Straight Talking on Local TV
Presbyterians' concern for God's creation has drawn some notice from a local TV program! Local community affairs host, Mike Gimbel, reached out to learn more about what Presbyterian churches are doing in Baltimore.
Next month, “Straight Talk with Mike Gimbel” will spotlight three different local church initiatives to address community issues that are not “normally” considered to be part of “the church.” The Baltimore Presbytery will be featured in the second segment on the program, represented by Adrienne Knight, of Knox Presbyterian Church, and Susan Krehbiel, our Social Justice Coordinator. What will be discussed? Tune in to find out!
The show will be broadcast on June 4th and 18th on 45.2 MyTV Baltimore at 12:30 pm and on their sister station, CW Baltimore at 5:30 am.
Worshiping Together: Matthew 25 in Action
Knox and Govans Presbyterian are Matthew 25 partner churches that joined for worship earlier this month. It was a wonderful morning as both congregations united to hear Rev. Kevin Johnson, from Detroit, preach a powerful sermon, “The Ministry of Reconciliation.” Rev. Johnson was joined by Rev. Tom Harris to serve the sacrament of Communion.
It was a joyous event, with choirs from both churches lifting their voices in praise. General Presbyter, Rev. Jacqueline Taylor brought greetings and worshiped at the service, and the special offering was donated to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Fellowship and worship between the predominantly Black Knox Presbyterian and larger mostly white Govans Presbyterian was a very real demonstration of the Matthew 25 initiative in action. Our thanks and recognition is owed to these two churches for their example. Charese Jordan Moore, from Knox and Lea Gilmore, of Govans were instrumental in organizing this extraordinary service.
We look forward to highlighting more partnerships and mutual exchanges between our churches, and applaud Knox and Govans Presbyterian for their bold and enlightened witness to truth and reconciliation.
Susquehanna Parish Mission Fair
Introducing The Durr Fund
Rev. Dr. William Theodore (Ted) Durr was a minister member of Baltimore Presbytery prior to his death late last year. Ted was active in the Civil Rights movement and a tireless proponent for peace. In the last decades of his life he also became a passionate advocate for environmental stewardship and the nurturing of interfaith relationships.
In his honor, his family, with the approval of the Presbytery Steering Cabinet, has made a generous gift to support congregations in their work in these two areas. Grants of up to $500 will be given to help fund speakers, workshops or other events designed to promote greater understanding and involvement in these dimensions of faith and discipleship. To learn more and apply, visit our website.
Summer Gathering of Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women are Gathering in person next month, and they'd like to hear from you. If you have a moment to update them for their summer meeting, you are invited to take part in this brief online survey.
It's also not too late to join the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic Presbyterian Women at Massanetta Springs, in Harrisonburg, VA. from June 8-11. For registration, more details and a schedule of workshops, visit If you have any questions, please contact Adrienne Knight at or (410) 746-3010.
Pulpit robe belonged to Rev. Ted Durr - The daughters of the deceased would like to donate Rev. Durr's garment to anyone who may need. It Fits 6’2” individual. The size designated on the robe is 59-33-03. The stripes on the sleeves are a deep navy blue. They are hard to see in the picture. Click the photo for enlarged view. Contact if interested.
Thursday, May 25, at 7 pm - The Spire Series at First & Franklin will host The Armstrong Honors Recital by the Baltimore School for the Arts. This concert will feature selected students of the Class of 2023 and is named for one of Baltimore’s great educators and BSA founder, Margaret Armstrong. Admission to this event is free.
Saturday, June 3 – Gun Safety Awareness Day People United to Live in a Safe Environment (PULSE) invites all community groups to join them at Henderson-Hopkins Elementary School (2100 Ashland Ave., Baltimore, MD 21205) for the first in a series of safety trainings from 9 am - 2 pm. The deadline to register is May 26th. More info
Sunday, June 4, at 3 pm - The Spire Series at First & Franklin will host Sara Davis Buechner for a concert program titled "Prelude to Pride." Davis, a Baltimore native, is one of the most original concert pianists and storytellers of our time. She is also a proud transgender woman, and the perfect artist to help us kick off 2023 Pride Month festivities! Tickets are on sale now at for $10-25.
June 12, 2023, Juneteenth Jubilee at Govans Presbyterian Church - Celebrate freedom, justice and love together as we kick-off Juneteenth week (the national holiday is celebrated on June 19!) with a concert celebrating African American music and culture!
This amazing celebration will feature The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra musicians, conductor Jonathan Rush, the Knox Presbyterian and Govans Choirs, community musicians, poet Keith Snipes and much more. Admission is free and open to all. Email Lea Gilmore at for more information.
Learn more about our PC(USA) Mission Co-Workers and liaisons from Guatemala. Betsey is visiting the USA with her husband Eric Moe on a thank you tour. She is being hosted by two churches for a "Dessert Meet and Greet," followed by a presentation on her work with CEDEPCA:
Tuesday, June 13th at Govans Presbyterian Church; and
Wednesday, June 14th at Ark & Dove Presbyterian Church
Saturday, June 17 - Dickey Memorial is hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour at 1 pm (5112 Wetheredsville Road, Baltimore, MD 21207)
Tuesday, June 27, from 6-8 pm Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church will be hosting an Active Shooter Training. This in-person only event is a service provided by the Baltimore City Police Department to help faith communities think through their own plans for responding to these kinds of tragic events. Congregations that are interested should reserve a spot by using this online form. The deadline for signups is June 21st. Questions? Contact Elder Andy Ross -
July 21-23 - Presbyterian Men's Conference - at Massanetta Springs in Harrisonburg Virginia. For questions & pricing contact Registrar:
Director of Music and Organist
Prince of Peace Presbyterian Church of Crofton, MD is seeking a Director of Music and Organist. Duties include rehearsing the chancel choir and bell choir (two hours/week), playing organ and directing these choirs at Sunday morning worship services (one hour/week). Salary range $24K-30K per year, depending on experience. For full position description go to
Transitional Pastor
Ashland Presbyterian Church seeks a full-time, ordained, transitional pastor for a period of two years. The pastor’s contract with Session will be reviewed annually by COM, and can be renewed for 12 months, not to exceed 3 years in total. While not an installed position, the Transitional Pastor may become the installed pastor upon the recommendation by ¾ majority of COM and the Presbytery of Baltimore. Position description
Central Presbyterian Church is seeking a Teacher. Their vision is to provide the young children in our community with a loving, Christ-centered environment where they may grow, develop and learn, and be equipped for future education. The teachers provide planned activities that seek to meet the emotional, physical, cognitive, social, and spiritual needs of each child within a caring, Christian environment. Job Description. Contact to apply.