Almost Done!!!

Personal Taxes Due April 18th

For those of you that have filed on time (over 75% of our clients!) - congratulations!

With 7 "shopping days" left until the April 18th due date, we are working diligently to finish those returns that are in process or file an extension (no charge) if needed.

For those "habitual extenders" (we know who you are!), we have likely already filed an extension for you.

If you have not received your final return yet or are uncertain if we filed an extension, feel free to contact us to confirm your status.

FAMLI Update

  • As a reminder, ALL BUSINESSES must comply with the FAMLI program requirements and must register with the CO DOL to get a FAMLI account number

  • Although third party administrators (TPA's) like ADP, Paychex and others were initially planning to complete the FAMLI registration for their payroll clients, a change in the program requirements by CO has caused most TPA's to no longer register their clients. As a result, verify with the DOL that your business is registered and has a FAMLI account number.

  • Since January 1st, you should have been deducting .45% of each employee's paycheck as a FAMLI premium contribution. In addition, if you have more than 9 W2 employees, you should also have recorded a .45% employer match.

  • The initial wage reports and FAMLI premium payments (the .45% noted above) for 1st quarter, 2023 are due to the CO DOL by April 30th. However, CO has granted an automatic 30 day grace period so effectively the first remittance is due May 30th
FAMLI March Newsletter