February 2, 2022
Tiger PAWS builds the OCCS community through prayer, service and financial support.
Straatmarket Documents
We are looking for any past Google drive documents for the binders for the Straatmarket committee. If anyone has or knows where to get access to these, please contact Dana Pluim: drpluim44@gmail.com.
February Prayer Items
Please join us in prayer for:
  • 5th grade teachers: Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Mills, aide: Mrs. Van Der Weide, student teacher: Miss Kortney Wolfswinkel
  • Counselors: Mrs. Alons and Miss Smidt
  • PE teacher: Mr. De Jong and student teacher: Lane Kieser
  • Prayers of Adoration: Lord, you are our Healer, you are our Rock. We praise your name. 
  • Prayers of Confession: We doubt, we run empty, we lose focus. Forgive us for not trusting you in every moment. 
  • Prayers of Thanksgiving: Thank you, Lord, for doctors, nurses, and modern medicine. Thank you for clear roads and for warm homes. 
  • Prayers of Supplication: We ask for your strength to endure sicknesses, days with little daylight, and to overcome our own desires of the flesh. We ask for eyes that look for You and ears that hear You. 

February Theme: Kindness

February Verse: I Thessalonians 5:15
“Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strives to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.”

February Hymn: Lord, I Pray
1 Lord, I pray, if today
some should wrong or trouble me, 
make me kind; bring to mind, 
your forgiveness makes me free. 

2 Should there be joy for me, 
help me thank you as I should.
Let me through all I do
praise you, Lord, for all things good. 

3 If this day I should stray, 
show my heart the road to take.
Should I fear, please be near,
hear my prayer for Jesus’ sake.
100 Year Celebration
Soon we will be celebrating the 100 years that Monica / Tiger PAWS has been supporting OCCS! As preparations are being made, the committee welcomes all information, items, and ideas that you have to help with this celebration. Please contact Karla Kroese, Maria Byker, or Miranda King with your contributions. We look forward to sharing more about this celebration in the near future.
Orange City Christian School | 712-737-2274 | 712-737-8608 | www.orangecitychristian.net