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Deadlines are Coming Up Quickly!

In The Spotlight

September 9 & 10

Virtual Fall Conference 2023

Time is Short - Five Days- September 2nd Last Day to Register

September 2nd - just FIVE DAYS AWAY - is the deadline to sign up for the Fall Conference and raffle.

The conference will be held virtually on Saturday, September 9th, and Sunday, September 10th. 

Register once for the Fall Conference and you will receive the links for all six presentations!

More details are below, or click on the button to register!

Register for the Fall Conference Today!

Register by September 15

for our 50th-Anniversary Reception

Registration is now open for the free 50th-anniversary reception we will be holding in-person at our ACGS library in Manchester on Sunday, September 24th, from 11 AM to 3 PM.

Besides mementos from the early years, we will be offering light refreshments and non-alcoholic beverages. In addition, everyone who attends in person will be eligible for a special door prize:

A Free Life Membership in ACGS

You must be present to win!

Members who cannot attend in person due to distance are invited to register so that we may send out a link for you to join us via Zoom.

Please register - it's FREE! - by September 15 so we may plan how much food to provide.

Register for Our Free 50th-Anniversary Reception

Fall Conference Program

Saturday, September 9

11:00 am -12:00 noon

Forrest Hansen

Researching Ancestors in France, Quebec, and the French Caribbean

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm    

Michael J. Leclerc, CG®

History of Law in Quebec

2:15 pm – 3:15 pm   

David Vermette

The Ku Klux Klan and French-Canadians in New England in the 1920s

Sunday, September 10

Robert Perreault

11 am – 12 pm

Robert Perreault & Henri Vaillancourt

French Canadian Expressions

Henri Vaillancourt

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm   

Pierre Gendreau-Hétu

Time Travelling Back to Our French Roots Through Y-DNA: New France Surnames and Cross-Atlantic Genealogy

2:15 pm – 3:15 pm   

Marielle Cote-Gendreau

Migration Patterns of French-Canadians to New England

Register for the Fall Conference

Get Your Conference Raffle Tickets Here!

As in years past, our fall conference features a number of raffle items for members to take a chance on. All entries but one cost $1 a chance; the exception is the Jette book, which we are raffling off at the unheard-of rate of $25 a chance. These books sell for more than $500 a piece; so, what a bargain!

The raffle items are below. Click on the associated link to select your choices. Good luck to all! Bonne chance!

Jette Book

$25 a chance - What a steal!

Raffle Item: The Jette Book

Raffle Item: The Jette Book

50-50 Raffle

You get half, we get half!

50-50 Raffle Item

One-Year Membership

Get a year's membership for the price of a raffle ticket!

One-Year Membership Renewal

Scratch Tickets #1

$25 worth of $1 scratch tickets in each lot.

25 $1 Scratch Tickets

Scratch Tickets #2

Another $25 worth of scratch tickets.

One ticket gives TWO chances to win!

25 $1 Scratch Tickets

$25 Amazon Gift Card

Take your chances!

$25 Amazon Gift Card

$50 Visa Gift Card

Need we say more?

$50 Visa Gift Card
ACGS Library
1 Sundial Avenue, Suite 317,
Manchester, NH 03103
Tel: (603) 622-1554
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