February 2, 2025---

From the Rector

Thanks to Ken Grieshaber for sharing the photos he recently took while visiting the construction site that is our church! The transformation will be amazing.

Can you guess the rooms or spaces on the ground floor that are shown in these photos?



Trinity news and needs

February 9, 16, 23

and March 2

Where: Zoom

When: Feburary 9, 5:00 p.m. All other Sundays will be 6:00 p.m.

Beginning Sunday evening, February 9, and continuing the next three Sundays, interested folks will gather via Zoom for Episcopal 101, a preparatory class for confirmation, reception, and renewal/refresher of Christian history, beliefs, worship, and commitment. We will do some reading and have great conversation about all things Episcopalian, and basically get to know one another better as we learn about how the Episcopal Church walks the Way of Jesus. Join us, it will be fun!




Join us for a special day in the life of our church. On Sunday, March 9, 2025, Bishop Kevin will make an official Episcopal Visit to Trinity. He will preach, celebrate, confirm and receive new members, and join us for a reception immediately following the service.

Bishop's visits are always very special, so please plan to be with us to welcome the Bishop home to Trinity!

Please do not hesitate to send your pledges and gifts to the church via snail mail (USPS). We have made arrangements with the Post Office to pick up all mail, so when you address anything to Trinity Church, it will be received!

You may also send gifts and offerings via PayPal. See below for links to pledge and to pay after pledging season is over.

Livestreaming at Trinity

Trinity, Bethlehem is now livestreaming again!

We are back in the world of livestreaming. Please join us online, if you are unable to attend worship in-person. Watch as we stream, or watch later!

Prayer and Pastoral Care

To add a name to our prayer list, inform us through our email account created especially for this purpose.


If you tell me (Pam) in person, I am likely to forget, so using our email is the best way to make sure we pray for you in the Prayers of the People. Email: prayerlist@trinitybeth.org


To view the coming week's prayer list, click here.

For Pastoral Care Emergencies, please call the church at (610) 867-4741, x 325. You may leave a message after hours and that message will be sent directly to Pam’s personal cell phone. Pams personal cell phone number is also in the church directory and may be found in Realm. Please be assured that we want to be present to you at times of pastoral need and will offer assistance and support in any way possible.

Sermons may be listened to via audio. The last one recorded was Sunday, December 10. These sermons were recorded live and are available on the website.

Birthdays and Anniversaries


Allison Vail, February 2

Linda Cortis, February 10

Robert Hornyak, February 12

Lynn Piccolo, February 15

Jill Weaver, February 17

Caroline Vail Emmons, February 18

Sue Ditterline, February 20

Glen Walls, February 27


Jan and Flex Illick, February 27

44 E. Market Street
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
Saturday Service: 5:00 pm 
Sunday Services: 8:00 & 10:30am 
Office: 9:00am-2:00pm, M-F