The Tiger's Roar!

Tildenville Elementary School Community Brief Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Dear Mark,

I hope this back to school issue of The Tiger's Roar! for 2023-2024 finds you having experienced an enjoyable summer break. Our amazing teachers have actually been back at school since August 2 preparing for their students' return on Thursday, August 10. We have been engaged in our annual pre-planning period where we review our goals, conduct specialized training sessions, discuss new and existing policies & procedures, and collaborate in both large and small teams. It has been a very productive pre-planning experience and we are all now very excited to welcome back our Tigers on Thursday!

Mrs. Suarez (2nd grade teacher-left) and Mrs. Londono-Scott (school guidance counselor) bowling during our team building outing as part of this year's pre-planning week. 

While bowling, we ran into a few of our current and former Tigers! 

This edition was prepared primarily to remind our Tildenville families of some important back to school information before school starts tomorrow. Please remember that you may always email or call the school with any questions you might have. Backed with the support of our wonderful Tiger families, this is going to be a very promising, and successful 2023-2024 school year! 

In Tiger Pride,

Agathe Alvarez

Proud Principal 

Tildenville Elementary School

Pictured very top: Our wonderful PTA welcomed back teachers & staff during our pre-planning week. Please see their story below.

Visit Tildenville Website

Upcoming Events

8/10 First Day of School

8/10 Boo Hoo, Woo Hoo Breakfast 8:15-8:45

8/21 Color Week! Wear Red today!

8/22 Color Week! Wear Orange Today!

8/23 Color Week! Wear Yellow Today!

8/24 Color Week! Wear Green Today!

8/24 PTA General Virtual Meeting at 7pm

8/25 Color Week! Wear Blue Today!

8/28 Color Week! Wear Purple Today!

8/29 Color Week! Wear Black and White Today!

8/30 Color Week! Wear Brown Today!

8/31 Color Week! Wear Pink or Gray Today!

9/1 Wear a rainbow of colors today!

9/4 Labor Day-No School

9/5 Fall Pictures

9/7 First day of morning clubs

9/15 Megablast Fundraiser Kickoff

9/15 Hispanic Heritage Month begins

9/18 Start with Hello Week

9/21 Kids Beach Club 3pm

9/28 Kids Beach Club 3pm

9/29 Rock Your School

9/29 Megablast Fundraiser Ends

OCPS 2023-2024 Calendar

School Supply List

1) Please click here for the school supply list by grade level (PDF).

2) Mrs. Khan's Gifted Tigers - Supply List

Back to School information for Tildenville families:

Resources (this webpage links to multiple sites):

Find My Bus:

Superintendent's Message:

"Mondays with Maria - Back-to-School edition" ran on Monday, July 31. Superintendent Dr. Maria Vazquez is pictured above on the set with Nancy Alvarez, WESH news anchor. Please click here for the latest back-to-school information from our superintendent of schools. (Dr. Vazquez is beginning her second year as superintendent and typically puts out a short "Monday's with Maria" each Monday morning on YouTube with topics which will be of interest to our Tildenville community.)

Back to school message from our School Counselor,

Mrs. Esther Londoño-Scott, NBCT

Parental Rights in OCPS

OCPS families and employees,

There have been state legislative and rule changes around the Parents Bill of Rights since last school year which impact students, teachers and staff. All of our school principals have been provided information and guidance to share and we have also made the same information available to you on the district’s website Parental Rights in OCPS webpage. You will be able to access the memos and a frequently asked questions document.

Thank you for your support of Orange County Public Schools.

Tiger Spotlight

Lincoln caught reading for pleasure during his summer break!

We would like to welcome Lincoln, a brand new Tiger, to Tildenville! He was so excited to see other kids reading in the newsletter, he had mom submit a photo as well. This is Lincoln reading The Tale of Despereaux. We are excited to welcome you to the Tildenville family and we LOVE that you are excited about reading! 

The 30/30 Rule

New After School Provider: Discover After School

The flyer outlines the program rates and fees for the 2023 - 2024 school year. Registration opened on June 12th. If you have any questions, please use the contact on the flyer to contact Discover After School directly.

Tildenville PTA

Hello Tiger Families! 

Our success is only possible because of YOUR SUPPORT. Tildenville Elementary is your home, and we invite you to join us in supporting our children, teachers, and staff in continuing Tildenville Elementary’s tradition of excellence. Get or update your PTA membership today! 

Visit our webpage:

TILDENVILLEPTA.COM and get to know who we are and what we do.

PTA Events:

Tucker Ranch Round up was so much fun. Thank you to everyone that came to our playdate, including our brand new Assistant Principal, Dr. Clemente!

Above and just below:

Welcoming back teachers and staff during planning week was filled with love and care! We have such a wonderful school.

August 10th, Thursday - 8:10 to 8:45 am- First Day of School 

Whether you are new to our Tildenville family, or if you are already a part of it, we'll be at the flagpole to give you a warm welcome back to School. Extra hugs will be provided for Kindergarten families!

August 24th, Thursday - 7:00 pm - First PTA GENERAL MEETING 

There are a total of four meetings throughout the entire school year. Meetings are held online. You are not required to open your camera or speak unless you choose to. Your input is always welcomed. Your attendance is really important to us as during those meetings we share a lot of important information. We communicate how fundraising monies are used, plan upcoming events, and make recommendations on how to improve the school's facilities. 

We'll be sharing tons of information about what's happening and we are just a click away if we can be of service.

Scan the QR code to access ALL the PTA related links.

2023-2024 PTA Board

  • Erika Q-D (Dziouksz), President
  • Ellie Newbeck, Fundraising VP
  • Jill Wingate, Hospitality VP
  • Nicholas Alix, Membership VP
  • Lina Logan, Small Events Chair
  • N'Keyma Skeene, Recording Secretary
  • Ronda Arline, Corresponding Secretary
  • Greg Skeene, Treasurer

Volunteers WANTED!

OCPS ADDitions Volunteer Portal is now OPEN!

The OCPS Volunteer portal is now open for registration. Update your profile information, answer the safety questions, then watch the new required training video.*

* All volunteers must watch the new required training video in order to sign up for volunteer opportunities. Not watching the video in its entirety will void training from being recorded.

Pre-Planning Week Highlights

The staff at Tildenville welcomed the new year with a fun team building activity at the Winter Garden bowling alley! We had a great time catching up, eating pizza and bowling! 

We started preplanning with donuts and coffee for the staff provided by our Awesome PTA! 

Closing images for this edition . . .

Countdown to Kindergarten 2023 was a smashing success!

Incoming Tigers had the opportunity practice Kindergarten skills such as cutting, coloring, tracing, and gluing. They also became familiarized with class procedures such as lining up, walking in a straight and quiet line, and listening to instructions. By the end of the event, fears had dwindled, and playground fun ensued. A great time was had by all! Thank you to the 75 families that joined us over the course of the week.

Florida flag


Mrs. Alvarez, Principal

Tildenville Elementary School

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Tildenville Elementary School Leadership Team

Ms. Agathe Alvarez -, Principal

Dr. Luriela Clemente -, Assistant Principal

Mrs. Julie Clemons Hager -, Media Specialist and Dual Language Coordinator

Mrs. Esther Londono-Scott -, School Guidance Counselor

Mr. Bryan Dolfi -, Instructional Coach

Mrs. Regan Trampe -, ESE and CCT Coordinator

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Copyright Notice

Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Tildenville Elementary School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Tildenville Elementary School. Please contact Mrs. Agathe Alvarez (Principal) at with any questions related to the program.

Tildenville Elementary | Mrs. Alvarez, Principal | 407.877.5054| TES Website