I've been thinking a lot these days about organization.
Or my general lack of.
My sister Pam and my sister-in-law Liz are the most organized people I know. They have lists for lists. When I'm in either of their homes I can ask for anything (rubber band? piece of string?) They know if they have it and where it is.
I'll never be that organized. I have to hunt for a rubber band, a pair of scissors, sometimes even a pen.
What I've learned from both of them though is that there is a level of organization I can achieve if I commit a small amount of myself to it. It involves that old saying
"a place for everything and everything in its place".
I bring this up this time of year because I think it is a great opportunity to get organized. No, it's not Spring which is when everyone thinks of Spring cleaning. It's actually late Summer. The time we are supposed to be lazy and let stuff just slide by.
Here's the thing: I'm guessing that if I get just a little organized this August I'm going to feel so much better heading into Fall.
It will look different for everyone but here's how I'm starting:
- Choose a closet a week to empty and organize. If you are like me you have a closet in each room. And let's be honest, not all of the stuff we've collected is necessary.
- Look around each room. What is cluttering your space? Get rid of it and move on.
- Get the "junk" out the door. Take it to Goodwill, consignment or to a good friend you think would love your stuff. Bottom line, it needs to leave your house right away.
Usually I talk about clothing closets but today I'm talking all closets, drawer and storage rooms.
I'm planning on moving towards Fall knowing where my rubber bands and string are. Just like my sister and sister-in-law.
I challenge you to do the same.
Happy cleaning!