STEP 1: Use the 2023/24 AHS Course Catalog and 23/24 Elective Schedule to decide on electives
Consider how your elective choices support your career/college goals. Review the Guide to Course Selection and College Readiness to learn more about what colleges look for in their admissions processes in terms of course selection and rigor. Be sure you are on track to fulfill AHS graduation requirements, which include 24 academic credits distributed as follows:
- 4 Language Art credits
- 4 Social Studies credits
- 4 Math credits
- 3 Science credits
- 1 World Language credit
- 1 Art credit
- 7 Elective credits
If you failed a class this fall or anticipate that you might fail a class this semester, plan to request an elective course that will help you make up that credit. For example, if you failed Math 9, you may want to take Consumer Math or Geometry unless you are planning to take an AHS Summer School class to make up the credit.
Students wishing to move to the next level of language study are required to pass both semesters of their current class. If a student failed in the fall or is at risk of failing this semester, they should reach out to their language teacher to discuss options for credit recovery over the summer.
STEP 2: Use the Scheduling Template to make a plan for the full year
Required core classes happen during specific periods for each grade, leaving other periods for elective choices :
- 9TH GRADE: core classes are periods 1-4; choose an elective and an alternate for each semester in periods 5, 6 and 7; note that one elective period will already be filled with Digital Art
- 10TH GRADE: core classes are periods 3-6; choose an elective and an alternate for each semester in periods 1,2 and 7
- 11TH GRADE: core classes are periods 2-5; choose an elective and an alternate for each semester in periods 1,6 and 7
- 12TH GRADE: core classes are periods 2-5; choose at least 2 electives and alternates for each semester in periods 1,6 and/or 7. May choose up to 4 electives per semester as core classes will take up 3 periods only.
Choose a first choice elective and two alternates for each period not filled with a core class. Choose electives for fall and spring semesters. Choose a fall Osprey Block, plus alternates. Not everyone will get their first choice. Keep in mind that some electives are yearlong and some are only a semester long. Pay attention to prerequisites. An asterisk (*) indicates the course has a prerequisite which must be completed before enrolling or that the course is only available to upper grades.