October 27, 2022
Thanking Our Pastors
“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (NIV)
- 1 Timothy 5:17
Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? Unfortunately, most congregations are unaware of this designation thirty years ago to recognize the holy work of pastors and lay leaders. But since church leaders aren’t likely to bring attention to themselves, we will.

As challenges increase year by year, the Commission for Spiritual Leader Development and Presbytery of Baltimore want to acknowledge the tireless callings our pastors have undertaken. We know church leaders can feel isolated as demands rise, and we are here for you. Your devotion is worth recognizing and applauding. October may be over soon, but our appreciation is perpetual.

- Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Taylor
Ministers in Motion
This has been a busy year, more so for some than others. We wanted to take an opportunity to share updates on comings and goings amid our presbytery.

Honorably Retired

  • Susan DeWyngaert, former pastor at Woods Memorial Presbyterian 1/31
  • Keith Roberts, 6/1 - Currently living in NC


  • Loril Hawk, received from Utica 1/24
  • Laura Hollister HR received from National Capital 3/25 - currently serving on COM and works as a counselor at Shepherd Pratt
  • Steve Hofel received from Northern Iowa 3/25 - Our staff interim serving part time at Granite and Churchville
  • Claire Pula HR, received from Highlands 5/26 - Serving on Commission on Preparation for Ministry
  • Carlos Wilton HR, received from Lackawanna 5/26 - Serving on Administrative Commission for Northminster
  • Randall Bush received from Pittsburgh 6/1 - Servings as Interim at Woods Memorial
  • Joe Condro HR, former pastor at Churchville, received from Shenandoah 7/1 - Returned to Baltimore after retirement. 
  • Michael Cuppett ordained by Middle Tennessee- Chaplain with John’s Hopkins Medicine and received as member of Presbytery 9/8

Moved Away

  • Mark Hutton, former interim pastor at Central, dismissed to New Hope 1/3
  • Laura Crihfield, former associate at Central, dismissed to Eastern Virginia 3/9
  • Jim Young, former interim at Cumberland, dismissed to Shenandoah 5/04
  • David Norse-Thomas, former pastor at Maryland, dismissed to Philadelphia 5/12
  • Jon Nelson, former Associate at Ark and Dove, dismissed to North Central California 7/1
  • Easter Smart dismissed to Donegal 8/3 - Has been living in the UK until moving back to the US this year
  • Bill Hathaway, former pastor at First Annapolis, dismissed to New Castle 8/3 - Moved to Wilmington DE
  • Alison Halsey, formerly pastor at First and Franklin, dismissed to New Castle 8/3 - Moved to Wilmington DE
  • Kimberly Secrist Ashby, former pastor of Fallston and Interim at Mt. Hebron, dismissed to Detroit 10/1
  • Laura Batten-Carbaugh, former Temporary supply pastor at Covenant which closed in September, dismissed to National Capitol 11/01
Changes within Presbytery

  • McKenna Lewellen, former assistant director at Center, to temporary supply at Maryland, 6/19
  • Jacob Snowden, formerly Associate at Woods, to Member at Large 7/1
  • Kate Foster, former director at Center, to creation care ministry at Rails-To-Trails and continued ministry as the parish associate at Faith 9/8
  • Amy Carlson, former Associate Pastor at Second to Temp supply at Mt. Hebron 10/17


  • Johannis Mol - Died 11/26/2017 in Australia
  • Marie Sheldon - Died 9/7/2022
October 30th: "Vote Our Values Sunday"
With early voting for Maryland’s general election upon us, we are encouraging congregations to do their part to participate. That’s why we’re dubbing October 30th as “Vote Our Values Sunday.” The Dismantling Racism Team and In the Loop ministry group have compiled resources for your worship services this weekend to encourage voter turnout and representation. Visit our website for worship resources, including quotes for thought and communal reflection, music suggestions, and a prayer for the people.
All the Financial Info You Ever Wanted
This month, reports were sent to clerks of session with updated financial information, including Per Capita and 2023 Terms of Call. These resources are posted on the Presbytery's website, and may be of great value to anyone budgeting for 2023.
Upcoming Events
Register for the POAMN Leadership Retreat
Do you serve in older adult ministries? Do you care about the spiritual formation of older adults? Are you in need of rest and rejuvenation in your ministry? If so, this Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries Network (POAMN) Leadership Retreat is for you. It is scheduled for November 9-12th, and features Joyce MacKichan Walker.

POAMN has secured funding through a grant from the Office of Christian Formation PC(USA). A limited number of scholarships to attend are available for leaders who are first time attendees at a POAMN event; from small churches; or others who have little to no continuing education funds. Email poamnetwork@gmail.com to request a scholarship application and for more information, visit https://poamn.org/2022-leadership-retreat/
Transformative Leadership: Elder Training in a New Era. This day-long Presbytery-wide Elder Training retreat takes place on Saturday, October 29th and will include a variety of workshops. For a schedule of topics, visit our event page at BaltimorePresbytery.org - and/or email JBarchi@BaltimorePresbytery.org for availability.
Happy Halloween!
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, November 12
897th Gathering of Presbytery of Baltimore - The next stated meeting of Presbytery will take place at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church on November 12th at 10 am. Save the date and check our website for details as they emerge.
Employment Opportunities
Administrative Assistant
Harundale Presbyterian Church in Glen Burnie, Maryland, is looking for an administrative assistant. Hours for this position are 9am-3pm, Monday-Friday. Skills needed for position are a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Publisher, and Excel as well as a knowledge of or willingness to learn Google Drive, Google Docs, and Canva. This person would be responsible for creating weekly newsletter, Sunday bulletins, as well as other administrative and organizational tasks within the church office. For more information please call the church office at 410-766-4338 or email mjcabjax@gmail.com
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