June 2021
Monday morning inspirations

I’ve had the good fortune to meet, and then get to know, a leader by the name of Sean Hanlon.

Sean is the CEO of Dillon Consulting, an employee-owned professional consulting firm with 20 offices and more than 900 employees across Canada.

We’ve had many great discussions over these last many months on so many fronts, including navigating change, on leadership, and on engaging your people. What has struck me about Sean is how genuine he is, how much he cares.
At the start of each week, Sean sends off his “Monday Message” to his employees, and it is far from your typical corporate missive. It’s not chock full of talk about sales targets, corporate goals, benchmarks. 

It’s most often a deeply personal reflection, intended only to provoke thought or to inspire. And it comes from the heart.

Welcoming Lynn Lauzier to Vision Coaching
Lynn Lauzier brings a wealth of personal experience to her work as a leadership coach, particularly the ability to regroup and pursue new opportunities during difficult times.

Lynn was well-established in the business sector where she worked for nearly 30 years in various marketing and sales departments, leading multiple teams and nurturing new talent as a sales manager. Then Lise Watier Cosmétiques, a Canadian cosmetic company she had been with for many years was sold and she found herself looking for her next opportunity.

The ability to pivot is a quality leadership coaches try to nurture in their clients, and Lynn knows from her own experience how important it is for success in business, and in life.

“It was a blessing in disguise,” says Lynn, a fluently bilingual coach who is the newest addition to the Vision Coaching roster.

Ahmed's story: Nothing is impossible
I found inspiration recently in the story of a teen from war-torn Somalia who spent most of his life in refugee camps before fleeing with his family to Canada, settling in the city of Saint John. 

I can only imagine how difficult the transition would be to a new land, adjusting to a new language and culture. Especially so for a teenager.

Despite it all, Ahmed drew inspiration from a simple sign he noticed hanging in his high school classroom.

“Nothing,” it declared, “is impossible.”

Success through a journey of discovery
Over two decades, Ralph Stephen successfully built his local business to a large regional enterprise, earning national and international recognition along the way.

In a recent episode of The Boiling Point, Ralph shares how that success takes more than just a focus on financial and business growth. He talks about his journey of discovery in defining his own personal values, than those of his company.
“Look inward, look within your team, to define what you think success should be,” says Ralph, president of Royal LePage Atlantic. 

“It'll be a lot more fulfilling to set that foundation and then, to tap into that overused statement, the world your oyster. You can go figure out what you want to do from there,” he told me and my Boiling Point co-host Greg Hemmings.

“But you’ve got to have that strong foundation. Otherwise, it's just hand-to-hand combat.”

For more, listen to or watch the full Boiling Point episode.
Harvard Business Review
As pandemic restrictions ease, leaders are grappling with returning their teams back to the office. The Harvard Business Review has insightful advice for leaders in How to Lead Your Team Through the Transition Back to the Office. I particularly appreciated the emphasis on honesty, empathy, and finding moments of joy.
Also timely is Three Simple Leadership Actions to Help Stressed-Out Employees, an article in Inc. magazine that acknowledges the toll that the pandemic has had on workers and provides advice on rebuilding psychological safety after the crisis.
Recently, Forbes noted: “Everything rises or falls on leadership. If you want to bring about lasting change – shift mindsets, influence behaviors, and accelerate results, it starts with leaders leading themselves exceptionally well.” Sage advice follows The Leadership Essentials: 5 Things Every Leader Must Get Right.