Classified Staff
If you were unable to work or, with approval from your supervisor, you did not report to work or work remotely due to the inclement weather on March 4, 2024, please report your regularly scheduled shift as ‘Regular Hours Worked’. These hours should NOT be included in the count for overtime.
If you were able to work, on campus or remotely, on March 4, 2024, please report your hours as regular hours worked. These hours WILL be included in the count for overtime. If you worked overtime, you must code your qualifying hours over 40 hours worked as either ‘Overtime Paid 1.5’ or ‘Comp Time Accrue 1.5’ to ensure you receive overtime pay/compensatory time.
If you had previously scheduled vacation leave or sick time (such as FMLA) on March 4, 2024, please report your leave accordingly.
*If you are on a deferred pay schedule, please reference the below time entry instructions for All Faculty & Non-Classified Staff.