Calling All Scouters and Parents: We Need Your Thoughts About Advancement in the New Registration Session
Greetings Scouters and Parents

As you have heard, the Scouting year has been extended until December 31st, 2020, allowing for additional programming to take place for all current members at no cost to parents and families.

With this change we need to consider the pros and cons of section movement for youth who would be advancing to the next section.

So: we need your help in considering the pros and cons of either moving up in September as they would have, or waiting until January when the new Scouting year will begin.

Your input is valuable to the Scouting Experience team in providing direction on this matter.

How can you take part in sharing your thoughts and ideas? There are two ways to do so. You can do both if you like:

Option 1: Join us tonight Friday June 5th from 7 pm to 7:40 pm for a Zoom chat to discuss. The focus will be entirely about advancement/section movement. All Scouters and parents are welcome to attend. This will be a listening session; I will take your feedback and distribute it to the Scouting Experience Team.

Topic: Discuss Advancement /Section Movement for 2020-21
Time: Jun 5, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 995 8228 9669
Password: 4by2Bw

Option 2: Fill out our handy survey!

Link to survey:

Note: survey closes on Monday June 8th at 5 pm.

We thank you all for your input, patience, and generosity of time on this project.

Yours in Scouting
Shining Waters Council Key 3
Jason, Kit and Nikki
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