The Tiger's Roar!  
Tildenville Elementary School, Winter Garden, FL
"A National Magnet School of Distinction"
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Principal Alvarez
There is no school on Friday, March 15th for students, but the teachers will still be on campus finalizing grades for the third nine weeks. Next week is spring break with classes resuming on Monday, March 25th.

The Spanish Honor Society and the Safety Patrols are collecting toiletries for senior citizens. Any support you can lend is greatly appreciated!
  • Personal Toiletries and Essentials
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Body wash or bar soap
  • Nail sets
  • Disposable razors and shaving cream
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash
  • Denture cleanser, denture adhesive and mouthwash
  • Deodorant
  • Lip balm
  • Hand lotion
  • Hand sanitizer
  • New hair brush and comb
  • Cotton Swabs
Interested in Volunteering, But Don't Know How You Can Help . . .
Tildenville Elementary has a "Parent Teacher Workroom" (located between the Kindergarten hall and the cafeteria) where parents are encouraged to come in during school hours (as long as they are Additions Approved - you can apply here and help with various projects the teachers and staff need assistance with.

* Some projects are as easy as stapling papers together (and might only require 30 minutes), while others might be helping create a wall display (and take an hour or two).

* All of the projects are placed in the workroom where you can choose what you are most comfortable helping with, and are free to help for as little or as long as you can.

* There is also a small table with books to read and color in should you have a little one with you.

Garden Club Volunteers Needed!
*Garden Club help is needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15am to 8:45am. We are looking for parents to help with the children in finding gloves, getting tools, and cleaning up afterwards.

Upcoming No Early Release Wednesdays
Please note these four upcoming Wednesdays as there will be no early dismissal for students. These dates will be regular length school days with three in a row occurring during May:
  • Wednesday, April 3
  • Wednesday, May 1
  • Wednesday, May 8
  • Wednesday, May 15
Parent Survey Closes Friday
Thank you to those parents and guardians who have completed our 2019 parent survey. The survey will be taken down on Friday, March 15 so if you have a child at Tildenville, kindly take a few minutes to share your opinions. Your feedback is of great value to our school improvement efforts.

Have a safe and relaxing spring break Tigers. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday, March 25th for a successful start to the final nine weeks of 2018-2019!

In Tiger Pride,

Agathe Alvarez 
Proud Principal
Tildenville Elementary School

Pictured very top: Congratulations to our Spanish Spelling Bee grade level winners and Grand Champion! Alina Marek was named the Spanish Spelling Bee Grand Champion!

Great job Tigers you are AWESOME!
  • 1st grade: John Marek
  • 2nd grade: Catalina Laso
  • 3rd grade: Noel Barrenechea
  • 4th grade: Amaiah Wilson
  • 5th grade: Alina Marek

Please remember Tigers . . .
"If you ever see or hear of something suspicious or unusual, say something to any teacher  or staff member."

Like us on Facebook
Upcoming Events
3/15 No School
3/18-3/22 Spring Break 
3/25 K Field Trip
3/27 Safety Patrol Field Trip
3/27 Conference Night
3/28 Kids Beach Club
3/29 FSA Celebration
3/29 National Elementary Honor Society Induction
3/29 Code of Conduct Input Meeting
3/30 Saturday Camp
Thank you to the Golden Pond volunteers who came out to read to our 1st graders. We appreciate all that you do!

Tiger's Den Newsletter 
Please click here for a copy of this month's issue. Thank you! 
Tildenville in the News!
Last Tuesday WKMG Channel 6 (CBS, Orlando) aired a news story on Florida Turnpike Engineers recent visit to Tildenville Elementary to teach 5th graders about road building - using chocolate!

Here is a link to the story.

Rigor in the Classroom Snapshot
Math with Mrs. Gonzalez 

Students in Mrs. Gonzalez's class practice attributes of two-dimensional figures playing "Polygon, There's a Problem!"
Leadership Team

Principal, Agathe Alvarez
CRT/Dual Language Program Coordinator, Julie Hager
ESE, Regan Trampe
Guidance Counselor, Maisha Wilder
Instructional Coach, LaQuanda Fedrick ยท        

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Copyright Notice 
Reproduction of this material, either written or electronically, including the general layout, graphics, analyses, and content topics without the express approval of Target Performance Systems, Inc., a Florida corporation, and OCPS - Tildenville Elementary School is forbidden without written consent.  Thank you for your support of the Orange County Public Schools and especially Tildenville Elementary School. Please contact Principal Agathe Alvarez at with any questions.  
  Tildenville Elementary School | Agathe Alvarez, Principal | 407.877.5054 | TES Website