are strongly encouraged to attend. Please respond to Fr. George no later than Tuesday, October 4th, 2022, at to reserve a seat

Ἀπολυτίκιον. Τοῦ Σταυροῦ

Σῶσον, Κύριε, τὸν λαόν σου καὶ εὐλόγησον τὴν κληρονομίαν σου, νίκας τοῖς βασιλεῦσι κατὰ βαρβάρων δωρούμενος, καὶ τὸ σὸν φυλάττων διὰ τοῦ Σταυροῦ σου πολίτευμα.

Apolytikion For the Cross

Save, O Lord, Your people and bless Your inheritance, granting victory to the faithful over the enemy, and by Your Cross protecting Your commonwealth.


Ὁ ὑψωθεὶς ἐν τῷ Σταυρῷ ἑκουσίως, τῇ ἐπωνύμῳ σου καινῇ πολιτείᾳ τοὺς οἰκτιρμούς σου δώρησαι, Χριστὲ ὁ Θεός· εὔφρανον ἐν τῇ δυνάμει σου τοὺς πιστοὺς βασιλεῖς ἡμῶν, νίκας χορηγῶν αὐτοῖς κατὰ τῶν πολεμίων· τὴν συμμαχίαν ἔχοιεν τὴν σήν, ὅπλον εἰρήνης, ἀήττητον τρόπαιον. 


You who were lifted on the cross voluntarily, * O Christ our God, bestow Your tender compassions * upon Your new community to which You gave Your name. * Cause our faithful emperors to be glad in Your power, * granting them the victories against their adversaries. * And for an ally, Lord, may they have You, * peace as their armor, the trophy invincible.

SAVE THE DATE10th Annual Greek Festival - September 23, 24 & 25, 2022.

Let us light a candle for you!
Donations of $5 for a small candle, $10 for a 7-day candle, or a donation of any amount are greatly appreciated. Please CLICK HERE to make a candle donation. You can also make your contribution towards your stewardship commitment, building fund, operating fund or other donations.

YOUTH MINISTRY REGISTRATION: Please click on the links below to register for our Youth Ministries. 


You Shop. Amazon gives!
Here's an easy way to help our church throughout the year! Amazon will donate to the church with every purchase you make on Amazon. CLICK HERE to get started!