February 15, 2024

Presbyterian Women’s "Do Everything in Love Day!"

As we observed Ash Wednesday yesterday, many of us were understandably focused on the start of the Lenten season. The Presbyterian Women were simultaneously sharing God's love and hope to the world. Although your partner may not agree, it's not too late to celebrate Valentine's Day by joining their cause and demonstrating your support.

“Do everything in love,” based on 1 Cor. 16:13–14 (NIV), is the theme for this year's Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women. Your support of PW’s Annual Mission Fund provides the financial foundation for PW and makes possible the Churchwide Gathering, to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, August 8–11, 2024. Registration opens in March.

“Do Everything in Love” and show your support of Presbyterian Women—your sisters in Christ and our shared PW ministry that provides a faithful and caring community for us to live and love and thrive.

Show Your Love

One Book, One Presbytery

Everyone is invited to the first of six online discussions exploring the Color of Law, by Richard Rothstein, on Monday, April 8th, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

The inaugural session will provide an introduction and overview, and explore Chapter 1 with guest speaker Corey Henderson, a doctor of public health. His research is rooted in social and behavioral sciences with an emphasis on historical trauma’s influence on the health of African Americans. Dr. Henderson has a background in information technology, qualitative research, health policy, and public health. He believes that healing is possible for every human being that acknowledges injury. Inasmuch as healing is a process, it is a process to restore health—complete and holistic.

Registration is Open! Sponsored by the Presbytery of Baltimore Dismantling Racism Team and In the Loop Ministry Group. (Full participation in the program will meet the Dismantling Racism training requirement.)

Our Next Stated Meeting is Thursday, March 14

Faith Presbyterian Church is generously hosting next month's Stated Meeting of Presbytery! The 902nd will be a hybrid event, enabling participants to meet in person or tune-in online. It begins at 10 am, and will be followed by lunch together around noon. Registration is open, so please save the date. The docket, document papers, and more information will be added to our meeting webpage in the weeks ahead.

Spring Courses at St. Mary's

Curious about studying theology in an ecumenical setting? This Spring, St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute invites you to visit one of their evening classes and experience accredited graduate-level theological education for yourself! Schedule your Zoom or in-person visit on their website or contact Galen at gzook@stmarys.edu

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 21 – Spring Safety and Security Religious Holiday Briefing 2-3:30 pm. Please join FEMA’s Voluntary Agency Coordination Section and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships for the February VOISE call. The topic of the call is a spring safety and security religious holiday briefing that will provide attendees information, points of contact and considerations to prepare their facilities for upcoming religious observances and other public gatherings. Click here to register.

Friday, February 23 - In honor of Black History Month, Govans Presbyterian Church presents a concert by award-winning pianist and organist, Roderick Demmings Jr. Live at 7pm. More information

Saturday, February 24 - Join Chestnut Grove Presbyterian Church from 7-9 pm in the Smith Center auditorium for Anxiety-Driven Parenting, and Other Fixable Mistakes, a free parenting-support seminar. Janice McWilliams, a licensed therapist, author, and Presbyterian Elder will be looking at the role that anxiety plays in our families along with how we as parents can avoid the mistake of letting our own anxiety drive our parenting! For more information, visit


Friday, March 8The Spire Series at First & Franklin Presbyterian Church presents a concert featuring Karen Slack, soprano and Mark Markham, piano. Mark is a Baltimore (Mt. Vernon) resident and was the longtime collaborator with the famed soprano Jessye Norman. Mark and Karen have crafted a program which pays tribute to Ms. Norman, but puts a uniquely Karen Slack spin on things. Tickets and more info

March 8-10 & March 15-17 - The Secret Garden - Presented by Woods Memorial Church at 7:30 pm. This is a truly poignant and uplifting musical about love, hope, and finding one’s home. The story follows that of 12-year-old Mary Lennox, and her journey in finding her home - The Secret Garden. There will be incredible vocalists from the surrounding area, professional choreography, and beautiful lighting! Tickets are $15.00, doors open at 7 pm. Seats are limited. If you are having problems registering or if registration is full and you would like to be placed on the wait list please call Pam Ward at 443.261.3263 or email pward@woodschurch.org

May 4 - Soul Shop for Youth is a one day retreat that empowers youth to navigate a healthy faith-centered path in addressing desperation and suicide, for both themselves and others. Hosted by Mt. Hebron Presbyterian Church. Registration and more info

Posters and Flyers are now available for download on our website!

Employment Opportunities

Associate for Missional and Community Engagement

The Presbytery of Baltimore seeks an individual to equip the Presbytery and congregations to missionally engage their local communities and become agents of reconciliation. Job description


Bridge Pastor

Govans Presbyterian Church is seeking a part-time or full-time bridge pastor upon the departure of our current pastor, Rev. Tom Harris in February 2024. This is a 20-40 hours per week flexible schedule based on the needs of the congregation and staff. The pastor would preach for worship services on Sunday at 10:30 AM as well as serve as moderator to our session. The position would also require the pastor to moderate congregational-wide meetings, provide administrative leadership, support to our church committees, and liaison to the Govans Preschool and Senior Network of North Baltimore (SNNB) which operate on our campus. Full job description

Part-Time Pastor / Bridge Pastor

Second Presbyterian Church is seeking a part-time or a full-time bridge pastor in March 2024. This is a 20-40 hours per week flexible schedule based on the needs of the congregation and staff. The pastor would preach for two worship services on Sunday at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM during the church year (September through May) and at a single service at 10:00 AM during the summer (June through August). Full job description and information

Visit the Presbytery's website for additional employment listings.

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