The Baltimore Dakota Steering Committee wants to inform all of our Presbytery congregations of a movement that we are supporting.
The first part of the Indigenous People's Day action will involve petitioning Baltimore City. We will be in contact with City Council President Scott to speak to the idea that Baltimore City can lead the way for the state of Maryland to take up the mantle of Indigenous People's Day in the 2021 legislative session.
Letters from Presbytery churches in Baltimore City will have a powerful effect and will support the Indigenous People's Day resolution this year in Baltimore City. The rest of our Presbytery churches will be able to be agents of justice and change when we approach the state legislature about Maryland adding our state to the list of states that celebrate Indigenous People's Day. A petition will be available for signatures at next week’s Gathering.
Community Engagement Grants available
Last September, the Commission on Reconciliation issued its first ever Community Engagement Awards to
six different congregations
in Baltimore Presbytery. This year, we’re pleased to announce that the process is beginning even sooner. Applications are now online for grant funds for community organizing and community engagement by congregations in the Presbytery of Baltimore.
There is $25,000 total available, and funds will be awarded up to $7,500 per applicant. The application deadline is April 1, 2020, and winners are notified in June.
Application and more information
…chants the old hymn Blessed Assurance.
What’s yours? A sign on your church property will not communicate to the average person exactly why they should join you on Sunday mornings. What are you up to? A note on our website, a photo or even a video speaks louder to folks in this modern age. How can your church get its story out there?
At our Gathering in February, in celebration of Black History Month, we will hear some stories of our African American churches, their past, present and their hopes for the future. I know they will be inspirational, but more important, these narratives will strengthen our appreciation of the witness of the Presbyterian Black presence in Baltimore and how these ministries still have work to do for equality, justice and peace. Come and listen.
-- Jackie
Robert F. and Rosa M. Ferguson Student Scholarship Fund
The Presbytery of Baltimore has established the Robert F. and Rosa M. Ferguson Student Scholarship Fund for the purpose of providing financial assistance to deserving high school students who wish to further their education at an accredited college or university. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson – he, a long-time member of Grace Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland, and she, a long-time educator in Baltimore City and County – generously donated the resources to fund this scholarship.
Priority shall be given to financially deserving students whose family income is modest. The amount of the scholarship shall be $5,000 for one year.
Notice to Clerks & Pastors of Session
This is the final week for clerks of session to complete the annual statistical report
Please contact Mary Gaut at the presbytery office with any questions.
If you haven’t reported names of deceased elders in 2019, please
contact Felicia
in our office with that information.
The 886
Gathering is Next Thursday
Registration is now open for the
886th Gathering of Presbytery
to be held at 3:30 pm,
February 13, 2020 at Catonsville Presbyterian Church
, 1400 Frederick Road, Baltimore. The meeting will feature worship with communion, with a focus on the theme “This is Our Story: Celebrating Black History in the Presbytery of Baltimore.” The service will also include the reading of the necrology of Ministers of Word and Sacrament and Ruling Elders who have passed away in the past year. Items for Discernment and Decision will include consideration of possible support for two overtures to the 224th General Assembly.
- Please take a moment now to register for a Gathering meal.
- Documents for review will be posted to the Presbytery’s website by Thursday this week. We’ll send you a notice as soon as they’re available.
- If you have young ones that require supervision, please let us know by submitting this brief childcare registration form on our website.
March 7, 2020
This three-hour workshop includes teaching and small group work, with additional resources that congregational leaders can take with them to develop and implement in their church setting. Cost: $40 per person. Deadline for registration: Friday, February 28, 2020
March 12, 2020 -
This one-day training for Teaching Elders and other congregational leaders is led by Baltimore Racial Justice Action (BRJA). It’s rooted in an understanding of historical & systemic racism and intended to equip attendees to lead and participate in constructive conversations within their congregations that promote racial equity and begin dismantling racism within ourselves and our institutions.
The Eric Byrd Trio is welcomed back to the concert series for a performance on Sunday, February 9th at 3:00 pm at
Springfield Presbyterian Church
(7300 Spout Hill Road in Sykesville). As always, there will be a reception with lots of good food following the concert. If you have any questions please
contact Linda Caviglia
(410) 746-1221
Youth Group Dinner & a Movie
Join Hunting Ridge Presbyterian’s Youth Group as they raise money to attend the Montreat Youth Conference. The Movie
West Side Story
will be screened following a 5:00 dinner. $10 tickets available at the door. More info: (410) 566-2926 or
Special Meeting of the Presbytery
First Presbyterian Church of Howard County
, 10 am. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear a report on plans for The Center, including an opportunity to review a motion which will be moved, debated and voted at the May 14 Gathering. Presbyters will be able to ask questions, request further information, and make constructive suggestions.
Maryland Presbyterian is offering some extra hymnals and Bibles
to any churches that can use them. They have 10 Bibles and somewhere between 20-30 hymnals.
Contact the administrative office
for info or to pick up.
Fallston Presbyterian has some leftover
fabric that covers speakers
for a sound system. It's an 8 foot tall roll, with quite a few yards left, durable and light tan in color, that is free to anyone who wants it.
Email for more information.
The Center
is seeking an organized, detail-oriented, patient individual who is a good communicator and experienced managing a database to work with local congregations to host visiting groups from across the country for mission experiences in the Baltimore area.
Full job description
General Assembly Volunteers
The Committee on Local Arrangements
(COLA) is seeing creative and energetic individuals to lead a team or be part of a workgroup for June’s General Assembly in Baltimore. Available roles include: Fundraising Co-Chair, Media & Communications Chair, and Welcome Reception Volunteers. For additional information, contact
or (410) 433-2012.
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