The Tiger's Roar!

Tildenville Elementary School Community Brief

Friday, December 16, 2022

Dear Mark,

Here we are already on the last day of the second nine-week quarter, the last day of the first semester, and the final school day of 2022. These past few months have passed so quickly. I know we are all looking forward to an exciting new year ahead in 2023!


As we get ready for the 2022-2023 winter break, I want to express my sincere gratitude to our teachers and staff at Tildenville Elementary School. We are so honored to have such a brilliant team that puts students first and gives their very best efforts each school day. In our great country, the K-12 schools are truly national assets thanks to the hard work of educators and support staff like you find here at Tildenville. 

Also, we are so grateful for our Tildenville parents plus a fiercely dedicated PTA who have been so supportive and dedicated to education. It is evident that our families know very well that Tildenville Elementary is truly among the finest elementary schools in Orange County and this is due, in no small part, to the commitment from our community. Thanks to Tildenville's active parent involvement combined with the PTA's ongoing month-to-month support, our students and teachers have an added edge throughout the school year that many schools elsewhere may not.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Tildenville Art Show! (Please see story and other Art Show highlights below.)

Thank you again to Spectrum for their annual donation of holiday gifts for our Tigers! Spectrum's continuing partnership is greatly apprecited. They step up each year to make our Tigers' holidays a little brighter!

Mrs. Williams is enjoying a bag of fresh green beans for a delicious snack straight from the Tildenville garden!

Please take time during this break to rest, relax and get motivated for a new year knowing that we are closing out 2022 with success and momentum. We will see students back on campus Wednesday, January 4th when we begin our third quarter!

Again, thank you for a wonderful first half of the school year and we look forward to an amazing 2023!!

Season's Greetings,

Agathe Alvarez

Proud Principal 

Tildenville Elementary School

Pictured at the very top and just below: Students in Ms. Colon's 3rd grade Dual Language class participated in a "Gallery Walk" to answer specific questions on how to use text features to enhance comprehension of text.

Visit Tildenville Website

Upcoming Events

12/19-1/2 Winter Break

1/3 Student Holiday/Teacher Workday

1/4 Begin 3rd marking period

1/4 iStation Testing Begins

1/10 NEHS Meeting

1/10 SAC Meeting at 4pm

1/12 Kindness Ambassadors

1/12 Kids Beach Club

1/13 Last day for iStation Testing

1/16 MLK Jr. Day- No School

1/19 Kids Beach Club

1/23 Literacy Week Begins! 

1/24 Reading Buddy Day

1/25 Spanish Spelling Bee

1/26 Kindness Ambassadors

1/26 Book Character Parade at 2pm

1/26 Kids Beach Club

1/27 Flashlight Friday

1/31 Class Picture Day

1/31 Last Day for 5th grade Yearbook Ads

Fun Winter Break Ideas!

Annual Food Distribution at the Holidays (this Saturday)

Academics: December 2022 and January 2023

ELA and Math Standards by Grade Level


REVISED 2022-2023 School Calendar:

Superintendent's Special Holiday Season Message!

Please click here for Dr. Vazquez's special message to our community. Happy Holidays to you and your family from the Office of the Superintendent!

** Bonus minute: Behind the Scenes Video from after the taping of "Mondays with Maria" with the elementary students from OCPS ACE.

Tiger Spotlight!

Congratulations to the very talented Violet H! Violet has won this year's yearbook cover contest. Her beautiful artwork will be the cover for the yearbook this year! Great job Violet!


Yearbooks are on sale now!

Yearbooks will ONLY be available for purchase through the Strawbridge website until March 15th. Yearbooks can be purchased for any students grades preK-5th grade. Please see the yearbook ad for directions for ordering. 

Attention parents of 5th grade students!

Parents, you can purchase an ad to celebrate your 5th grader in the school yearbook. Please see the ad below for pricing. All ads MUST be purchased and completed by January 31, 2023. If you are interested please click on this link to purchase your ad today. 

Accelerated Reader, Reflex Math and iStation Contest Update

Thank you to all the parents who have donated prizes to the computer program contests. Contests will begin in January! We will send more information next month as we launch the contests with the students.

We are still looking for a donation of 6 Kindle Fire’s for our end of the year giveaway. If your family/business or employer would like to donate one or more Kindle Fire please email Julie Hager at

Holiday Food, Fun, and Fellowship!

December has been a blast! We have been dressing up, eating cookies, shopping and so much more! Check out all the fun our Tigers have been having this month! 

Talented Tigers!

The Tildenville Art Show last was a great success! Thank you to all the families who came out to support our Talented Tigers We have some very talented adults as well. Check out these beautiful paintings!

2023-2024 Magnet Application

The Magnet Application for the 2023-2024 school year is now open!

Who needs to apply?

  • If you would like your child to be part of the Two Way Dual Language Program grades K-5 you will need to apply.
  • If your child is currently in the program in the 5th grade and they would like to continue at Lakeview they need to apply.
  • Current Tildenville VPK students who would like to be in the program will need to apply.

The application window will close on February 15th. Visit to apply today!

*** If your child is already in the Two Way Dual Language program they do not need to reapply.

Nutcracker Ballet

The students in second grade attended the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts to attend The Nutcracker. The students enjoyed the ballet very much! 



The PTA spread holiday cheer with a festive “Holiday Treat Cart” for teachers and staff! Our sparkling, happy elf went door to door passing out treats and hot cocoa.

Just above and below:

Holiday Shoppe brought a festive and fun shopping experience to the school! Tigers were able to purchase gifts for family and friends. Students practiced their money-math skills and learned important lessons about budgeting, decision-making and ultimately, about the gift of giving to others. 

A special "Thank You" to our volunteers for coming all week to help Tigers with their shopping.

Contact your PTA:

2022-2023 PTA Board

  • Becky Farrant, President
  • Erika Quesada-Dziouksz, VP of Membership
  • Dayna Dallas, VP of Hospitality
  • Elizabeth Holst, Secretary
  • Jessica Rose, Treasurer

Tildenville Elementary School PTA Website:



Follow us on Facebook:

and Instagram @tildenvillepta

Scan this QR code to access ALL the links PTA related:


Visit our Tildenville PTA store to get your PTA membership:

Family memberships are just $10 and cover your entire family, no matter how many students you have.  


Spirit Wear t-shirts can be worn on field trips, during school events and on Fridays each week to show school spirit!  

  • Youth-size shirts are $10
  • Adult-size shirts are $15
  • Dri-fit and cotton material shirts available. 
  • Green and black colors available in most shirts.

Please note that all orders placed by Friday each week will be fulfilled by Wednesday of the following week. 

Scan this QR Code to visit our PTA store and purchase your Spirit Wear:


If you want to volunteer on campus or in any activities with direct access to students (like field trips, field day, parent workroom, lunch or garden helper, etc...), you MUST be ADDitions approved. Volunteer hours are a huge help to our school. Follow this link and register to get approved:


  • Join our Parent Workroom Class Dojo group for updates:
  • Watch the PTA Facebook and Instagram pages for scheduled Parent Workroom Orientations.
  • Can't come into the Parent Workroom but still want to help? We often have projects that can be signed out and completed at home. Reach out to us at for these opportunities.

Scan this Code to Join the Parent Workroom Class Dojo Group:


1. Do you own a business? Would your business like to sponsor a school event? We have lots of events coming up next school year! Please email us at and let us know!

2.  Amazon Smile: Make sure you designate Tildenville Elementary as the beneficiary on your Amazon Smile account and every time you shop on Amazon, the school will receive a portion of your purchase! It's EASY! Here is the link to set it up:

3.  Box Tops for Education is easier than ever! Just download the Box Tops for Education app to your phone and scan and send your receipts! You can also email digital receipts to: receipts@boxtops4education.comBe sure to scan or email receipts within 14 days of purchase! Thank you!!


Thank you for reading and Happy Holidays!

Mrs. Alvarez, Principal

Tildenville Elementary School

Friday, December 16, 2022

Tildenville Elementary School Leadership Team

Mrs. Agathe Alvarez -, Principal

Mr. Bryan Dolfi -, Administrative Dean

Mrs. Julie Clemons Hager -, Media Specialist and Dual Language Coordinator

Ms. Esther Londono-Scott -, School Guidance Counselor

Ms. Christine Pankonin -, Instructional Coach

Ms. Regan Trampe -, ESE and CCT Coordinator

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Copyright Notice
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Tildenville Elementary School is forbidden without written consent. Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Tildenville Elementary School. Please contact Agathe Alvarez at with any questions related to the program.
Tildenville Elementary | Mrs. Alvarez, Principal | 407.877.5054| TES Website