Deborah Shares Healing Gifts

Deborah Shares Egyptian Goddess Symbol "Katra"

Hello Friends! Happy Fall!

Goddess Reiki came to us as we were teachers of Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki with the International Center for Reiki Training. Goddess Reiki feels different from Holy Fire Usui and Karuna Reiki only in that it seems simpler and sustained improvements are easier to recognize and allow for. It's an energy to purify thought processes and emotional attitudes to develop qualities of practical maternal wisdom and compassionate nurturing as a way of being. We're more inclined to allow for miracles from a higher order.

We use and teach the same Usui symbols and methods. The result is different. Reiki is mysterious in that it can be accessed differently by each individual. That is how we came to know a new style of Reiki from Divine Feminine. Our experiences with Holy Fire and Usui were always remarkable and inspiring. I felt the presence of Jesus so many times. Many people whom I provided Reiki for shared about visions of Jesus in my sessions and classes. I recognize the grace of this new Goddess Reiki is Mother Mary - the Divine Feminine nurturing of unconditional love. jesus hasn't gone away. He still remains an important guide and encourages my work with the Holy Mother and Dakins, and Padmasambhava. Others may have other ways that they experience it and each time may be different as we and the Reiki are constantly evolving together. We respect that aspect of Reiki. Reiki can change the way you experience it depending upon your personal spiritual development and devotion to spiritual practices in your life.

Wisdom Dakinis are exotic and exciting and exceptional healers and guides! Wisdom Dakinis offers unique, unforgettable experiences. They introduced themselves to us in ways that seemed familiar. When the symbols arrived in an intuitive download, we both participated in the miracle. Peter had studied Dzogen and learned to access his intuitive awareness many years before he took Reiki training. Deborah had been practicing a meditation known as Ishaya Ascension for sixteen years. She has been devoted to teaching and practicing Usui Reiki as a health and life coach since 2010.

An interesting thing occurred when the symbols arrived in an intuitive download: Deborah awakened to a knowledge of Buddhist Wisdom as if she'd been studying it for many lifetimes! She matched the symbols with the Five Buddha Families, Padma, Karma, Buddha, Ratna, and Vajra. She knew many Sanskrit and Tibetan words and many other aspects of the teaching in a sudden download. She had never studied anything about Tibet, dharma, Dakinis, or Padmasambhava. She'd never heard of them before Peter introduced her to them in his "Yeshe" story. She absorbed a sudden awakening written within her in Dakini script. She realized that she carried terma, unique teachings for her to reveal when the time was right.  

Our experiences with this new way of doing Reiki and receiving the ancient wisdom from the Five Dakinis has been nothing short of miraculous! The way we received the Ganesh symbol in a nature setting as drawn in the sand on a dune at the Oregon Coast was amazing, too! Ganesh symbol came to us years before the Dakinis symbols did. We weren't sure what to do with the symbol until we understood how to activate the five Wisdom Dakini symbols with the Egyptian Queen symbol.

Deborah received Katra, the mysterious Egyptian Symbol, in her Karuna Reiki training in Seattle in September 2010. That symbol known as the Queen symbol is used to spark all the other symbols in the spirit body. It has taken us years to develop this much. More will be sure to be revealed as others use it, too.

We send our love and blessings to each of you! May life be a fantastic expereince of unusual and delightfully unexpected gifts of healing love and good times. Dance! Be joyful and remember to PLAY! Become childlike and innocent to enter the kingdom.

Deborah O'Brien and Peter Huhtala

Come see Deborah at a public event each month on second Saturday.

Metaphysical Fair at 1316 NW 23rd New Renaissance Bookshop October 12 from 1 til 5pm. It's free!

Ishaya Ascension Meditation Training

Start a new meditation practice. Go deeper. Clear stress from your mind in an automated process of attitudes of Praise, Gratitude, Love, and Compassion. Simple, easy, effective, peaceful.

Beautiful puja ceremony for Compassion attitude. Plenty of time to practice.

Hosted at Holy Love Reiki in Tigard for two days in November.

Saturday and Sunday NOVEMBER 23 & 24. Fee $333

Further information and registration accessed by clicking HERE

Sundari and Ishtar Ishaya will present the training for Ishaya Ascension.

Holy Love Reiki Website Link

Holy Love Reiki Offerings

Wisdom Dakini - Online or in Tigard

Recieve Katra spark actrivations of five sacred symbols to engage with Five Wisdom Dakinis who provide development of practical wisdom for living in alignment with primordial truth. Gain access to your personal wisdom truths to live by.

Learn to use the experience of Guru Yoga to connect with your personal Altruistic Spirit Guides.

Learn practices to enjoy the real experience of the Master Padmasambhava and the Five Dakinis with symbols that enliven awareness of ancient spiritual wisdom teachings in a gradual ongoing way.

August 6 & 7

August 31 & Sept 1

Two Days Fee $533

Learn More

Tibetan Buddhist Master Padmasambhava

Om Ah Hum

Vajra Guru

Pema Siddhi


Goddess Reiki 1 & 2

Online & in Tigard

Learn the history of three masters who started Usui Reiki in Japan and America over 100 years ago.

Learn to use Ten Intuitive Usui Reiki Techniques.

Receive the Katra Goddess Spark activations in your spirit body one for each of the Three Usui Reiki Symbols.

Learn to use Usui Reiki symbols intuitively in sessions for self and others including pets.

Wednesdays August 14 or 28th or Saturday, August 24

9am - 5pm

Fee $333

Online or in Tigard at Summer Lake Park.

Learn More

Peter Huhtala Sessions In Tigard

Traditional Reiki

In the Intuitive Usui Style

and other approaches.

35 Minutes for $100

Excellent opportunity to try Reiki.

Contact Peter 503-468-8038

Reiki Sessions with Deborah

Intuitively guided Reiki sessions and energy release provided in person or online.

Text, call or email to set appointment

$125.00 + gift of gratitude

$20.00 -$500.00

Deborah M 503-706-0908


Food Wisdom Recipes for Healthy Living

Gluten Free and Sugar Free Banana Spice Cake

1 1/2 cup almond flour 1 cup masshed ripe banana

1/2 tsp baking soda 2 eggs

1/4 tsp salt 1/8 cup coconut oil

1/2 Tbsp Cinnamon 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup

1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/2 cup chopped dates

Mix dry ingredients and wet ingredients in separate bowls. Then add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well. Bake in 9 x 9 baking dish in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.

You can add some kind of frosting if you like. I like butter frosting but that adds sugar so if you prefer not to use sugar at all you can make some other topping. Get creative!

Contact Deborah for Health Coaching