
Here Is Your Prosperity Meditation:

From: Just Breathe

Click to hear 1-minute relaxation and meditation ( Recorded in "I" mode so you can repeat it as it plays.)

Miracles upon miracles swirl through your door. You greet them with open arms and you keep receiving more. Goodness flows wherever you go. Kindness speaks from soul to soul so each and every one becomes more radiant and whole. Abundance is in your cells and flows through your world with ease. You are now so happy to be alive and life is totally enriching.


© Supporting you in creating an abundant life that truly honors your soul  

Quotes of the Week:

" We soon uncovered that even practicing mindfulness for only a minute or two could make significant changes in the brain." ~Dr. Mark Waldman, author of NeuroWisdom: The New Brain Science of Money, Happiness, and Success
(The minutes you spend here count!)

" The fact that we all suffer means we are all in the same boat, and that's what allows us to feel compassion".
~Lewis Richmond

Dear Ones:

Thank you for your words of comfort about Allie's passing and for the delightful pictures you sent of your animal companions. If I knew how to make a collage, I would post them here. 

Blessings, Lorrie

From the Vault:

Your Reward:

Share this (and your bliss) on social networks...Just click the links above, or forward this newsletter to  
three people who might enjoy it, and in return I will calculate your life destiny number and give you some information about it. 

Email me the month, day and year of your birth.  If I've already calculated your life destiny number, you can still participate by having me  calculate your number for the current year.

Or I can pull a Tarot card for information about your blind spot.
About Me:

 (And so much for humility) :)

"The only regret I have is investing in companies when you told me not to. I always save money or make money when I listen to you." D.K.

"Lorrie, my expectations for the reading were high and you exceeded all of them." Sally Bourrie

"You are thanked in my forthcoming book as one of my greatest teachers. You saw my book over 10 years ago and well before I did. I love you so much." 
Athena Perrakis, creator of the world's largest metaphysical resource website, Sage Goddess.

"I'm not sure if you remember me. We did a reading by phone about a year ago. During the reading, you told me I'd be having a little boy sooner rather than later. I was convinced it was a girl, and was shocked to find out you were right! It is a little boy, and he's due in May."

"Yesterday, a $65 reading with you saved me $4,500!  I'm definitely writing you a testimonial. (Truthfully, I sometimes go to other readers who charge less, but I never have the results that I get with you.)" Janet

"You give so much insight with honesty, integrity, and energetic support and healing and I am truly blessed to have you through the uncertainties of today. Don't know where I'd be without you." xox, Valeria 

"Some years ago when you did an energy space clearing at my office, I asked you about moving. You suddenly looked out the window and pointed. 'One day you're going to relocate right there.' you said, pointing at an empty space.
I had no idea that it would ever happen. Now, that's exactly where I am. It's beautiful and didn't exist that day you saw it." Dr. Silvia Cardona, DDS 

"Wow, what a fantastic reading!!!  With your help I now have a greater sense of peace and tranquility.  I was so moved by your ability to connect me with my [deceased] brother and my mother!  What a gift you have shared with me...thank you a thousand times!
Warmest regards, Susan Johnson

"Lorrie told me I was pregnant the same day, I later learned, I conceived my daughter."
Christine Kloser

Chosen as one of the top
Psychics in a worldwide audition
Edgar Cayce's Association for Research 
& Enlightenment 
Channeled One-Minute Meditations
to Rewire the Brain

Lorrie Kazan
A Psychic Reading Is A Message For Your Soul