January 22nd is Per Capita Sunday
Per capita is a fundamental way in which all of our congregations and mid councils of the Presbyterian Church (USA) connect, participate and share in the work of the wider church. A congregation’s share is based on its membership. On January 22, 2023, Presbyterians are invited to center their worship services around the ways in which we are called into mutual support and ministry through per capita giving.
The 2023 MLK Performing Arts Competition
This past Sunday, the In the Loop Ministry Group hosted its fourth annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Performing Arts Competition. It was a passionate tribute to the civil rights leader, and featured heartfelt expressions by young people who celebrated the theme "How MLK’s life exhibited the principles of Mathew 25: Dismantling structural racism, Eradicating systemic poverty." Watch the complete video, including a conversation with Rev. Keith Page and reflections with Kenneth Walker.
Tomorrow: Elder Training Refreshed
Last October, we piloted an in-person, Presbytery-wide Elder Training event. At that time, many of you asked if we could provide an online option. Our presenters have agreed to join our Elder/Deacon Mastermind group for the next four months and reprise their sessions. The group meets on the third Thursday of the month from 7-8 pm on Zoom.
This Thursday, Rev. Dr. Carl Wilton will kick off the series with an engaging workshop on the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity. He’ll lead us in an overview of our history and walk us through the highlights of the first section of our Book of Order. Rev. Dr. Wilton is an engaging and humorous leader and teacher who has taught polity to students at Princeton Theological Seminary.
For the rest of the year, the Elder/Deacon Mastermind is a group where any officer (active or not) can come to build relationships, share ideas, and workshop challenges. We talk about best practices, review case studies as people bring them, and brainstorm solutions for burning questions. It always meets on the third Thursday evening from 7-8pm on Zoom.
Remember that your annual statistical report deadline is February 9th.
It should be approved by your Session before submitting. Do not click “submit” until your session has approved the report. You cannot make changes after you “submit.” IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION OR HELP, PLEASE REACH OUT TO MARY GAUT mgaut@baltimorepresbytery.org
Bylaws Review for Maryland Nonprofits
Maryland Nonprofits is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a statewide membership association, and has worked for 30 years to promote a thriving and effective nonprofit sector in Maryland.
One of its services includes Bylaws Review. If you are operating with old bylaws, they ask:
- Are your bylaws effective?
- Are your bylaws a useful tool or holding you back?
- Do your bylaws reflect how you actually govern?
- Could you strengthen your bylaws to improve efficiency, clarify roles, and establish best practices for governance and management?
A review process can focus on addressing these, and other important aspects of your church's directives and organization. To take advantage of 2022 rates before a 2023 increase takes effect, complete the intake application for bylaws review before February 1st.
30 Mint Condition Church Pews
Yours free for the taking: 12 ft. in length, with or without blue seat pads, light oak wood / minimal ornamentation. Can be bracket to floor for safety. Contact Ashland Presbyterian Church (410) 527-1844 or office@ashlandpc.org to arrange pickup.
Thursday, January 19 - Elder/Deacon Mastermind Group - The Elder training program from last October will be reprised this year in four monthly online meetings, at 7pm. The next session will feature “The Foundations of Polity” with rev. Dr. Carl Wilton. Email Jennifer Barchi for Zoom link, and find more information on our website.
Susquehanna Parish Ministry Group Meeting at Magerks Pub (120 S Bond Street, Bel Air, 21014) at 12:30pm on Tuesday, January 24. Join with colleagues and catch up over cheese steak subs or your lunchtime favorites.
January 28 and January 30
Healthy Boundaries Refresher Course via Zoom
9:30am to 2:00pm
Sunday, February 22 Installation Service
The members of Grove Presbyterian Church invite you to join them as they celebrate the installation of their new pastor, Rev. Dr. Harold J. Bennett II. This blessed occasion will be celebrated through worship and with God’s Word. Your presence will make this event a memorable experience for Pastor Hal and the congregation. A reception will follow in Mitchell Hall at Grove Church. Kindly RSVP to (410) 272-0896 or grovepchurch@gmail.com.
Dismantling Racism Training - Tuesday, March 21 The training is for Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders required under Presbytery policy and open to others as space allows. More information
Christian Educator and Church Administrator
Christ Our Anchor is hiring and we need you!! We are a small(er), family-friendly church in the Cape St. Claire neighborhood of Annapolis. Both of our open positions offer flexible hours and a rewarding, encouraging work environment. If you or someone you know might be interested in these job postings, please share this webpage with more details on each job, and encourage them to apply: www.christouranchorpc.org/jobs
Part-Time Pastor
Communications Assistant
Highland Presbyterian Church, in Street, Maryland, seeks part-time Communications Assistant to begin as early as January 1, 2023. Salary is negotiable. A job description for the position is posted on our website (www.highlandpresbyterianchurch.org). Please submit letter of intent and resume, and references to Personnel Committee Chair, Pete McCallum at plmmccallum@gmail.com and/or to Pastor Ray Meute at pastor.meute@verizon.net.