Bending Granite:
30 Stories about Change
June 23rd Breakfast Discussion
Meet two of our favorite storytellers, Tom Mosgaller and Tim Hallock, as they share stories about compiling a book by 30+ authors from industry, government, education, healthcare, private and public companies, armed services, families, farms, and more.
Each author is an agent of change, with the bruises and scars to prove it. On June 23rd, they will share their stories.
In their book, Bending Granite: Leading Change with Purpose, individual difference-makers share their passion for an organization they cared for deeply. Through persistence and patience, they nudged change forward day by day, one improvement at a time — no big bang, no instant pudding, no quick fixes — only through the steady tap, tap, tap on their individual pieces of granite could they shape but not break the organizations they loved.
Tom and Tim will tell three key stories: how the book got written, its relevance to today’s gnarly problems, and the paradox of bending granite. Without getting into the weeds of change science, but rather the practice of storytelling, Tom and Tim will read from the book, sharing some timeless stories and the lessons captured. Lessons practiced thousands of years in the past and still being practiced and perfected today.
Tim and Tom will offer a light-hearted, fun morning of storytelling and discussion about change. For those interested in more information about Tom and Tim and the book, go to
This session is Thursday, June 23 from 8:00-9:00 CT (optional networking and mingling 7:45-8:00) using Zoom MEETING. Grab your coffee and breakfast and join us for a rich discussion. Free for PEN/WCPE members; $20 for non-members. Several copies of the book will be given out to attendees.
Can’t make it live but interested in the content? Register anyway: all registered attendees get a link to the recording after the session!
About our facilitators
Tom Mosgaller originated the idea for this book. A lifelong community organizer, Tom guides people to take charge and address the inequities around them. He is a change agent by nature and a leader by nurture. He served as the City of Madison’s Director of Quality and Productivity and president of the American Society for Quality (ASQ).
Tim Hallock is a certified quality expert, trainer, and coach dedicated to unleashing the improvement talents of front-line employees. Tim is a performance excellence enthusiast who has supported the Baldrige National Quality Award program as an examiner, and Wisconsin Forward Award program as an applicant, examiner, instructor, and judge.