Welcoming a Season of New Beginnings
Whether it's called Homecoming, Rally Day, or Move Up Day, the new program year has begun in churches across the presbytery. Children move into new classes with new teachers; and adult leaders prepare to introduce their students to our loving God in creative and winsome ways. Many of our churches prayed during their service on Sunday for teachers returning to their classes in public and private schools and for students beginning a new school. Other churches welcome college students who have moved to their area for their studies.
This time of year is a time of new beginnings, an exciting time as the new school year waits to unfold. May your best plans for your congregation this year come to fruition and may this year bring deeper spiritual formation to each person who worships with your congregation.
Don’t Miss the 884th Gathering: September 12th
There’s going to be much to discuss next Thursday as we convene in Columbia, MD. The meeting will begin with worship and will include the Installation of Moderator and Vice-Moderator and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. We will then turn to a time for learning and discussion about one of the Presbytery’s most successful mission initiatives, The Center.
As we decide how The Center fits into our charge to go from institution to movement, we will begin making important decisions about our witness as a collective body of Christ
focusing on the role of The Center and its future.
We need to hear from many voices as we move toward important decisions about how we will prioritize spending and how we might invest in The Center in light of these priorities.
Maybe you have worked directly with The Center, only know of its mission, or have little or no knowledge of it at all. Regardless, please take a few minutes to review
The Center Annual Report
, visit their website at
, and join us at the next Gathering on September 12, prepared for this important discussion.
Do you have questions about the proposed manual changes to be voted on at the September 12 Gathering? Mary Gaut, Deputy Stated Clerk, will be happy to answer your questions or clarify what is proposed. You may contact her at
Spotlight on the Artist: Laura Oldham
Our Presbytery is pleased to present the work of local artist Laura Oldham. When you visit our offices, you will be treated to an exceptional display of paintings and ceramics through the month of October.
See and learn more.
Reclaiming Broken Bodies: Thinking Theologically about the Opioid Crisis
The opioid crisis is on multiple levels about the brokenness of human bodies, only some of which fall under the purview of medicine. For all the real good it does, medicine alone cannot offer healing. This is the topic of the September 19 lecture by Joel Shuman, PhD, PT, who is Professor of Theology at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and works at the intersection of theology and medicine.
Cameroon Peacemaker Lunch
Jaff Bamenjo is the Coordinator of RELUFA, the Network for the Fight Against Hunger, which is a partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Everyone is welcome to come and hear first hand about how RELUFA is working to address the root causes of hunger and poverty, the recruitment of young people by the Boko Haram insurgency in Northern Cameroon, and the ongoing conflict in the Anglophone region which has caused widespread displacement. The event is hosted by Brown Memorial Park Avenue Presbyterian Church from 12:30 pm – 2 pm.
RSVP by Monday, September 16th
, and
visit our website for more details
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Activist Council Gathering
September 26-28:
Get involved in movements within the PCUSA to prevent gun violence, promote divestment from fossil fuels, support human rights accompaniment in Colombia and on the US-Mexico border, and create a network of Peace Churches in the PCUSA. Matt Black will be leading music and there's a great team of young Presbyterian leaders who are planning this gathering. This gathering is open to any and all people who affirm the nonviolence of Jesus Christ and their intent to follow that way. It's being held in Baltimore at The Center, and you are encouraged to join, but please
register by September 9th
Congratulations to Rev. Jon and Christina Nelson (Ark and Dove) on the birth of their daughter, Emery Joy Nelson, born on August 27, 2019.
Second Presbyterian Church is offering used artificial green trees with pre-lit white lights to churches in the Presbytery. Some new strands of lights needed on some, they come with worn storage bags and stands. Tree heights are 2-6’, 4-7’, 1-9’, 2-12’. Also 12, 2’ wreaths are available. Need large vehicles to move trees. Call Janet at 410-256-5097 for more information and to arrange pickup.
Director of Christian Education
Churchville Presbyterian Church is seeking a committed Christian to fill a part-time position as Director of Christian Education. This person would oversee the educational programs of the church, from nursery through high school. Applicants should e-mail their resumes to Rev. Dr. Stephen R. Melton at
or mail their resume to: Pastor, Churchville Presbyterian Church, 2844 Churchville Road, Churchville, MD 21028, 410-734-7344.
Trustees and Administrative Committee Members Sought
Are you someone who is good with numbers and or details? Do you like the administrative and financial dimensions of presbytery work? Even though the work of budget development, asset management and policies does not always get the attention our programmatic work does, it is critical in supporting what we do in other areas. The nominating committee is looking for such people to serve on the Trustees and on the Administrative Committee. If God has graced you with these particular gifts and interests or if you know of someone who is gifted in this way please send such leads to
who will forward them to the nominating committee.
The Presbytery seeks at least two individuals to staff a nursery during Presbytery Gatherings. Persons must be 18 or older, willing to undergo a background check (if you have not had one recently) and willing to commit to at least one or more of the following dates, times and locations:
- September 12, 2019, St. John United, Columbia, 9:30-3:30
- November 16, 2019, First of Annapolis, 9:30-3:30
- February 13, 2020, Catonsville, 1:00-7:00
- May 14, 2020, Christ Memorial, 3:30-8:30.
Salary is $20 per hour; if you will commit to the specified times on any of those days, Presbytery will guarantee payment at that rate for at least six hours. Churches are invited to encourage their background-checked child care workers to apply for the position. Send letter of interest to: Stated Clerk, Presbytery of Baltimore,
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