Shalom Chaverim,

One thing I can say for certain is that Jewish Ottawa is busy. Very, very busy. There has not been a week since I assumed my role mid-summer during which the calendar has been sparse, or the goings-on have been uneventful. I have been pleased to see and join many educational, celebratory, and commemorative events, and I have felt supported and assured while combating antisemitism and engaging in safety planning with incredible staff members and leadership volunteers. Our community is special – and our collective commitment to its current and future success is the power behind everything we do. 

This commitment comes in multiple forms, including the “Four Ts” – time, talent, treasure, and ties. We ask of our staff, our volunteers, and all of you, our caring community members, for any measure of each. We ask you to take time away from family, friends, and personal endeavours. We ask for your special talents. We rely on your willingness to share your treasure – your financial resources. We count on your ties, your social capital, your willingness to share with others about community efforts that are meaningful to you. Please know we are grateful to all who give one or more of the Four Ts for the betterment of our community. 

There are many in Jewish Ottawa who contribute, ensuring our community is vibrant, active, and full of hope. We are in the thick of Federation’s Annual Campaign, the single largest fundraising initiative in our community each year, which provides irreplaceable resources to support Jewish education, family connection, care for our vulnerable, safety and security, community commemorations and celebrations, Holocaust education, microgrants for Jewish engagement, leadership development, removal of financial barriers to participation, care and partnership with Israel and global Jewry, and so much more. This year’s Annual Campaign is experiencing a 13 percent average gift increase so far, demonstrating an incredible commitment to Jewish Ottawa. (Learn more about the Campaign here.)

However, we are far from finished. I hope each of you will find value in our efforts and that you will choose to give generously. If you have already given, thank you! If you have yet to give, but plan to do so, thank you in advance and please consider increasing your gift by whatever capacity you feel you are able. If you are not planning to give, please let me know why. It is up to all of us to make collective impact, and I would very much like to understand why you are choosing not to join us. Sincerely – I want Federation to earn your trust and support. For you. For us. For the good of our community. We can only be our very best if we do so as one. As one collective, yet diverse community. I’ve written before about the nature of making an impact as one person within a larger collective framework. If you’ve not donated or don’t plan to do so, I ask you, today, to consider supporting our community and donate as one part of a much larger whole. In so doing, you join with others in powering today, tomorrow, and the future, ensuring Jewish Ottawa can continue to be its very best. Todah Rabah l’kulam – Thanks very much to all of you!

Shabbat Shalom,  
