2020 Ticket Options

As you are no doubt aware by now, Drum Corps International recently announced a decision made by their Voting Membership to cancel the 2020 summer tour which impacted Drums Along the Rockies and Corps Encore show events hosted by Blue Knights and Ascend Performing Arts ( read more here ).

First and foremost, the health and safety of our members, staff, volunteers and fans is at the top of our priority list, and the spread of COVID-19 appears as if it will impact many parts of the country into the summer months.  ( Read about how Ascend Performing Arts has responded to this global health crisis here ) .

This unprecedented global pandemic will have a major impact upon Ascend Performing Arts' ability to welcome thousands of drum corps fans to the shows we host, Corps Encore in Ogden, UT, Drums Along the Rockies-Boise in Boise, ID and Drums Along the Rockies at Mile High Stadium in Denver, CO.

As one of our most loyal supporters, I’m sure this is a very disappointing development just as it is for the thousands of young adults who have dedicated their lives to the Drum Corps Activity. Ascend Performing Arts is committed to continuing to provide this experience to these young people again in 2021, and for years into the future. We feel this activity plays an important role in society and must be preserved for the young people who chose music and the marching arts as their way to achieve excellence in life.

Bottom Line: The cancellation of our drum corps events creates a significant financial challenge for our non-profit performing arts organization. In our 62 year history, this is no doubt the most significant challenge we have ever faced. The support of our fans has been overwhelming and many of you have asked how you can help.

Please consider donating your event ticket to help ensure our drum corps shows continue to provide exciting performances for years to come and to preserve the stage upon which our young performers achieve greatness.

For over 60 years Ascend Performing Arts has diligently planned and has been fiscally responsible with our precious dollars… we just did not plan on a global pandemic. We have taken drastic measures to cut expenses to ensure that we can continue offering the life-changing drum corps experience for years to come. We have eliminated everything but the absolute bare essentials to keep the organization up and running. However, we are by no means “out of the woods” yet.

Although we will do everything possible to avail ourselves of any and all opportunities afforded to qualifying nonprofit businesses (grants, SBA loans, etc), our ability to continue will depend heavily on the additional assistance and generosity of our loyal drum corps fans. We are working tirelessly in the hope of being able to welcome everyone back in time for the celebration of the 2021 DCI Summer National Tour.

What's next: Today, we would like to provide you with options regarding your Drums Along the Rockies and Corps Encore tickets you’ve purchased for the 2020 season. 

The most helpful option for Ascend Performing arts would, of course, be to donate your 2020 event ticket purchase back to Ascend Performing Arts as a tax-deductible donation. If you are able to share an additional gift or matching funds contribution beyond the value of your tickets, there is truly no better time than now ( click here ). It would also be a huge help if you could transfer your 2020 tickets to the 2021 season. If you would like a refund of your purchase that is an option as well.

Action: To donate, move forward to 2021, or refund please click on this link to submit:
If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact us via email at tickets@ascendperformingarts.org . With reduced office hours and a minimal staff, it might take us a few days to respond to you. We will be sure to follow up as promptly as possible.

We are grateful for your continued support of the remarkable activity we share. We remain optimistic that our best days lie ahead, and that together we will March On!… for the benefit of some of the best and brightest young adults across the globe.

With great appreciation and respect,
I Go On
Chief Executive Officer
Ascend Performing Arts

PS: If you are able, please consider making a donation to help us continue for another 60 years!