The B’More Human Series concludes tonight
You are invited to join us at 6:30 tonight for an online forum called, “BIPOC: Experiences of Racism in the US.” We'll have an opportunity to explore our own biases towards Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, as well as join in small groups to discuss actions we can take individually and collectively to stop bias and hatred.
Every month since last September, the In The Loop Ministry Group has organized Zoom discussions focusing on all aspects of racial injustice, both historic and in today’s world. It has been a tremendously enlightening series, with guest speakers and panelists sharing their unique perspectives on topics ranging from wealth to health, and music to theology. Tonight’s session will be the last opportunity to partake in this live exchange until September.
Big thanks to Annette Snyder, Kenny Walker, Deborah McEachran, Charese Jordan Moore, Beverly Butler, Michele Ward and other ITL members for making such an extraordinary series possible. All discussions have been recorded, and can be reviewed on our B'More Human YouTube playlist. Please feel free to share them with your friends and congregations.
And speaking of videos...
The Presbytery of Baltimore has been cultivating an archive of many outstanding online events this past year. Take a moment to check out the growing video library on our website. Better yet, subscribe to our YouTube channel to receive updates on our latest programming and informational activities.
If there is a particular topic that is near and dear to you, that may be of interest to others, we'd be happy to organize and promote an online meeting or Open Space for all of our churches to benefit. So please, let us know!
Congratulations McKenna Lewellen!
Many of us know McKenna Lewellen as the Assistant Director of The Center. This week, we are overjoyed to report that she has earned another title: “Pastor.” McKenna was ordained on Sunday at Light Street Presbyterian Church, with a lively hybrid ceremony that shared the monumental occasion with close friends and colleagues. We are fortunate that her love of community and respect for others will continue to prosper here in Baltimore, and we are blessed to have her with us.
During the service, Rev. Jennifer Barchi offered a prayer that encapsulates what we all know and love about McKenna (excerpted):
“When trauma has scorched the landscapes around her
She has risen time and again from the ashes to new growth and new blossoming
When the land has been parched like the desert
She has persisted and insisted on life
As a co-gardener in your congregations
May she, by her preaching and teaching, speak the truth of pain, trauma, and disruption
And proclaim and embody the wholeness and healing that such truth-telling may bring
May she, by the cultivation of community, create holy, fertile ground for others to sink deep roots and grow into their most authentic and whole selves
May she, by the sharing of bread and cup and water, participate in the Spirit’s kin-dom building work, embracing and welcoming and feeding the broken and the oppressed and the forgotten.
May she, Knowing personally the pain and necessity of the ruthless work of gardening, continue the labor of tilling, tearing, pruning, breaking, weeding, dividing, deadheading and pest-controlling that she might plant seeds where there were none before, revive wilting plants, bear up fragile ones, remain undeterred by prickly ones, coax uncertain ones, transplant ones tossed aside by others, always trusting that there is wisdom, life, wholeness, completeness, flower, and fruit in every seed, and that gardening is an embodiment of life death and resurrection.
God, as you have gifted her with a sharp and insightful mind, a quick and dry wit, and a deep and prophetic passion for noticing and proclaiming the stories of those whom we overlook or ignore, the ones sitting outside the door, straining to hear the words of Christ because we decided they didn’t belong in the room or at the table.
So we ask that you would gift her in ministry with all that she needs to flourish as your co-gardener and support her as she continues to claim the fullness of her created self and her life within creation.”
The Center is accepting donations
While you are spring cleaning, you can help stock the kitchen at The Center.
As they prepare for the Summer Interns and hopefully welcoming groups back in the fall of 2021, their kitchen is in need of the following: Pots and pans with lids, storage containers with lids, toaster, manual can opener, assorted size water glasses, serving bowls, and sharp knives.
If you can help, please contact Kate Foster or Liz Baer to make arrangements to drop off or pick up.
It has been 3 year since the last PWP directory was sent out. Hopefully, you’ve elected some new officers or perhaps changed your method of contact for their information for your PWC. Please send your current contact information to Joan Berry so they can have a new directory by summer. Thanks.
“The Shot Heard Round the World” Blasting the Covid-19 Vaccine Myth - Join the conversation at 3 pm to hear guest speaker Courtney Thompson, MSHS,CCRP Medical Writer at NIH dispel some of the myths and encourage more people to get vaccinated. Sponsored By Madison Ave Presbyterian Church’s Health Ministry. Register here.
Water Day - Join Highland Presbyterian Church from 9:45 am to 1 pm for an Informative and fun morning as we celebrate our most precious natural resource. This all ages event will feature storytelling, science projects, and a food truck. 701 Highland Road, Street, MD 21154
Synod of the Mid Atlantic PW Business Meeting at 9:45 am. Even though the Presbyterian Women are not having a Gathering this year, they are still required to have a regular business meeting. Plan to elect officers, pass a budget, and learn how positions will be filled. Join Zoom Meeting.
Worship and Music Conferences in Montreat
This year, the conference theme is Gathered in My Name, and fitting with the name, The Presbyterian Association of Musicians are pleased to offer both in-person and online options for attending. They have assembled a stellar conference faculty that will be offering classes for all interests: musicians, pastors, educators, and church members - anyone interested in collaborative worship. Everyone is invited to visit their website to learn more about the plans for this summer.
In-Person Conference Dates:
Week 1: June 20 - 25, 2021
Week 2: June 27 - July 2, 2021
Online Conference Dates:
June 27 - July 2, 2021
Part-time Temporary Supply Pastor
Knox Presbyterian Church, a small, but vibrant congregation in eastern Baltimore City, is seeking a part-time Temporary Supply Pastor. We seek a God inspired candidate with energy, hope and compassion to encourage and lead the congregation through a transition process that we pray will lead to new pastoral leadership. The Part-Time Pastor will lead worship activities, moderate meetings of the governing body and the congregation, lead the Church through a Mission Study, and provide support to ministry groups as well as spiritual support to the congregation. Full Job Description
Summer Camp Director
Office Administrator
Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church in Crofton MD seeks a part-time office administrator to support the church staff and congregation. Candidate should possess strong organizational skills, proficiency with Microsoft Office & website maintenance software, and ability to work independently. Other assets are a willingness to deal with the public, discretion, and ethical standards. Position is 24 hours per week. Candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to
The Presbytery offices are closed for visits or appointments until further notice, but staff and commissions continue to meet regularly online.