January 4, 2025---

From the Rector

Happy Eleventh Day of Christmas, my friends! Joyful elevensies to everyone! According to Episcopal priest Elizabeth Keaton, the number 11 is rich in potential symbolism. It might represent the 11 disciples who remained faithful after Judas' betrayal of Jesus. In numerology, Rev. Keaton says, "the number 11 is a master number, which means it has a high vibrational frequency and deep spiritual significance. It's considered a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, and a symbol of intuition, enlightenment, and personal growth." Or, in China, "11 represents the union of the sky and the earth. In African esoteric traditions, it's related to the mysteries of fruitfulness." She also points out that seeing the number 11 frequently can be thought of as an "angel number," a sign from "the universe or guardian angels to pay attention to your intuition and spiritual journey." (From Elizabeth Keaton's Facebook post for January 4, 2025).

These all sound fun and intriguinginteresting ideas from which to begin unending theological rabbit chases. But as for me, I would prefer to just hear 11 pipers piping! I don't think I ever have heard that many flutes playing simultaneously. In fact, I would love to hear a "choir" of flutes all playing something still Christmasy. Behold below! I have located a Youtube recording of a "flute choir" playing "Carol of the Bells." But wait, not only that. If you listen carefully, you will hear strains of THREE KINGS OF ORIENT, a tune exclusively paired with a familiar Epiphany hymn you might recognize.

Did you know, by the way, that flutes are also voiced? That is, they are not just the expected high-voiced instruments like the piccolo, treble, soprano, or concerts flutes, but there are also lower-voiced flutes: the alto, bass, contra-alto, and contra-bass flutes (plus a few other really low-voiced flutes). (Interested in learning more? Click here.)

So enjoy the video below! There are a few more than 11, I think, but you get the idea! See if you can pick out the different types of "pipes" being played by The Woodlands Flute Choir of The Woodlands Methodist Church in Houston, Texas, a few years ago.

Blessings on the waning tide of Christmas. May the Feast of Epiphany bring you joy!


Trinity news and needs

The Next Big Thing!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Immediately following our 8:30 a.m. service on Sunday, January 26, we will gather downstairs at Christ Church for our 2025 Annual Meeting. We will share a lovely brunch and listen to our "state of the church" reports for the year, as well as vote to receive the budget and to affirm new Vestry members and Diocesan Convention deputies for the upcoming Convention. We will undoubtedly learn more about the restoration of our beloved Trinity building, whether it is yet-to-come, or already in progress. Please plan to join us!


More dates will be added

here in the future.

January 6—Feast of the Epiphany (celebrated on Sunday, January 5)

January 26—Annual Meeting and Luncheon after Worship

March 5—Ash Wednesday

April 13—Palm Sunday

April 20—Easter Sunday

October 17-18—Joint Diocesan Convention (Scranton)

Pledges and Offerings

Please do not hesitate to send your pledges and gifts to the church via snail mail (USPS). We have made arrangements with the Post Office to pick up all mail, so when you address anything to Trinity Church, it will be received!

You may also send gifts and offerings via PayPal. See below for links to pledge and to pay after pledging season is over.

Livestreaming at Trinity

Trinity, Bethlehem is now livestreaming again!

We are back in the world of livestreaming. Please join us online, if you are unable to attend worship in-person. Watch as we stream, or watch later!

Prayer and Pastoral Care

To add a name to our prayer list, inform us through our email account created especially for this purpose.


If you tell me (Pam) in person, I am likely to forget, so using our email is the best way to make sure we pray for you in the Prayers of the People. Email: prayerlist@trinitybeth.org


To view the coming week's prayer list, click here.

For Pastoral Care Emergencies, please call the church at (610) 867-4741, x 325. You may leave a message after hours and that message will be sent directly to Pam’s personal cell phone. Pams personal cell phone number is also in the church directory and may be found in Realm. Please be assured that we want to be present to you at times of pastoral need and will offer assistance and support in any way possible.

Sermons may be listened to via audio. The last one recorded was Sunday, December 10. These sermons were recorded live and are available on the website.

Birthdays and Anniversaries


Laura Johnson, January 3

Patti Pasda, January 3

Margaret McIntosh, January 4

JoAnne Hornyak, January 5

Barry Smith, January 12

Joel Krieger, January 14

Sophia Krieger, January 25

Saul Marcial, January 27

Landon Marcial, January 28

Joyce Meinke, January 30

Lylah Hoff, January 31


Dawn and Bill Winterburn, January 30

44 E. Market Street
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
Saturday Service: 5:00 pm 
Sunday Services: 8:00 & 10:30am 
Office: 9:00am-2:00pm, M-F