Tiger News
Happy Friday!

It was another great week at Christ the King Catholic School!

It was great to see everyone in their blue and gold today. In other uniform news, students can wear shorts again. Our middle school students will complete ISTEP early next week and our 3rd -5th graders will start up on Wednesday. The weather appears to be catching up with the season, which means our school garden will soon be installed. I will provide a date and details in next week's Tiger News.

Have a great weekend. I hope you are able to spend lots of time with your family! Go Pacers!!


Ed Seib
Christ the King Catholic School
Prayers for the Huffines
Please continue to keep the Huffine family in your prayers. You can check Brian's Caringbridge site for updates on how he is doing.
Thank You
  • Father Todd, Mrs. Annee, and all the parent volunteers who led us at Mass on Wednesday
  • Mrs. LeMark for being our Middle School Speaker Wednesday
  • Father Todd, Mrs. Collins, Mr. Klee, and Mrs. Herrera for taking the 6th grade to St. Meinrad on Thursday
  • Mr. Hooker for delivering the Protector Bin items
  • Everyone who helped out with hot lunch, drop off, recess, after school groups, or coaching
  • Middle School students for giving their best effort on ISTEP
Parish Stewardship Cards NEW
The 2018 Stewardship Cards are now available for Parish Families. Cards are due by Pentecost, which is May 20, 2018. You can pick up a card in the vestibule or fill it out online . If you can, fill out the card online; it does speed up all of the processing, and we thank you in advance for filling out the card online.

We appreciate everyone taking the time to let us know of your stewardship intentions for the coming year. School families are required to fill out a Stewardship Card every year to quality for the parishioner rate at Christ the King Catholic School and Bishop Chatard High School.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out your card, and remember, if you are an online giver, you will need to log in and make any changes to your giving level in your online giving account.
Welcome to Christ the King Video
I am proud to present our new school promotional video ! It would not have been possible without the skills and time of Tony Felts and Pete Zinkan. Please download this and share it with as many people as you can. Since posting it last Thursday, it has over 2,800 views on social media. Let's keep spreading the word about our special school and community! I am looking forward to using this video to promote the school for many years to come!
Tiger Trot Update NEW
The annual Tiger Trot walk-a-thon was once again a success this year
Funds raised will be announced on Monday, April 23 rd .   Our students enjoyed a fantastic day of fun and excitement and, in the process, raised funds to support the PTO initiatives throughout the entire year including class trips, teacher appreciation and classroom grants. Thanks to all students, parents, and staff for supporting this event.  A special thanks to our Mystery Tiger,  Matt Hibbeln , and our Master of Ceremonies,  Shiloh O’Rourke .   There are many people we would like to specifically thank for their help this year.  See link below for a Tiger Trot summary, including all those who helped out and a picture collage.  Stay tuned for a final update on Monday, 4/23.   
Tuition Rates for 2018 / 2019
Click here for a copy of next year's tuition rates. Registration information will be coming soon.
Calendar, Recess Duty, First Aid

Saturday 4/21
Happy Birthday Mrs. Meadows!

Sunday 4/22
1st Communion Retreat in Tuohy Hall 11:30-3:00
Volleyball Uniform Collection 12:45 -1:45
8th Gr. to ND

Monday 4/23
ISTEP Gr. 6-8
Kg Assessments 12:00-6:00 p.m. in SCR
Brownie Troop 95 in Library 2:50-4:15
Art Club 3:00-4:00
Shiloh O'Rourke, Colleen Fuydal

Tuesday 4/24
ISTEP Gr. 6-8
Band 2:50-3:30
Trina Zumdome, Colleen Fuydal

Wednesday 4/25
8:30 Mass/8th Gr. Officers
ISTEP Gr. 3-5
Hot Lunch/Subway
Youth Choir 2:50-3:20
Faculty Meeting 3:00-4:15 STEM Lab
Shiloh O'Rourke, Kristin Quintana

Thursday 4/26
ISTEP Gr. 3-5
1st Grade to ZOO
Kg to ZOO
PTO Meeting in STEM Lab 6:30-8:00 p.m.
1st Communion Practice/Parents and Students 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Matt Hooker

Friday 4/26
ISTEP Gr. 3-5
Hot Lunch/Chick-Fil-A
Girl Scout Troop 2848 2:50-5:30
Lyndi Lippelt, Angie Kubacki
Mindset Minute - Worthy of a Second Look
Whether you are a Pacer fan or not, I bet you have heard of Victor Oladipo this year. He is a great example of what having a Growth Mindset can accomplish. He was not a sought after high school recruit. He ended up attending Indiana University. He improved each year, and by the end of his junior year, he was the National Player of the Year and was drafted 2nd in NBA Draft. His growth did not stop there. During his short time in the NBA, he has been traded twice, which could be viewed as teams giving up on him. However, in his first year with the Pacers, he has become an NBA All Star and a favorite for the Most Improved Player Award. His work ethic and belief that he can constantly improve has helped him to the success he has had this year and inspired his teammates to follow his lead. Instead of basking in his success, he continues to work at getting better. One example of this is that late in the season, he was practicing free throws after a game when everyone else had headed to the locker room. He is a great role model for our students. For more information about him, check out this recent article in The Criterion.
Grandparents' Day Coordinator(s) Needed NEW
Grandparents' Day is a time when students in kindergarten, fourth, and eighth grades invite their grandparents or family representatives to Mass, breakfast, and some in-class activities. We're looking for a parent or two to help with the coordination of this day. There will be guidance provided throughout the process. Please contact Mrs. Wenclewicz ( [email protected] ) if you are interested.
CKS Babysittter List
Click here for an updated CKS Babysitter List.
"Paws" to READ!

Remember to turn in your Reading log on Thursday, April 26. We are almost at our goal of one million pages read! To be invited to the end of year dance party, you need to have read at least 3,150 pages, that is 350 pages per month. It's not too late! Remember to "paws" to read! Go Tigers!
Christ the King Parish Mission Next Week!
CKS students who are in Top 10 Percent from BCHS Class of 2018 NEW
Congratulations to the following students from Christ the King who are part of the Top 10 Percent for the Bishop Chatard Class of 2018: Erik Compton, Gabriel O’Hara, Christine Oppold and Nicholas Sowinski.
Kessler Crossing Guard Position Open NEW

If interested, please contact IPD officer Stacy Hanks at 317-327-6544 or [email protected] . This is a paid position through IMPD.

School guard Qualifications:
  1. No felonies
  2. Pass drug screen
  3. Reliable transportation
  4. Must pass background check
School Garden Survey
Thank you to everyone who has filled out our Garden Volunteer survey so far. We will be installing the garden beds after Spring Break. I will get back to you with an exact date soon. There is still time to fill out the following survey to let us know how you can help. If you have any questions, let me know via email at [email protected]
Click here for Bishop Chatard news.
Summer Social 5K
We are looking for volunteers to assist with the Summer Social 5k Run/Walk Race to be held on Saturday, June 16, 2018. The race will begin at 8:30 am and will start at Christ the King.
For more information on volunteering, please contact Shannen Priser at  [email protected]
Summer Social Sponsorship Options NEW
There is a new option available for the family banners this year. We are going to create an annual ‘Proud Parent of a Christ the King Tiger’ banner that will include all of the families who are willing to send in a sponsor donation of $25.   Check out this document to become a sponsor for this new option and to see all other available sponsorship options. You can also donate online.