Report Your Monthly Antibiotic Start Data

Dear Long-Term Care (LTC) Facilities,


The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), in partnership with Healthcentric Advisors, is recommending that all Massachusetts LTC Facilities track their monthly antibiotic start data. To make this tracking more actionable for facilities, MDPH encourages you to take advantage of our online antibiotic start reporting survey.


In return for entering monthly data, each facility will receive benchmarking reports and access to specific recommendations from our antibiotic stewardship partners at Tufts Medical Center: Infectious Disease Physicians Shira Doron and Gabriella Andujar, and Kap Sum Foong and Clinical Pharmacist, Maureen Campion, on how to interpret your benchmarking reports and improve antibiotic use in your facility.


As a reminder, participation is voluntary and submitted data will only be shared in aggregate. 


If you haven’t previously participated in this effort, we strongly encourage you to begin today.

Learn More & Access the Online Tool